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“The ethics of encountering non-sentient alien life in our solar systems boils down to a core dilemma, says Waller. ‘Is it about conservation and preservation? Or is it about our needs, wants, and desires?’ On Earth, natural-resource grabs have a history of bringing out the worst in us as a species…There’s plenty of reason to believe other planets will be chock-full of resources we’d like to exploit, even if the life forms are microbial – perhaps especially if they’re microbial.” Read more

If even HALF of all the studies released over the last few years turn out to be complete frauds, it would even still be just as mind blowing to consider the speed at which our species is ascending towards a fundamentally new, self directing, purposeful evolution into something truly magnificent (and/or terrifying, depending on your point of view; OR if you just happen to be Stephen Hawking).

Which is why, as far as I am concerned, it is an HONOR to be alive, aware, and at large in this most pivotal Age of Man.

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“In a sense, all four pillars of the mind-uploading roadmap—mapping the brain’s structure and function, creating the software and hardware to emulate it—are now areas of active research. If we take Koene’s optimistic view, within a decade, we may have the technological capacity to fully map and emulate a very simple brain—say, that of a Drosophila fruit fly, which contains roughly 100 thousand neurons. ”

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