Unlike solar panels on Earth, a solar power plant in space would provide a constant power supply 24/7.
Intel’s Hala Point neuromorphic computer is powered by more than 1,000 new AI chips and performs 50 times faster than equivalent conventional computing systems.
Daniel Dennett (1942−2024)
Posted in evolution, neuroscience
Saddened by the news of Prof. Daniel Dennett’s passing. a brilliant philosopher with with such great influence in cognitive science. It’s such a great loss.
Daniel Dennett, professor emeritus of philosophy at Tufts University, well-known for his work in philosophy of mind and a wide range of other philosophical areas, has died.
Professor Dennett wrote extensively about issues related to philosophy of mind and cognitive science, especially consciousness. He is also recognized as having made significant contributions to the concept of intentionality and debates on free will. Some of Professor Dennett’s books include Content and Consciousness (1969), Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology (1981), The Intentional Stance (1987), Consciousness Explained (1992), Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (1995), Breaking the Spell (2006), and From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds (2017). He published a memoir last year entitled I’ve Been Thinking. There are also several books about him and his ideas. You can learn more about his work here.
By precisely measuring the mass of neutrinos — ghostly particles that stream through your body by the billions each second — physicists could find some glaring holes in the Standard Model of particle physics. A new experiment has taken them one step closer.
ReachBot is inspired by the movement of the Harvestman spider, also known as a daddy-long-legs. The current model boasts a small body and long, extendable legs equipped with grippers. Moreover, the booms will allow the robot to move ahead.
These appendages allow ReachBot to navigate through the narrow passages of Martian caves to hunt for signs of life and other key resources, like water. The multiple extendable boom limbs have a three-finger gripper that clutches onto the rocks and uses them as anchor points.
An international research team led by scientists from the CNRS has discovered that the magnetic nanobubbles known as skyrmions can be moved by electrical currents, attaining record speeds up to 900 m/s.
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Saudi Arabia’s plan to build a 170km long, 500m tall, mirrored city in the desert, filled with 9 million people has been curtailed to 2.4km long.
According to Bloomberg, Saudi Arabia’s government has “scaled back its medium-term ambitions” for Neom, of which The Line is the most significant sub-project.
The Saudi government had hoped to have 9 million residents living in \.
HELIOS advanced solar sail concept
Posted in innovation, space
HELIOS is an advanced solar sail concept being evaluated by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).
NASA’s STMD rapidly develops, demonstrates, and infuses revolutionary, high-payoff technologies through transparent, collaborative partnerships, expanding the boundaries of the aerospace enterprise.
From the video:
Who could tolerate “being the plaything of fifth-dimensional gods?” Jorjani answers: “No one other than the Prometheist who joins their ranks himself…”
“It is possible that this means something like hacking through the coding matrix of a simulation and becoming one of its programmers… to access and recode this matrix… to embark on a cosmic conquest to recode the matrix of what has been mistaken for ‘reality.’”
And this is visionary transhumanism at its best, on steroids. This is my philosophy. I’ll forgive Jorjani for mixing it with conspiracy theories and some proposals that I dislike.