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Nov 9, 2023

Teaching AI systems to use intuition to find new medicines

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, robotics/AI

A combined team of biomedical researchers from Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research and Microsoft Research AI4Science has made inroads into teaching AI systems how to find new medicines. In their study, reported in the journal Nature Communications, the group used feedback from chemists in the field to provide intuition guidelines for an AI model.

Finding is a notoriously difficult and laborious task. The process for finding new therapies typically involves experts in a variety of fields working on different parts of the problem. Doctors and other medical researchers, for example, must first uncover the roots of a given illness to find its cause. Chemists or other must then find a chemical that might reverse the problem or stop it from happening in the first place.

Both parts of the process take time and effort. In this new project, the research team sought to determine whether AI applications might make the second part easier.

Nov 9, 2023

Communing with nothingness

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology, quantum physics

When you think of empty space, you almost certainly imagine a vacuum in which nothing interesting can ever happen. However, if we zoom in to tiny length scales where quantum effects start to become important, it turns out that what you thought was empty is actually filled at all times with a seething mass of electromagnetic activity, as virtual photons flicker in and out of existence. This unexpected phenomenon is known as the vacuum fluctuation field. However, because these fluctuations of light energy are so small and fleeting in time, it is difficult to find ways for matter to interact with them, especially within a single, integrated device.

In a study published this month in Nano Letters (“Electrical Detection of Ultrastrong Coherent Interaction between Terahertz Fields and Electrons Using Quantum Point Contacts”), researchers from the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo succeeded in fabricating a single nanoscale hybrid system for doing exactly this. In their design, a quantum point contact connects a single on-chip split-ring resonator with a two-dimensional electron system.

Quantum Hall edge channels at the quantum point contact. (Image: University of Tokyo)

Nov 9, 2023

Eavesdropping on the electron: A new method for extracting data from noise

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, supercomputing

A method developed at the University of Duisburg-Essen makes it possible to read data from noisy signals. Theoretical physicists and their experimental colleagues have published their findings in the current issue of Physical Review Research. The method they describe could also be significant for quantum computers.

You know it from the car radio: The weaker the signal, the more disturbing the . This is even more true for laboratory measurements. Researchers from the Collaborative Research Center 1,242 and the Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) have now described a method for extracting data from noise.

What is a bit in a conventional computer, i.e., state 1 (current on) or state 0 (current off), is taken over in the quantum computer by the quantum bits, or qubits for short. To do this, they need defined and distinguishable states, but they can overlap at the same time and therefore enable many times the computing power of a current computer. This means they could also be used where today’s supercomputers are overtaxed, for example in searching extremely large databases.

Nov 9, 2023

Euclid’s first science images reveal what JWST cannot

Posted by in category: science

Sometimes, going ‘deeper’ doesn’t reveal the answers you seek. By viewing more Universe with better precision, ESA’s Euclid mission shines.

Nov 9, 2023

Brain States Influence on Decision-Making

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Summary: New study on mice decision-making reveals that choice is not a singular moment but a reflection of the brain’s preexisting state.

The research, using Buridan’s Assay, suggests that the mice’s brain constantly broadcasts its goal, even before options are available, with patterns of neuron activity predicting choice.

Hunger and thirst don’t directly drive behavior; instead, they modulate the brain’s goal-setting, with an element of randomness causing switches between needs, ensuring both are met over time.

Nov 9, 2023

Revolutionary New Electric eJet Motor Could Signal a Breakthrough in Electric Propulsion for Aviation

Posted by in categories: energy, transportation

The aviation industry could be on the cusp of a revolution, following recent tests of a new purely electric jet engine that packs the same punch as its traditional fossil fuel-burning cousins.

Canadian-based company Duxion Motors recently celebrated a significant milestone with the successful ground test of its eJet Motor – the world’s first rim-driven jet propulsion motor.

The eJet motor, an electric jet engine, represents a significant leap in electric aviation, utilizing permanent magnet technology to deliver unprecedented power-to-weight ratios within a compact design. Duxion’s approach could revolutionize the industry, offering scalable efficiency suited to larger aircraft, hybrid cooling for enhanced power density and reliability, and a flexible design that can be tailored to various airframes.

Nov 9, 2023

NH Company Completes Autonomous Helicopter Flight Test Program

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Autonomous flight gets one step closer to reality.

Nov 9, 2023

SpaceX will launch Ireland’s 1st-ever satellite this month

Posted by in category: satellites

EIRSAT-1, a student-led gamma-ray astronomy cubesat, is due to launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at the end of November.

Nov 9, 2023

Engineered yeast breaks new record: a genome with over 50% synthetic DNA

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Nature Biologists have produced a strain of yeast whose genome is more than 50% synthetic DNA.

Highly edited strain survives and replicates despite containing 7.5 artificial chromosomes.

Nov 9, 2023

HOLY SH!T!! Quantum Internet Will Change The World Forever

Posted by in categories: internet, quantum physics, robotics/AI, security

Not a perfect presentation but a quantum Internet will be nice. The question is, how will bad actors/Black Hat hackers adapt?

Dive into the mind-bending future of technology with our latest video, Quantum Internet Will Change The World In this groundbreaking exploration, we unravel the mysteries of quantum computing and its revolutionary potential to transform the way we connect online. Discover how quantum entanglement and superposition are reshaping the internet landscape, promising unparalleled security, lightning-fast speeds, and unimaginable data processing capabilities.

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