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A recent study published in Nature reveals that an international team of scientists has challenged the conventional division of magnetism into two types: ferromagnetism, known for thousands of years, and antiferromagnetism, identified roughly a century ago. The researchers have now successfully demonstrated, through direct experiments, a third type of magnetism—altermagnetism—which had been theoretically predicted by scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague several years earlier.

Limitations of the previously known magnetic branches for information technologies

We usually think of a magnet as a ferromagnet, which has a strong magnetic field that keeps a shopping list on the door of a refrigerator or enables the function of an electric motor in an electric car. The magnetic field of a ferromagnet is created when the magnetic field of millions of its atoms is aligned in the same direction. This magnetic field can also be used to modulate the electric current in information technology (IT) components.

Regular physical activity can offer major rejuvenation powers, helping people retain strength as they age while buffering against illness and injury. As a growing body of research suggests, this includes valuable protection throughout our bodies – including our brains.

According to a new study by researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia, exercise can slow or even prevent cognitive decline in mice, with a “profound and selective effect” on certain types of brain cell.

On top of demonstrating such an intriguing phenomenon in a fellow mammal, the new study also sheds light on how this effect is triggered inside the brains of physically active mice.

LoGAH: Predicting 774-Million-Parameter Transformers using Graph HyperNetworks with 1/100 Parameters.

A good initialization of deep learning models is essential since it can help them converge better and faster.

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Researchers from the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and collaborators from the Institute of Physics of CAS have directly observed polar Bloch points in strained ferroelectric films.

Their work is published in Nature Communications.

Based on their previous work on the polar meron lattice, the researchers considered the model of a tensile-strained ultrathin ferroelectric PbTiO3 film sandwiched by symmetric electrodes in phase-field simulations and found that the merons transform into Bloch points with the increase of the electrode thickness.

Researchers at European XFEL in Schenefeld near Hamburg have taken a closer look at the formation of the first crystallization of nuclei in supercooled liquids. They found that the formation starts much later than previously assumed. The findings could help to better understand the creation of ice in clouds in the future and to describe some processes inside the Earth more precisely.

Our is capable of demonstrating high spectral resolution and accurate reconstruction of full-Stokes polarization states in both theoretical and experimental settings. Precision detection of high-dimensional information by our photodetector, such as a two-color laser field with different polarization states or broadband reflection from a gold interface exhibiting varying states, is achieved beyond the capabilities of commercial polarimeter and spectrometer.

Additionally, this approach can be extended to imaging applications by sandwiching the film with a commercial microlens array and sensor array to realize ultra-compact high-dimensional imager, said Assistant Professor Chunqi Jin from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Looking ahead, Prof. Wei Li envisions that ultra-broadband detection can be achieved by integrating broadband commercial photodetectors; the detection resolution can be further improved by using , metasurfaces, and two-dimensional materials instead of existing thin film schemes; and the detection capability can be stepped up in higher dimensions by integrating functionalities such as , and distance measurement.

Innovative infrared sensors developed by NASA increase resolution for Earth and space imaging, promising advancements in environmental monitoring and planetary science.

A newly developed infrared camera featuring high resolution and equipped with a range of lightweight filters has the potential to analyze sunlight reflected from Earth’s upper atmosphere and surface, enhance forest fire alerts, and uncover the molecular composition of other planets.

These cameras are equipped with sensitive, high-resolution strained-layer superlattice sensors, originally developed at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, funded through the Internal Research and Development (IRAD) program.