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Generative AI is quite impressive and has been the common denominator (in most cases) when tapping into new opportunities and unlocking new heights in the tech landscape. Microsoft has significantly benefited from the technology and is currently ranking as the world’s most valuable company, ahead of Apple with over $3 trillion in market capitalization. Market analysts attribute part of this success to its early investment and adoption of AI across its products and services.

Still, AI encounters its fair share of setbacks coupled with controversies and rumors. Perhaps one of the main challenges facing the technology is the lack of elaborate measures and guardrails to prevent it from spiraling out of control.

While relevant parties continue to try to establish control over the technology, billionaire Elon Musk predicts AI will be more intelligent than humans by the end of 2026 (via Business Insider). Musk shared these sentiments in an interview with Norges Bank CEO Nicolai Tangen on X (formerly Twitter).

Photonic quantum computation, a type of quantum computation that uses light particles or photons, is divided into two main categories: discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) photonic quantum computation. Both have been realized experimentally and can be combined to overcome individual limitations. Photonic quantum computation is important as it can perform specific computational tasks more efficiently. It has several advantages, including the ability to observe and engineer quantum phenomena at room temperature, maintain coherence, and be engineered using mature technologies. The future of photonic quantum computing looks promising due to the significant progress in photonic technology.

Photonic quantum computation is a type of quantum computation that uses photons, particles of light, as the physical system for performing the computation. Photons are ideal for quantum systems because they operate at room temperature and photonic technologies are relatively mature. The field of photonic quantum computation is divided into two main categories: discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) photonic quantum computation.

In DV photonic quantum computation, quantum information is represented by one or more modal properties, such as polarization, that take on distinct values from a finite set. Quantum information is processed via operations on these modal properties and eventually measured using single photon detectors. On the other hand, in CV photonic quantum computation, quantum information is represented by properties of the electromagnetic field that take on any value in an interval, such as position. The electromagnetic field is transformed via Gaussian and non-Gaussian operations and then detected via homodyne detection.

Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum information can be transmitted from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. This process is not to be confused with teleportation as depicted in science fiction, where matter is instantaneously transported from one location to another. Instead, quantum teleportation involves the transfer of quantum states between particles at different locations without any physical movement of the particles themselves.

In a recent study by Isiaka Aremua and Laure Gouba, the researchers explored the teleportation of a qubit using exotic entangled coherent states. A qubit, or quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information. It is a quantum system that can exist in any superposition of its two basis states. The researchers used a system of an electron moving on a plane in uniform external magnetic and electric fields to construct different classes of coherent states.

Coherent states are specific states of a quantum harmonic oscillator. They are often described as the quantum equivalent of classical states because they closely resemble the behavior of classical particles. In the context of quantum teleportation, coherent states are used to form entangled states, which are crucial for the teleportation process.

How optimistic.

First, a little background. With 200 billion trillion (ish) stars in the universe and 13.7 billion years that have elapsed since it all began, you might be wondering where all the alien civilizations are at. This is the basic question behind the Fermi paradox, the tension between our suspicions of the potential for life in the universe (given planets found in habitable zones, etc) and the fact that we have only found one planet with an intelligent (ish) species inhabiting it.

One solution, or at least a way of thinking about the problem, is known as the Great Filter. Proposed by Robin Hanson of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, the argument goes that given the lack of observed technologically advanced alien civilizations, there must be a great barrier to the development of life or civilization that prevents them from getting to a stage where they are making big, detectable impacts on their environment that we can witness from Earth.

There could be other reasons why we haven’t heard from aliens yet, ranging from us simply not listening for long enough (or not searching for the right signals from aliens, due to our technological immaturity) to aliens deliberately keeping us in a galactic zoo. But if the Great Filter idea is correct, we don’t know what point we are at along it.

Astronomers have produced the largest 3D map of the universe, which can be explored in an interactive VR video. In the process, they’ve uncovered some tantalizing hints that our understanding of physics, including the ultimate fate of the cosmos, could be wrong.

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is a huge international project to map out the universe in three dimensions, which began collecting data in 2021. This early version of the map only includes data collected during the first year – 5.7 million galaxies and quasars out of the planned goal of 40 million. This data allows the scientists to peer as far as 11 billion light-years into deep space and time, providing a glimpse into the very early universe with an unprecedented precision of less than 1%.

With a view that zoomed-out, the cosmos resembles a colossal web, made up of bright strands of galaxies separated by unimaginably empty voids. If you feel up for an existential crisis, check out this VR fly-through video and remember that each of these blurry blobs of light is an entire galaxy, each containing millions of stars and billions of planets.