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The physicality of the world in which the animal acts-its anatomical structure, physiology, perception, emotional states, and cognitive capabilities-determines the boundaries of the behavioral space within which the animal can operate. Behavior, therefore, can be considered as the subspace that remains after secluding all actions that are not available to the animal due to constraints. The very signature of being a certain creature is reflected in these limitations that shape its behavior. A major goal of ethology is to expose those constraints that carve the intricate structure of animal behavior and reveal both uniqueness and commonalities between animals within and across taxa. Exploratory behavior in an empty arena seems to be stochastic; nevertheless, it does not mean that the moving animal is a random walker. In this study, we present how, by adding constraints to the animal’s locomotion, one can gradually retain the ‘mousiness’ that characterizes the behaving mouse. We then introduce a novel phenomenon of high mirror symmetry along the locomotion of mice, which highlights another constraint that further compresses the complex nature of exploratory behavior in these animals. We link these findings to a known neural mechanism that could explain this phenomenon. Finally, we suggest our novel finding and derived methods to be used in the search for commonalities in the motion trajectories of various organisms across taxa.

Keywords: animal behavior; constraints; exploration; locomotion; memory; mouse; operational space; symmetry.

Copyright © 2024 Fonio and Feinerman.

Although the hippocampus is generally considered a cognitive center for spatial representation, learning, and memory, increasing evidence supports its roles in regulating locomotion. However, the neuronal mechanisms of the hippocampal regulation of locomotion and exploratory behavior remain unclear. In this study, we found that the inhibitory hippocampal synaptic projection to the medial septum (MS) bi-directionally controls the locomotor speed of mice. The activation of the MS-projecting interneurons in the hippocampus or the activation of the hippocampus-originated inhibitory synaptic terminals in the MS decreased locomotion and exploratory behavior. On the other hand, the inhibition of the hippocampus-originated inhibitory synaptic terminals in the MS increased locomotion. Unlike the septal projecting interneurons, the activation of the hippocampal interneurons projecting to the retrosplenial cortex did not change animal locomotion. Therefore, this study reveals a specific long-range inhibitory synaptic output from the hippocampus to the medial septum in the regulation of animal locomotion.

Keywords: GABAergic interneuron; exploratory behavior; hippocampus; inhibitory synapse; locomotion; septum.

Copyright © 2023 Chen, Arano, Guo, Saleem, Li and Xu.

According to Loorits, if we want consciousness to be explained in terms of natural sciences, we should be able to analyze its seemingly non-structural aspects, like qualia, in structural terms. However, the studies conducted over the last three decades do not seem to be able to bridge the explanatory gap between physical phenomena and phenomenal experience. One possible way to bridge the explanatory gap is to seek the structure of consciousness within consciousness itself, through a phenomenal analysis of the qualitative aspects of experience. First, this analysis leads us to identify the explanandum concerning the simplest forms of experience not in qualia but in the unitary set of qualities found in early vision. Second, it leads us to hypothesize that consciousness is also made up of non-apparent parts, and that there exists a hidden structure of consciousness. This structure, corresponding to a simple early visual experience, is constituted by a Hierarchy of Spatial Belongings nested within each other. Each individual Spatial Belonging is formed by a primary content and a primary space. The primary content can be traced in the perceptibility of the contents we can distinguish in the phenomenal field. The primary space is responsible for the perceptibility of the content and is not perceptible in itself. However, the phenomenon I refer to as subtraction of visibility allows us to characterize it as phenomenally negative. The hierarchical relationships between Spatial Belongings can ensure the qualitative nature of components of perceptual organization, such as object, background, and detail. The hidden structure of consciousness presents aspects that are decidedly counterintuitive compared to our idea of phenomenal experience. However, on the one hand, the Hierarchy of Spatial Belongings can explain the qualities of early vision and their appearance as a unitary whole, while on the other hand, it might be more easily explicable in terms of brain organization. In other words, the hidden structure of consciousness can be considered a bridge structure which, placing itself at an intermediate level between experience and physical properties, can contribute to bridging the explanatory gap.

Keywords: early vision; explanandum; explanatory gap; hidden conscious structure; hierarchy of spatial belongings; multiple hierarchical segregation; phenomenal analysis.

Copyright © 2024 Forti.

Can one have a phenomenal experience to which one does not have access? That is, can you experience something without knowing? The dissociation between phenomenal ℗ and access (A) consciousness is widely debated. A major challenge to the supporters of this dissociation is the apparent inability to experimentally demonstrate that P-without-A consciousness exists; once participants report having a P-experience, they already have access to it. Thus, all previous empirical support for this dissociation is indirect. Here, using a novel paradigm, we create a situation where participants (Experiment 1, N = 40) lack online access to the stimulus yet are nevertheless able to retrospectively form judgements on its phenomenal, qualitative aspects. We further show that their performance cannot be fully explained by unconscious processing or by a response to stimulus offset (Experiment 2, N = 40). This suggests that P and A consciousness are not only conceptually distinct, but might also be teased apart empirically. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: A critical question in the scientific quest towards solving the problem of consciousness focuses on the ability to isolate conscious experiences at their purity, without any accompanying cognitive processes. This challenge has been augmented by a highly influential — yet controversial — dissociation suggested by the philosopher Ned Block between Phenomenal consciousness, or the “what it is like” to have an experience, and Access consciousness, indexing the ability to report that one has that experience. Critically, these two types of consciousness most typically go together, making it highly difficult — if not impossible — to isolate Phenomenal consciousness. Our work shows that the dissociation between phenomenal and access consciousness is not merely conceptual, but can also be empirically demonstrated. It further opens the gate to future studies pinpointing the neural correlates of the two types of consciousness.

Keywords: Access consciousness; Cognition; Consciousness; Phenomenal consciousness; Qualia; Unconscious processing.

Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

In pre-clinical trials, a small molecule effectively regrew neurons, reduced inflammation, and improved memory, speed, coordination, grip strength, and more. The finding could have a profound impact on aging and the diseases that accompany it.

In conducting the research, scientists at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, turned their focus to telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), an enzyme that is known to help synthesize and extend telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that help cells divide. TERT levels are reduced as we age.

Without sufficient levels of TERT, when our telomeres shrink or get seriously modified, they can lead to a process that continually damages our DNA, which causes cells to release inflammatory compounds that can in turn lead to aging, tissue damage, and cancer.

They were gradually replaced by AI.

A hot potato: CEOs, bosses, and the those who make the technology love to assure people that artificial intelligence isn’t going to replace everyone’s jobs; it will merely augment them – working alongside humans to make life easier. Yet we keep hearing stories like the one about a writer whose employer fired his 60-person team and replaced them with an AI.

A writer using the pseudonym Benjamin Miller told the BBC that his company wanted to use AI to cut costs in early 2023. He led a team of more than 60 writers and editors who published blog posts and articles to promote a tech company that packages and resells data.

The new workflow involved feeding headlines into an AI model that would generate an outline based on the title. The writing team would then create articles based on these ideas, rather than coming up with their own, with Miller editing the final pieces.

While solid-state spin qubits show promise as quantum information platforms, their qubit-to-qubit interactions extend over too short a distance to connect many of them together, posing a problem for complex computations. Now Frankie Fung and colleagues from Harvard University have devised a mechanical method—involving a vibrating nanobeam—to connect distant spin qubits, potentially overcoming this issue [1].

A popular solid-state spin qubit is the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center, a single-atom defect in a diamond crystal. This system is attractive for quantum information applications, as it has both a light-sensitive electron spin state (which offers a knob for controlling the qubit) and a long-lived nuclear spin state (which acts as memory). But direct interactions between NV centers are limited to a few nanometers.

To lengthen the connections, Fung and his colleagues propose using a nanobeam fitted with a micromagnet as an intermediary between distant NV centers. The idea is then to place a line of NV centers along the length of a scanning-probe-microscope tip and move the tip over the micromagnet. When a particular NV center comes close to the micromagnet, the magnetic-field interaction should entangle the vibrational state of the nanobeam with the spin state of that NV center. This quantum information is then shared with the next NV center along the line.