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After finding a mistake in the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma, researchers including CQT’s Marco Tomamichel are working through the consequences.

The proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma has a gap. Image credit: andy

The discovery of a flaw in the proof of a 15-year-old lemma has rocked the community of researchers who study quantum information. Results that built on the finding are also broken.

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According to the philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett, a conscious state is a brain state that is spread out in both space and time. It is spread out in the brain across multiple instances of what Dennett calls “content fixations.” These content fixations are the “multiple drafts” in the theory’s name. Each of these drafts compete for domination in the cognitive system. This domination is what Dennett calls “fame in the brain.” Read more about it here:


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The rate at which the universe is currently expanding is known as the Hubble Rate. In recent years, different measurements have given different results for the Hubble rate, a discrepancy between theory and observation that’s been called the “Hubble tension”. Now, a team of astrophysicists claims the Hubble tension is gone and it’s the fault of supernovae data. Let’s have a look.


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