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Jan 10, 2024

How Supergenes Shape Evolution

Posted by in category: evolution

By Viviane Callier

Jan 10, 2024

Groundbreaking Superconducting “Miracle” Receives $2.96 Million Boost

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

The research conducted by Elena Hassinger, an expert in low-temperature physics working at ct.qmat—Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (a joint initiative by two universities in Würzburg and Dresden), has always been synonymous with extreme cold.

In 2021, she discovered the unconventional superconductor cerium-rhodium-arsenic CeRh2As2). Superconductors normally have just one phase of resistance-free electron transport, which occurs below a certain critical temperature. However, as reported in the academic journal Science, CeRh2As2 is so far the only quantum material to boast two certain superconducting states.

Lossless current conduction in superconductors has remained a central focus in solid-state physics for decades and has emerged as a significant prospect for the future of power engineering. The discovery of a second superconducting phase in CeRh2As2, which results from an asymmetric crystal structure around the cerium atom (the rest of the crystal structure is completely symmetrical), positions this compound as a prime candidate for use in topological quantum computing.

Jan 10, 2024

AI & robotics briefing: Why superintelligent AI won’t sneak up on us

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Sudden jumps in large language models’ apparent intelligence are often a result of the way their performance is tested. Plus, a GPT-powered robot chemist designs reactions and what’s in store for AI in 2024.

Jan 10, 2024

Artificial intelligence may benefit from talking to itself

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

NEW ORLEANS—“OK, I want to finish writing this article today. But how should it begin? Hmm, maybe just like that. Wait, does Science use ‘OK’ or ‘Okay’?” Many people say they have an inner monologue running through their heads, narrating their lives. The phenomenon, plus a wealth of research, suggests humans use language not only for communicating, but also for thinking.

Now, it seems artificial intelligence (AI) may benefit from imitating humans’ inner monologue. In a laboratory experiment, tying language to actions improved an AI program’s ability to learn complex tasks, researchers reported here last month at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference. The advance might enable AI to learn from, say, YouTube instructional videos.

“I really liked this,” says Anna Borghi, a psychologist at Sapienza University of Rome who studies cognition and language and was not involved in the experiment. “The most interesting aspect is that the presence of language grants flexibility. Even complex actions can be accomplished more easily.”

Jan 10, 2024

Andrew Melnyk First Person

Posted by in category: neuroscience

In my paper, “A Case for Physicalism about the Human Mind,” I didn’t attempt to defend physicalism about human mentality (henceforth, just physicalism) against the many objections that philosophers, and others, have made to it. Instead, I tried to assemble positive evidence that physicalism is true, while insisting that no aspect of human behavior, including human linguistic behavior, makes it necessary to adopt any kind of dualism about human mentality. In their reply to my paper, Professors Taliaferro and Goetz (henceforth, TG) don’t engage in any detail with my positive case for physicalism[1], and they offer no examples of human behavior that can’t be explained unless some kind of dualism is assumed. Their main objection to my paper is, rather, that, because it only takes account of evidence “from the third-person point of view,” it entirely overlooks “the first-person point of view,” which, they hold, shows us that human mentality has certain features incompatible with physicalism. Examples of such features would be that “a choice is an uncaused mental event,” and that “a reason is a purpose that provides an ultimate and irreducible teleological explanation of that choice.” In my reply to TG, I’ll respond to this objection only; I won’t take up every disagreement I have with TG’s reply.

Before I can respond to TG’s main objection, however, I must clarify it. Since “the first-person point of view” is presumably just the point of view provided by introspection, TG’s main objection must be that introspection of one’s mental states somehow shows one that human mentality has certain features incompatible with physicalism. However, it’s important to distinguish between the following two claims:

(TG1) By introspecting one’s own (say) choices, one acquires some reason to think that they are uncaused mental events.

Jan 10, 2024

Quantinuum provides RIKEN large-scale hybrid quantum–supercomputing platform

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, supercomputing

Quantinuum, the world’s largest integrated quantum computing company, and RIKEN, Japan’s largest comprehensive research institution and home to high-performance computing (HPC) center, have announced an agreement…

Jan 10, 2024

Scientists Created A Biorobotic Heart That Beats Like The Real Thing

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

The device uses a silicone-based muscle replacement to pump blood, and you can see it in action.

Jan 10, 2024

‘Monumental achievement for all humanity’: NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is gearing up for a record-breaking encounter with the sun

Posted by in category: space

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has already gotten closer to the sun than any other human-made object. Yet, later this year, the star-skimming spacecraft will get even closer — all while traveling faster than its previous top speed.

The solar observatory — which, on Dec. 28, 2023, completed its 18th close flyby of the sun — will once again approach our star on Dec. 24, 2024. During this encounter, it will come within around 3.8 million miles (6.1 million kilometers) of the photosphere, which can be roughly considered the sun’s surface. (The sun is a ball of gas, so it doesn’t really have a surface.) To do so, the spacecraft will brave temperatures of around 2,550 degrees Fahrenheit (1,400 degrees Celsius).

“We are basically almost landing on a star,” Nour Raouafi, an astrophysicist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and project scientist for the Parker Solar Probe mission, told BBC News. “This will be a monumental achievement for all humanity. This is equivalent to the Moon landing of 1969.”

Jan 10, 2024

AI danger has reached ‘whole new level’ — millions must follow ‘four rules’ every day to avoid bank-emptying nightmare

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI, security

ARTIFICIAL intelligence is being used by crooks to part you from your cash – but there are ways to stay safe.

Security experts are warning internet users to be on high alert as criminals use AI to target their victims.

AI has plenty of great uses, from giving you cooking advice to generating funny “stickers” inside WhatsApp.

Jan 10, 2024

Unexpected Genetic Discovery Opens New Opportunities for Human Health

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, health

An unexpected genetic discovery in wheat has led to opportunities for the metabolic engineering of versatile compounds with the potential to improve its nutritional qualities and resilience to disease.

Researchers in the Osbourn group at the John Innes Centre have been investigating biosynthetic gene clusters in wheat – groups of genes that are co-localized on the genome and work together to produce specific molecules.