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Jun 13, 2023

Former Samsung exec accused of stealing data to build copycat chip plant in China

Posted by in categories: computing, electronics

A former executive of Samsung Electronics stole the juggernaut’s confidential semiconductor data to build a copycat chip facility in China, South Korean prosecutors alleged on Monday.

The 65-year-old defendant, who also previously worked for Korean chipmaker SK Hynix, has been arrested. He has been accused of violating industrial technology protection laws and stealing trade secrets from 2018 to 2019 to establish a copy of Samsung’s semiconductor plant, just 1.5 kilometers away from Samsung chip factory in Xi’an, China.

The ex-Samsung exec’s attempt to build the copycat chip plant allegedly fell through after his backer, purportedly an undisclosed Taiwanese company, canceled more than a $6 billion (approximately 8 trillion won) investment into the project, prosecutors said. Instead, he received capital from investors in China and Taiwan to produce trial chip products based on Samsung’s technology.

Jun 13, 2023

Dr Brandon Berry, PhD — Exploring Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, Optogenetics, Human Health And Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, genetics, life extension

Exploring Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, Optogenetics, Human Health And Aging — Dr. Brandon Berry, Ph.D., University of Washington.

Dr. Brandon Berry, Ph.D. ( is a postdoctoral researcher in the Kaeberlein Laboratory at University of Washington where his research focuses on how aging and metabolism are linked.

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Jun 13, 2023

New scientific findings reveal neuroinflammation as key factor in alcohol-induced pain

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Researchers at Scripps Research have discovered that chronic alcohol consumption can increase sensitivity to pain through two distinct molecular mechanisms: one related to alcohol intake and the other to alcohol withdrawal. This finding, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, sheds light on the intricate relationship between alcohol and pain.

The researchers sought to better understand the relationship between chronic pain and alcohol use disorder. They wanted to investigate the underlying causes of different types of alcohol-related pain, such as alcoholic neuropathy and allodynia, and how they develop at the spinal cord level. The researchers aimed to examine the role of microglia, immune cells in the central nervous system, in the development of chronic alcohol-induced allodynia and neuropathy.

Alcoholic neuropathy refers to nerve damage caused by long-term excessive alcohol consumption. It is a type of peripheral neuropathy that affects the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for transmitting signals between the brain, spinal cord, and the rest of the body.

Jun 13, 2023

Photographer Captures ISS Crossing the Sun During Astronaut Spacewalk

Posted by in categories: cosmology, solar power, sustainability

An astrophotographer captured the ISS crossing the Sun as two astronauts were conducting a spacewalk to install solar panels.

Jun 13, 2023

First ever beaming of orbital solar power

Posted by in categories: business, satellites, solar power, sustainability

The transition to renewable energy, critical for the world’s future, is limited today by energy storage and transmission challenges. Beaming solar power from space is an elegant solution that […] promises a remarkable payoff for humanity: a world powered by uninterruptible renewable energy.

The California Institute of Technology reports the first successful beaming of solar energy from space down to a receiver on the ground, via the MAPLE instrument on its SSPD-1 spacecraft.

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Jun 13, 2023

Researchers provide comprehensive review of quantum teleportation

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

A team led by Prof. Guo Guangcan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) provides a comprehensive overview of the progress achieved in the field of quantum teleportation. The team, which includes Prof. Hu Xiaomin, Prof. Guo Yu, Prof. Liu Biheng, and Prof. Li Chuanfeng from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), CAS, was invited to publish a review paper on quantum teleportation in Nature Review Physics.

As one of the most important protocols in the field of quantum information, has attracted great attention since it was proposed in 1993. Through entanglement distribution and Bell-state measurement, quantum teleportation enables the nonlocal transmission of an unknown quantum state, which has deepened the understanding of quantum entanglement. More importantly, quantum teleportation can effectively overcome the distance limitation of direct transmission of quantum states in quantum communication, as well as realize long-range interactions between different quantum bits in .

The team has been at the forefront of experimental studies on high-dimensional quantum teleportation and quantum networks. Their notable achievements include the successful preparation of the world’s highest fidelity 32-dimensional quantum entanglement, the effective transmission of high-dimensional entanglement over 11 kilometers of optical fiber, and the development of efficient techniques for quantum entanglement detection. They have also made significant progress in areas such as high-dimensional quantum dense coding, high-dimensional quantum guidance, and high-dimensional quantum .

Jun 13, 2023

The ‘world’s first space factory’ has successfully been deployed

Posted by in categories: materials, space

Varda Space Industries aims to kickstart a new era of mass production of pharmaceuticals and other materials from Earth’s orbit.

A California-based startup co-founded by a SpaceX veteran, Varda Space Industries, announced it has successfully deployed its first satellite, W-Series 1, in orbit.

The company aims to kickstart the mass production of materials in space that either can’t be produced on Earth or are developed faster and with higher quality in microgravity conditions.

Jun 13, 2023

New optical fiber cable transmits at the speed of 17 million internet connections

Posted by in categories: computing, mobile phones

It has 19 cores which can each carry a signal and can be adopted without any infrastructure changes.

An international collaboration of researchers has achieved a new speed record after transferring 1.7 petabits of data over 41 miles (67 km) of standard optical fiber cable. That’s the equivalent speed of 17 million broadband internet connections.

Optical fiber cables are a critical component of the modern world of the internet, where they connect data centers, satellite ground stations, mobile phone towers as well as continents to one another.

Jun 13, 2023

Scientists accidentally discover a Tatooine-like exoplanet that orbits two stars

Posted by in categories: innovation, space

BEBOP-1c is the newly discovered planet, while the first one in this system is TOI-1338b.

The term ‘Tatooine’ is pretty popular in science fiction series such as Star Wars.

Now, in a huge breakthrough, scientists have discovered a new exoplanet in an already known Tatooine system or circumbinary system.

Jun 13, 2023

How to bring back the dead

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, ethics, internet, quantum physics, transhumanism

Here’s my new article for Aporia Magazine. A lot of wild ideas in it. Give it a read:

Regardless of the ethics and whether the science can even one day be worked out for Quantum Archaeology, the philosophical dilemma it presents to Pascal’s Wager is glaring. If humans really could eradicate the essence of death as we know it—including even the ability to ever permanently die—Pascal’s Wager becomes unworkable. Frankly, so does my Transhumanist Wager. After all, why should I dedicate my life and energy to living indefinitely through science when, by the next century, technology could bring me back exactly as I was—or even as an improved version of myself?

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