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Scientists have been pretty sure that our universe is expanding at a rapid rate, but no one exactly knew how. Now, a new theory suggests that our universe might be expanding by colliding and eventually absorbing “baby” parallel universes.

This theory was published in a science paper called the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics in December 2023. In the study, scientists proposed the idea that the expansion of the universe may be a result of it constantly merging with other universes.

Urokinase therapy improves diabetic foot ulcer healing and decreases CV events in diabetes patients suggests a new study published in the BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.

Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a disabling complication of diabetes mellitus. Here, we attempted to assess whether long-term intrafemoral artery infusion of low-dose urokinase therapy improved Diabetic foot ulcers and decreased cardiovascular events in patients with Diabetic foot ulcers were randomized to continuous intrafemoral thrombolysis or conventional therapy groups. The continuous intrafemoral thrombolysis group received continuous intrafemoral urokinase injection for 7 days, and conventional therapy just received wound debridement and dressing change. Then, a follow-up of average 6.5 years was performed. Results: Compared with conventional therapy, at the first 1 month of intervention stage, the ulcers achieved a significant improvement in continuous intrafemoral thrombolysis group including a complete closure (72.4% vs 17.5%), an improved ulcer (27.6% vs 25.8%), unchanged or impaired ulcer (0% vs 56.7%). During the 6.

Chemists at RIKEN have developed a method for making synthetic derivatives of the natural dye indigo that doesn’t require harsh conditions. This discovery could inspire advances in electronic devices, including light-responsive gadgets and stretchy biomedical sensors.

Semiconductors based on organic molecules are attracting much interest because—unlike conventional rigid semiconductors based on silicon—they could be flexible, ductile and lightweight, opening up new possibilities for designing semiconductor devices.

Organic molecules also have the advantage of realizing a broad range of structures. “Organic semiconductors have flexibility in molecular design, enabling them to adopt new functionalities,” says Keisuke Tajima of the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, who led the research.

From the article: As much as 55,000 tons (50,000 metric tons) of hydrogen could lurk in the reservoir beneath the mine — enough to sustain the high flow rate for 238 years, according to the study.

A portion of ancient oceanic crust that sits atop Albania and hosts one of the largest chromium mines on Earth also contains a huge hydrogen reservoir, offering a potential source of clean energy.