AlphaFold 3 can predict how DNA, RNA, and other molecules interact, further cementing its leading role in drug discovery and research. Who will benefit?
Sometimes when you’re considering how to bring the power of AI to a clinical context, it sort of takes a new way of thinking to get inspired about what’s possible.
I was thinking about this the other day, inspired by some people who have been working hard on genomics, oncology research, and other types of biological and anatomical applications. There’s so much of it, suddenly, especially at these institutions that I’m so close to – to call it a “revolution” in my view, isn’t hyperbolic.
In the brand-new world of AI, we’re slowly learning that there’s a big difference between a small routine transaction like buying a hamburger, and something much more complex and high-stakes.
Human AI Robot With Flowing Binary High-Res Stock Photo — Getty Images
For reference, here’s more on the company’s mission statement:
“The company’s mission is to unlock and elevate human agency for everyone, freeing us up from the drudgery of daily boring tasks to focus on doing what we love. The vision is not of machines replacing humans but augmenting them. Through AI Agents, the team aims to amplify the human potential, allowing individuals to truly focus on what they love. With their AI products, MultiOn aspires to unlock parallelization for humanity: Imagine a world where tasks are conducted concurrently, no longer bound by the linear constraints of time of a single person.”
The robotics company will use Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure for training, inference, networking and storage.
But what we perceive as deception is AI mindlessly achieving the goals we’ve set for it.
Blobs left behind from a collision between the Earth and a Mars-sized object may have led to plate tectonics and eventually earthquakes.
A man who married a hologram of his favourite fictional character has found himself no longer able to communicate with his virtual wife.
Plasma, particles and energy released from the Sun on Thursday are heading for Earth and they could produce a light show in the sky visible into the Deep South.
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