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Quantum gravity is the missing link between general relativity and quantum mechanics, the yet-to-be-discovered key to a unified theory capable of explaining both the infinitely large and the infinitely small. The solution to this puzzle might lie in the humble neutrino, an elementary particle with no electric charge and almost invisible, as it rarely interacts with matter, passing through everything on our planet without consequences.

For this very reason, neutrinos are difficult to detect. However, in rare cases, a neutrino can interact, for example, with water molecules at the bottom of the sea. The particles emitted in this interaction produce a “blue glow” known as Čerenkov radiation, detectable by instruments such as KM3NeT.

The KM3NeT (Kilometer Cube Neutrino Telescope) is a large underwater observatory designed to detect neutrinos through their interactions in water. It is divided into two detectors, one of which, ORCA (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss), was used for this research. It is located off the coast of Toulon, France, at a depth of approximately 2,450 meters.

This research note deploys data from a simulation experiment to illustrate the very real effects of monolithic views of technology potential on decision-making within the Homeland Security and Emergency Management field. Specifically, a population of national security decision-makers from across the United States participated in an experimental study that sought to examine their response to encounter different kinds of AI agency in a crisis situation. The results illustrate wariness of overstep and unwillingness to be assertive when AI tools are observed shaping key situational developments, something not apparent when AI is either absent or used as a limited aide to human analysis. These effects are mediated by levels of respondent training. Of great concern, however, these restraining effects disappear and the impact of education on driving professionals towards prudent outcomes is minimized for those individuals that profess to see AI as a full viable replacement of their professional practice. These findings constitute proof of a “Great Machine” problem within professional HSEM practice. Willingness to accept grand, singular assumptions about emerging technologies into operational decision-making clearly encourages ignorance of technological nuance. The result is a serious challenge for HSEM practice that requires more sophisticated solutions than simply raising awareness of AI.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; cybersecurity; experiments; decision-making.

Most coffee connoisseurs are familiar with the gentle hum of their favorite café’s grinder while they wait in eager anticipation of that aromatic first sip. But behind this everyday scene lies a surprisingly tricky problem. Coffee beans often come mixed with small stones—accidental stowaways from harvesting and processing. Nearly identical to beans in size, shape, and color, stones routinely evade even the most meticulous of inspections.

For cafés and commercial coffee producers, stray stones spell trouble. When they enter the grinding mechanism, they can severely damage the grinder’s precision-engineered cutting disks known as burrs. These burrs, essential but highly expensive, require expert alignment after replacement, which often disrupts operations and therefore imposes considerable downtime.

“Large-scale factories rely on advanced screening methods early in . Due to the size and cost constraints, these traditional screening methods aren’t practical for most busy cafés and smaller commercial settings,” said Dr. Teo Tee Hui from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

Nvidia founder Jensen Huang kicked off the company’s artificial intelligence developer conference on Tuesday by telling a crowd of thousands that AI is going through “an inflection point.”

At GTC 2025—dubbed the “Super Bowl of AI”—Huang focused his keynote on the company’s advancements in AI and his predictions for how the industry will move over the next few years. Demand for GPUs from the top four cloud service providers is surging, he said, adding that he expects Nvidia’s data center infrastructure revenue to hit $1 trillion by 2028.

Huang’s highly anticipated announcement revealed more details around Nvidia’s next-generation graphics architectures: Blackwell Ultra and Vera Rubin—named for the famous astronomer. Blackwell Ultra is slated for the second half of 2025, while its successor, the Rubin AI chip, is expected to launch in late 2026. Rubin Ultra will take the stage in 2027.

The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to create societal transformations. Indeed, AI is already emerging as a factor in geopolitics, with malicious non-state actors exploiting its capabilities to spread misinformation and potentially develop autonomous weapons. To be sure, not all countries are equal in AI, and bridging the “AI divide” between the Global North and South is vital to ensuring equal representation while addressing regulatory concerns and the equitable distribution of benefits that can be derived from the technology.

Most G20 members have established comprehensive national AI strategies, notably technology giants like the United States, United Kingdom, China, and countries of the European Union. Global South nations such as Brazil, Argentina, and India, despite economic constraints, are demonstrating progress in leveraging AI in areas like social services and agriculture. Future strategies must anticipate emerging threats like Generative AI (GenAI) and Quantum AI, prioritising responsible governance to mitigate biases, inequalities, and cybersecurity risks.