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The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) has recaptured the escaped Japanese macaque that led authorities on a high-profile chase for nearly five days.

The macaque in question escaped its enclosure at Scotland’s Highland Wildlife Park zoo on Sunday, prompting a frenzied search throughout the region. Japanese macaques, of course, aren’t exactly Scottish locals; the event has reportedly been quite the ordeal for the area, especially considering how deft the monkey proved at evading recapture.

“You would think we were chasing an international fugitive,” area local Carl Nagle, who caught sight of the macaque on Sunday night as it chomped down on the Scotsman’s backyard birdseed, told The New York Times earlier this week, “instead of an innocent monkey.”

Deloitte’s Global Generative AI Innovation Leader Nitin Mittal and Tomorrow CEO Mike Walsh explore the Fifth Industrial Revolution in which the catalyst for societal transformation is the augmentation and expansion of human intelligence.

Given the recency of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it might be a surprise that we are on the verge of an entirely new one. Rapid progress in computation, connectivity, and artificial intelligence (AI)—accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic—has brought forward the timeline for transformation. While prior industrial revolutions were premised on gains in operational efficiency, the next revolution will be powered by minds, not just machines—where the catalyst for societal transformation is the augmentation and expansion of human intelligence.

A team from TU Dortmund University recently succeeded in producing a highly durable time crystal that lived millions of times longer than could be shown in previous experiments. By doing so, they have corroborated an extremely interesting phenomenon that Nobel Prize laureate Frank Wilczek postulated around ten years ago and which had already found its way into science fiction movies.

The results have been published in Nature Physics.

Crystals or, to be more precise, in space, are periodic arrangements of atoms over large length scales. This arrangement gives crystals their fascinating appearance, with smooth facets like in gemstones.

The US is dealing with an “out-of-controlepidemic of sexually transmitted infections, according to the National Coalition of STD Directors.

The warning comes after the release of an annual data report on STIs by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The exasperation of public health officials can be felt in the very first sentence of the online announcement.

In research that could jumpstart work toward the quantum internet, researchers at MIT and the University of Cambridge have built and tested an exquisitely small device that could allow the quick, efficient flow of quantum information over large distances.

Key to the device is a “microchiplet” made of diamond in which some of the diamond’s carbon atoms are replaced with atoms of tin. The team’s experiments indicate that the device, consisting of waveguides for the light to carry the , solves a paradox that has stymied the arrival of large, scalable quantum networks.

Quantum information in the form of quantum bits, or qubits, is easily disrupted by environmental noise, like magnetic fields, that destroys the information. So on one hand, it’s desirable to have qubits that don’t interact strongly with the environment. On the other hand, however, those qubits need to strongly interact with the light, or photons, key to carrying the information over distances.

In the future, soft robots will be able to perform tasks that cannot be done by conventional robots. These soft robots could be used in terrain that is difficult to access and in environments where they are exposed to chemicals or radiation that would harm electronically controlled robots made of metal. This requires such soft robots to be controllable without any electronics, which is still a challenge in development.

A research team at the University of Freiburg has now developed 3D-printed pneumatic logic modules that control the movements of soft robots using air pressure alone. These modules enable logical switching of the air flow and can thus imitate electrical control.

The modules make it possible for the first time to produce flexible and electronics-free soft robots entirely in a 3D printer using conventional filament printing material.