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Dec 7, 2023

Physicists ‘entangle’ individual molecules for the first time, hastening possibilities for quantum computing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

For the first time, a team of Princeton physicists have been able to link together individual molecules into special states that are quantum mechanically “entangled.” In these bizarre states, the molecules remain correlated with each other—and can interact simultaneously—even if they are miles apart, or indeed, even if they occupy opposite ends of the universe. This research was recently published in the journal Science.

“This is a breakthrough in the world of because of the fundamental importance of quantum entanglement,” said Lawrence Cheuk, assistant professor of physics at Princeton University and the senior author of the paper. “But it is also a breakthrough for practical applications because entangled molecules can be the for many future applications.”

These include, for example, quantum computers that can solve certain problems much faster than conventional computers, that can model complex materials whose behaviors are difficult to model, and that can measure faster than their traditional counterparts.

Dec 7, 2023

SpaceX launches its 90th orbital mission of the year (video)

Posted by in category: space travel

Liftoff occurred at 12:07 a.m. ET on Thursday (Dec. 7).

Dec 7, 2023

‘Off to the races’: DARPA, Harvard breakthrough brings quantum computing years closer

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

Quantum bits are potentially powerful but notoriously error-prone. Now a Harvard team says it has found a way to prevent mistakes — by manipulating individual atoms with laser beams — making quantum processing much more efficient.

Dec 7, 2023

Can Rock Dust Soak Up Carbon Emissions? A Giant Experiment Is Set to Find Out

Posted by in category: futurism

The idea that sprinkling rock dust on farmland can soak up atmospheric carbon will be tested at large scale thanks to a $57 million purchase from corporations including Stripe and Alphabet.

Dec 7, 2023

Researchers create 3D DNA nanorobots

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Researchers at universities in New York and Ningbo, China, say they have created tiny robots built from DNA that can reproduce themselves.

Such nanorobots could one day launch search-and-destroy missions against within a human’s bloodstream without the need for surgery or collect toxic waste from the ocean.

The tiny mechanism is so small that 1,000 of them could fit into the width of a sheet of paper.

Dec 7, 2023

Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All?

Posted by in categories: information science, particle physics, quantum physics

A proposed model unites quantum theory with classical gravity by assuming that states evolve in a probabilistic way, like a game of chance.

Physicists’ best theory of matter is quantum mechanics, which describes the discrete (quantized) behavior of microscopic particles via wave equations. Their best theory of gravity is general relativity, which describes the continuous (classical) motion of massive bodies via space-time curvature. These two highly successful theories appear fundamentally at odds over the nature of space-time: quantum wave equations are defined on a fixed space-time, but general relativity says that space-time is dynamic—curving in response to the distribution of matter. Most attempts to solve this tension have focused on quantizing gravity, with the two leading proposals being string theory and loop quantum gravity. But new theoretical work by Jonathan Oppenheim at University College London proposes an alternative: leave gravity as a classical theory and couple it to quantum theory through a probabilistic mechanism [1].

Dec 7, 2023

Why Do Humans Grow Old?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

I like the chapter “would you want to be”.

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Continue reading “Why Do Humans Grow Old?” »

Dec 7, 2023

The batteries made from wood

Posted by in categories: computing, sustainability, transportation

face_with_colon_three Plants are basically an unlimited resource for batteries which can even make graphene microchips and graphene batteries.

As demand for electric vehicles soars, scientists are searching for materials to make sustainable batteries. Lignin, from waste paper pulp, is shaping up to be a strong contender.

Dec 7, 2023

The Age of Silicon Is Here…for Batteries

Posted by in categories: energy, materials

The mainstay material of electronics is now yielding better energy storage.

Dec 7, 2023

A Gigantic Hole Just Opened Up in the Sun

Posted by in categories: particle physics, satellites

A massive hole opened up in the Sun’s atmosphere over the weekend, measuring more than 60 times the diameter of the Earth across at its peak.

Coronal holes like this one, imaged by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, occur when the Sun’s magnetic field suddenly allows a huge stream of the star’s upper atmosphere to pour out in the form of solar wind.

Over a short period of time, these highly energized particles can eventually make their way to us and — if powerful enough — wreak havoc on satellites in the Earth’s orbit. In rare instances, they can even mess with the electrical grid back on the ground.