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Jan 19, 2024

Compact, shape-shifting robot by Transformers’ inventors lands on Moon

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

Japanese toy manufacturer Takara Tomy developed the lunar rover, SORA-Q, in association with JAXA, Sony Group, and Doshisha University.

Innovative offering

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Jan 19, 2024

Generative AI model remembers and thinks like a human brain, says study

Posted by in categories: innovation, robotics/AI

UCL study reveals how generative AI elucidates memory’s role in learning, reliving, and imaginative planning.

In a breakthrough research, UCL scientists reveal how generative AI models mirror brain functions in memory and imagination.

Jan 19, 2024

BMW to deploy Figure’s humanoid robots challenging Tesla’s Optimus bot

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

BMW Manufacturing has announced a new partnership with Figure, a robotics startup that specializes in humanoid robots. The partnership will see Figure’s robots being deployed in BMW’s facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina, the largest automotive exporter in the US.

This is the first commercial deal that Figure has signed since it was founded in 2022. The company did not reveal how many robots BMW will be using but said that the partnership will begin with small quantities and scale up if the robots meet the performance expectations.

Jan 19, 2024

European watchdog fines Mark Zuckerberg’s firms $2.8B over 4 years

Posted by in category: security

Meta and its subsidiares have amassed billions in fines with Europe’s harshest data security authority.

Due to the strict European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Meta Platforms is emerging as one of the most affected and has amassed a fine upwards of $2 billion.

Jan 19, 2024

From quantum leaps to threats, IBM foresees ‘Cybersecurity Armageddon’

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, quantum physics

IBM warns that advancements in quantum computing could lead to a cybersecurity crisis.

Jan 19, 2024

SpaceX Starship Can Reach Mars in Just 45 Days

Posted by in categories: chemistry, space travel

People believe that exotic new propulsion systems are needed to reduce the one way trip times from Earth to Mars from 180–270 days down to 45 days each way. The slower mission times are for chemical rockets where we barely get out of Earth orbit with a small rocket engine. SpaceX Starship can refuel after reaching orbit to enable faster orbits (straighter and less looping paths) to go to Mars. This makes 90 day times each way easy with chemical Starship and even more wasteful but still chemical rockets to Mars in 45 days each way.

This is calculated by Ozan Bellik.

In 2033 there are opportunities to do a high thrust ~45 day outbound transit with a ~10.5km/s TMI (trans Mars injection). If you refill in an elliptical orbit that’s at LEO+2.5-3km/s then the TMI burn requirement goes down to 7.5-8km/s. A SpaceX Starship with 1,200 tons of fuel should be able to do with roughly 150 tons of burnout mass. This is enough for ship, residuals, and a crew cabin with enough consumables to last a moderately sized crew for the 45 day transit. The trouble is that once you get there, you are approaching Mars at ~15km/s.

Jan 19, 2024

Cheaper microscope could bring protein mapping technique to the masses

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Talk to any structural biologist, and they’ll tell you how a cool new method is taking over their field. By flash freezing proteins and bombarding them with electrons, cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM) can map protein shapes with near-atomic resolution, offering clues to their function and revealing bumps and valleys that drug developers can target. The technique can catch wriggly proteins in multiple configurations, and it can even capture those that have been off-limits to traditional x-ray analysis because they stubbornly resist being crystallized. Many researchers expect cryo-EM will surpass x-ray crystallography in the number of new protein structures solved next year.

Yet for all its charms, cryo-EM has flaws: The freezing process is finicky, and the microscopes are expensive. High-end machines can cost more than $5 million to buy, about as much to install, and hundreds of thousands per year to operate and maintain. Many U.S. states—and countries—don’t have a single cryo-EM microscope. “The haves and have-nots is what it is right now,” says Rakhi Rajan, a structural biologist at the University of Oklahoma, which currently lacks one.

Researchers at the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) have been working to democratize the field. Today, in the, the U.K. team describes cobbling together a prototype cryo-EM microscope that has solved its first structures. The machine—what LMB physicist Chris Russo calls a “cheap little hatchback” rather than a “Ferrari”—could rival high-end machines in capabilities for one-tenth of the cost.

Jan 19, 2024

Cloned rhesus monkey lives to adulthood for first time

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A method that provides cloned embryos with a healthy placenta could pave the way for more research involving the primates.

Jan 19, 2024

Scientists think this weird-looking, odd-smelling fruit holds the key to fighting world hunger as temperatures rise

Posted by in categories: food, innovation

Innovative! Drought resistant and doesn’t need a lot of fertilizer. And it smells like bread. Especially good for Africa which was mentioned.

This fruit curiously smells like baking bread and tastes like potatoes – and it might also provide a means to help feed communities amid drought and famine.

Breadfruit, despite its name, is not made of bread. It’s a tall tree native to islands in the Pacific that produces a starchy fruit, similar to a jackfruit.

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Jan 19, 2024

OpenDAC: The OpenDAC project is a collaborative research project between Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) at Meta and Georgia Tech

Posted by in categories: climatology, robotics/AI, space, sustainability

The OpenDAC project is a collaborative research project between Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) at Meta and Georgia Tech, aimed at significantly reducing the cost of Direct Air Capture (DAC).

Direct Air Capture (DAC) involves directly capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and has been widely recognized as a crucial tool in combating climate change. Despite its potential, the broad implementation of DAC has been impeded by high capture costs. Central to overcoming this hurdle is the discovery of novel sorbents — materials that pull carbon dioxide from the air. Discovering new sorbents holds the key to reducing capture costs and scaling DAC to meaningfully impact global carbon emissions.

The DAC space is growing rapidly with many companies entering the space. To engage the broader research community as well as the budding DAC industry, we have released the OpenDAC 2023 (ODAC23) dataset to train ML models. ODAC23 contains nearly 40M DFT calculations from 170K DFT relaxations involving Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) with carbon dioxide and water adsorbates. We have also released baseline ML models trained on this dataset.