GPT-5 on the horizon, as Altman drops hints.
A flat sheet of atoms can act as a kind of antenna that absorbs light and funnels its energy into carbon nanotubes, making them glow brightly. This advance could aid the development of tiny future light-emitting devices that will exploit quantum effects.
Diamond is the strongest material known. However, another form of carbon has been predicted to be even tougher than diamond. The challenge is how to create it on Earth.
The eight-atom body-centered cubic (BC8) crystal is a distinct carbon phase: not diamond, but very similar. BC8 is predicted to be a stronger material, exhibiting a 30% greater resistance to compression than diamond. It is believed to be found in the center of carbon-rich exoplanets. If BC8 could be recovered under ambient conditions, it could be classified as a super-diamond.
This crystalline high-pressure phase of carbon is theoretically predicted to be the most stable phase of carbon under pressures surpassing 10 million atmospheres.
In preparation for a permanent human colony on the Moon, DARPA has awarded a contract to Northrop Grumman to develop a lunar railway concept, as part of the 10-year Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) Capability Study.
Running a train on the Moon may seem profoundly silly, but there is some very firm logic behind it. Even as the first astronauts were landing on the Sea of Tranquility in 1969, it was realized that a permanent human presence on Mars would require an infrastructure to maintain it. That includes mines for water ice, nuclear power plants, factories, and railways.
Though many people think the Moon is small, it is, in fact, a very large place with a surface area equivalent to that of Africa. Over such an expanse, even a limited presence would require some sort of a transport system to link various outposts and activities.
In the last decade, the advances made into the reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) led to great improvements towards their use as models of diseases. In particular, in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, iPSCs technology allowed to culture in vitro all types of patient-specific neural cells, facilitating not only the investigation of diseases’ etiopathology, but also the testing of new drugs and cell therapies, leading to the innovative concept of personalized medicine. Moreover, iPSCs can be differentiated and organized into 3D organoids, providing a tool which mimics the complexity of the brain’s architecture. Furthermore, recent developments in 3D bioprinting allowed the study of physiological cell-to-cell interactions, given by a combination of several biomaterials, scaffolds, and cells.
Human brain organoids are an intrinsically self-organized neuronal ensemble grown from three-dimensional assemblies of human-iPSCs. As shown here, brain organoids offer a window into the complex neuronal activity that emerges from intrinsically-formed circuits capable of mirroring aspects of the developing human brain32. Applying high-density CMOS MEA to large multi-cellular networks spanning millimeters of the brain organoid cross-sections we isolated single-unit activity and computed the timing of successive action potentials not due to refractoriness referred to as ISIs. As observed in neocortical neurons in vivo, we observed action potentials with irregular ISI’s that followed a Poisson-like process. From a set of 224 neurons analyzed from four different organoids, 16% ± 8% of the total units fit a Poisson distribution (Fig. 3) with, by definition, the CV approaches one for a perfectly homogenous Poisson process, whereas purely periodic distributions have CV values of zero. Thus, a minority fraction of ISIs were highly irregular (Fig. 3), whereas a majority displayed comparatively more regular spiking patterns with less variation (denoted by a lower CV), which may function to send lower-noise spike-rate signals. ISI distributions have also been fitted to gamma distributions that are mathematically equivalent to an exponential distribution when the shape parameter (k) is one and converges to a normal distribution for large k, thus providing a useful measure of ISI-regularity similar to the CV28. Depending on architectonically defined brain regions with specialized cellular compositions and intrinsic circuitry, neurons process information differently67,68,69. Indeed, neuronal firing varies considerably across cortical regions of monkeys28,70,71. Therefore, different organizational features across the brain organoid may exhibit different dynamics to account for the observed ISI distributions. The minority fraction of irregular ISI distributions may be a feature of higher levels of entropy and circuit complexity and contain increased capacity for computation and information transfer as found in prefrontal cortex compared to more regular firing patters found in motor regions28.
We derived a graph of weighted edges that couple single unit node pairs to send and receive spikes over a wide spatial range. Due to the thickness of our organoid slices, many neurons in the slice are too far from any electrode for their spikes to be detected53. Thus, we cannot rule out the possibility that intermediate undetected neurons may account for the coupling between two correlated units. The graph does not imply downstream or upstream routes of information transfer beyond the individual binary couplings. Importantly, what the network does demonstrate is a non-random pattern of a relatively small number of statistically strong (reliable) couplings against a backdrop of weaker couplings. As demonstrated in the murine brain51,52, high anatomical connection strength edges shape a non-random framework against a background of weaker ones (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 14). The majority of the singe units (nodes), which we refer to as brokers, have large proportions of incoming and outgoing edges. The dynamic balance among receivers and senders could likely reflect short-term plasticity72.
Brain organoids—composed of roughly one million cells—have neuronal assemblies of sufficient size, cellular orientation, connectivity and co-activation capable of generating field potentials in the extracellular space from their collective transmembrane currents. The basis for low frequency LFPs may be the cellular diversity that emerges in the organoid from the variety of GABAergic cells (Fig. 2), consistent with their role in the generation of highly correlated activity networks detected as LFPs31, parvalbumin cells (Fig. 2c), associated with sustaining network dynamics73, and axon tracts that extended over millimeters (Fig. 2b). Coherence of theta oscillations over spatial extents of the organoid was observed and was unlikely due to volume conduction from distant sources, as happens in EEG and MEG measurements54, because the voltage recordings were conducted within a small tissue volume (≈3.5 mm3). Consistent with minimal volume conduction effects, we validated theta oscillations by demonstrating that the imaginary part of coherency54 projected onto the same spatial locations identified by cross-correlation analysis (Supplementary Fig. 19). Correlations between theta oscillations and local neuronal firing (Fig. 7) strongly supported a local source for the rhythmic activity19,20,53. The local volume through which theta dispersed extended to the z-dimension as shown with the Neuropixels shank (Fig. 9).
Here we show that DS2 is an online, synchronous population event accompanied by widespread increases in neural activity and brief arousalions. On the basis of the stationary activation of place cells with fields close to the mouse’s current location, we propose that DS2 may serve as a mechanism to regularly ground the hippocampal representation of position in an environment during immobility. Rapidly switching between current (DS2) and remote (SPW-R) locations would enable cognitive flexibility that varies with sudden changes in the animal’s internal state or changes in the environment (for example, a startling noise). Synchronous neural activity during DS2 may provide opportunity windows for synaptic plasticity, consistent with our findings linking DS2 to associative memory formation.
At the microcircuit level, distinct brain states are shaped by the non-uniform recruitment of local inhibitory cells, which are key for directing information flow27. As arousal-activated AACs heterogeneously innervate principal cells19,20 and are highly active during DS2 but mostly silent during SPW-Rs, this GABAergic cell (and probably others, such as TORO cells) may be important in regulating the distinct ensemble activity between DS2 and SPW-Rs. At a network level, DS2 is thought to be primarily triggered by the medial entorhinal cortex, which contains neurons that encode self-referenced movement variables, locations and environmental borders28,29,30. This self-referenced spatial input may indeed be key for recruiting spatially tuned hippocampal cells corresponding to an animal’s current position during DS2. Both tones and air puffs reliably evoked DS2 and promoted current position encoding, but the identity of the stimulus (tone versus puff) could not be reliably decoded.
In the past 10 years, gene-editing and organoid culture have completely changed the process of biology. Congenital nervous system malformations are difficult to study due to their polygenic pathogenicity, the complexity of cellular and neural regions of the brain, and the dysregulation of specific neurodevelopmental processes in humans. Therefore, the combined application of CRISPR-Cas9 in organoid models may provide a technical platform for studying organ development and congenital diseases. Here, we first summarize the occurrence of congenital neurological malformations and discuss the different modeling methods of congenital nervous system malformations. After that, it focuses on using organoid to model congenital nervous system malformations. Then we summarized the application of CRISPR-Cas9 in the organoid platform to study the pathogenesis and treatment strategies of congenital nervous system malformations and finally looked forward to the future.
Keywords: organoid, CRISPR-Cas9, congenital nervous system malformation, central nervous system, 3D
Brain organoids have become increasingly used systems allowing 3D-modeling of human brain development, evolution, and disease. To be able to make full use of these modeling systems, researchers have developed a growing toolkit of genetic modification techniques. These techniques can be applied to mature brain organoids or to the preceding embryoid bodies (EBs) and founding cells. This review will describe techniques used for transient and stable genetic modification of brain organoids and discuss their current use and respective advantages and disadvantages. Transient approaches include adeno-associated virus (AAV) and electroporation-based techniques, whereas stable genetic modification approaches make use of lentivirus (including viral stamping), transposon and CRISPR/Cas9 systems. Finally, an outlook as to likely future developments and applications regarding genetic modifications of brain organoids will be presented.
The development of brain organoids (Kadoshima et al., 2013; Lancaster et al., 2013) has opened up new ways to study brain development and evolution as well as neurodevelopmental disorders. Brain organoids are multicellular 3D structures that mimic certain aspects of the cytoarchitecture and cell-type composition of certain brain regions over a particular developmental time window (Heide et al., 2018). These structures are generated by differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into embryoid bodies followed by, or combined, with neural induction (Kadoshima et al., 2013; Lancaster et al., 2013). In principle, two different classes of brain organoid protocols can be distinguished, namely: (i) the self-patterning protocols which produce whole-brain organoids; and (ii) the pre-patterning protocols which produce brain region-specific organoids (Heide et al., 2018).
It is with sadness — and deep appreciation of my friend and colleague — that I must report the passing of Vernor Vinge.
The technological singularity —or simply the singularity[1] —is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.[2][3] According to the most popular version of the singularity hypothesis, I. J. Good’s intelligence explosion model, an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a “runaway reaction” of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an “explosion” in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence.[4]
The first person to use the concept of a “singularity” in the technological context was the 20th-century Hungarian-American mathematician John von Neumann.[5] Stanislaw Ulam reports in 1958 an earlier discussion with von Neumann “centered on the accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue”.[6] Subsequent authors have echoed this viewpoint.[3][7]