Chinese tech giant #tencent has predicted that high-performance #computing (HPC), #quantum computing, cloud computing and #EdgeComputing will soon merge.
And it will all come together in one big, happy, hybrid innovation engine.
How Obesity Dismantles the Powerhouse of the Cell: A new UC San Diego School of Medicine study in Nature Portfolio (Metabolism) sheds light on how obesity affects our mitochondria, the all-important energy-producing structures of our cells.
UC San Diego researchers found that when mice were fed a high-fat diet, mitochondria within their fat cells broke apart and were less able to burn fat, leading to weight gain. They also found they could reverse the effect by targeting a single gene, suggesting a new treatment strategy for obesity.
When ancient Egyptians built King Menkaure’s pyramid more than 4,000 years ago, they did it a little differently. Now archaeologists want to put it back together.
TikTok built its empire off popular music — but now it’s losing access to a ton of it.
In a statement, Universal Music Group said it has chosen to “call time out on TikTok” to pressure the social network for better rules on artificial intelligence, online safety, and artist compensation for its roster, which includes such luminaries as Taylor Swift, Drake, and BTS.
“Today, as an indication of how little TikTok compensates artists and songwriters, despite its massive and growing user base, rapidly rising advertising revenue and increasing reliance on music-based content, TikTok accounts for only about 1 percent of our total revenue,” the statement reads.
A consensus has arisen in the astronomical community that familiar matter made of atoms is not the dominant form of matter in the Universe. Instead, an invisible form of matter, called dark matter, is thought to be far more prevalent. However, a small group of researchers deny the existence of dark matter, instead saying our understanding of how objects move is incomplete. A recent paper in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society seems to have ruled this out definitively.
Stars, planets, and galaxies move under the direction of the force of gravity, and Isaac Newton worked out the laws that govern that motion, which we now call Newtonian dynamics. However, despite the enormous success of Newtonian dynamics, this success is not universal. Indeed, when Newton’s equations are applied to certain astronomical phenomena, they do not make the correct predictions. One such example is the speed at which galaxies rotate. When astronomers measure the speed of stars in the periphery of a galaxy, they move faster than can be explained by accepted theory. Instead, the galaxies should fly apart.
“We are 36 miles away from the fire and we can see it,” one person said, while another posted a photo of the fire’s glow from roughly 25 miles away.
The Booker Fire Department, which serves Booker, Texas, about 20 miles away from Elmwood, also responded to the fire. They posted videos of the explosion, saying it was a gas line.