In a leap for robot development, the MIT researchers who built a robotic cheetah have now trained it to see and jump over hurdles as it runs—making this the first four-legged robot to run and jump over obstacles autonomously.
Man Dated
Posted in futurism, health, transhumanism | 1 Comment on Man Dated
A balanced article on transhumanism and the future in a trendy Hong Kong & Chinese men’s lifestyle magazine. Article in English:
“Automation has already had a substantial impact on Chinese factory employment: Between 1995 and 2002 about 16 million factory jobs disappeared, roughly 15 percent of total Chinese manufacturing employment. This trend is poised to accelerate.” Read more
More research has been done on dung beetles and Star Trek than human extinction. These people want to change that.
Microtransponder’s vagus nerve stimulator uses precisely-timed jolts to help stroke victims relearn movements more quickly
Something amazing has happened! We have launched our Longevity Cookbook Indiegogo Campaign.
Aging steals away your most valuable resource: time. The Longevity Cookbook is a strategy guide to help you get more time to experience the joy from everything that you like in life. Take yourself on a journey starting with nutrients and exercise regimes that goes on to exploring the usage of genetically modified symbiotic organisms and using gene therapy to boost your own longevity.
A remarkable scheme to alter the pest’s DNA could change the disease-carrying species for the better — or wipe them off the Earth.
DARPA Robots Can’t Stay Standing
Posted in robotics/AI
Latest DARPA robotics competition shows how we still have some work to do on independently mobile robots.
This presentation is peppered with charts and data from Ray Kurzweil, whose 2005 book The Singularity Is Near mapped out how progress in technology has been accelerating since the beginning, and in recent times, has resulted in computers that will soon rival the processing ability of the human mind.
Recently, Kurzweil announced that the sequel, The Singularity Is Nearer, is scheduled for release around early 2017. Read more
Posted in 3D printing, futurism, robotics/AI
We are MX3D, a company that researches and develops groundbreaking robotic 3D print technology. Our robots print sustainable materials such as metals and synthetics in virtually any size or shape. Our engineers, craftsmen and software experts bring together digital technology, robotics and traditional industrial production.