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It’s always fun predicting the future. People do it all the time because it is entertaining to imagine a world that we or our children will one day have the chance to experience. We’ve seen fictitious movies do this from time to time since the beginning of film. There was the hoverboard in ‘Back to the Future’, the jet packs in ‘The Rocketeer’, teleportation in Star Trek, and the list goes on. Some of these inventions have already become a reality, while we are still awaiting the arrival of others.

Another Star Trek prediction, was that of the Replicator, which was used to basically 3D print objects, especially food. These have already begun to take shape in current times, in the form of 3D printers. MakerBot even calls their consumer level 3D printer the ‘Replicator’. Sure it may not work the exact same way, but its close enough.

Now, one video game development company, Sledgehammer Games, is trying to predict the future in their upcoming video game. We’re sure that most of you are well aware of the Call of Duty video game series. ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ is currently scheduled for release this coming Novembmer. In the game, which takes place in the year 2054, Sledgehammer Games will try their hands at predicting the future themselves. One of the more notable futuristic ideas in the game, is that of the 3D-Printer Rifle.

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Tosten Burks — GOOD

You’ve seen the pictures — dolphins, fish, and turtles lie trapped, writhing and dying in abandoned fishing nets, permanently wrecking the fragile balance of our ocean ecosystems. These “ghost nets,” as they’re called, are a particular problem on the vast coastline of Chile, where landfills are privatized, and where fishermen have to dispose of old nets on their own. Even if the infrastructure was in place to do so effectively, many can’t afford to cover the price.

But three American mechanical engineers are rolling in with a solution: they’ve spent the last year and a half designing a skateboard that offers an ingenious and affordable way for fishermen to recycle plastic waste. After raising more than twice the project’s original funding goal of $25,000, “The Minnow” is set to start its first full production run later this year.

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White Swan Practical Tenets To Secure Fiscally-Sound and Guarantee Successfully Ever-Growing Corporations through Mr. Andres Agostini’s Transformative and Integrative Risk Management proprietary methodology.

By Management Incumbents doing:

(1) Picture mentally, radiantly.

(2) Draw outside the canvas.

(3) Color outside the vectors.

(4) Sketch sinuously.

(5) Far-sight beyond the mind’s intangible exoskeleton.

(6) Abduct indiscernible falsifiable convictions.

(7) Reverse-engineering a gene and a bacterium or, better yet, the lucrative genome.

(8) Guillotine the over-weighted status quo.

(9) Learn how to add up — in your own brainy mind — colors, dimensions, aromas, encryptions, enigmas, phenomena, geometrical and amorphous in-motion shapes, methods, techniques, codes, written lines, symbols, contexts, locus, venues, semantic terms, magnitudes, longitudes, processes, tweets, “…knowledge-laden…” hunches and omniscient bliss, so forth.

(10) Project your wisdom’s wealth onto communities of timeless-connected wikis.

(11) Cryogenize the infamous illiterate by own choice and reincarnate ASAP (multiverse teleporting out of a warped / wormed passage) Da Vinci, Bacon, Newton, Goethe, Bonaparte, Edison, Franklyn, Churchill, Einstein, and Feynman.

(12) Organize relationships into voluntary associations that are mutually beneficial and accountable for contributing productively to the surrounding community.

(13) Practice the central rule of good strategy, which is to know and remain true to your core business and invest for leadership and R&D+Innovation.

(14) Kaisen, SixSigma, Lean, LeanSigma, “…Reliability Engineer…” (the latter as solely conceived and developed by Procter & Gamble and Los Alamos National Laboratories) it all unthinkably and thoroughly by recombinant, a là Einstein Gedanke-motorized judgment (that is to say: Einsteinian Gedanke [“…thought experiments…”].

(15) Provide a road-map and blueprint for drastically compressing (‘crashing’) the time’s ‘reticules’ it will take you to get on the top of your tenure, nonetheless of your organizational level.

(16) With the required knowledge and relationships embedded in organizations, create support for, and carry out transformational initiatives.

(17) Offer a tested pathway for addressing the linked challenges of personal transition and organizational transformation that confront leaders in the first few months in a new tenure.

(18) Foster momentum by creating virtuous cycles that build credibility and by avoiding getting caught in vicious cycles that harm credibility.

(19) Institute coalitions that translate into swifter organizational adjustments to the inevitable streams of change in personnel and environment.

(20) Mobilize and align the overriding energy of many others in your organization, knowing that the “…wisdom of crowds…” is upfront and outright rubbish.

(21) Step outside the boundaries of the framework’s system when seeking a problem’s solution.

(22) Within zillion tiny bets, raise the ante and capture the documented learning through frenzy execution. (23) “…Moonshine…” and “… Skunkworks …” and “…Re-Imagineer…” it all, holding in your mind the motion-pictured image that, regardless of the relevance of “…inputs…” and “…outputs,…”, entails that the highest relevance is within the sophistication within the THROUGHPUT.

(24) Don’t copy Nature and Biology, don’t even copy Universe. Just copy the Omniverse.

(25) Correlate everything else with the ignored and unthinkable ‘else’ of everything else, forever.

(26) Combine the practical and technological with the mysterious and meaningful.

(27) Pencil your map.

(28) Brush your road-map.

(29) Scratch your blueprint.

(30) Conceive of, develop and share unthinkable lessons learned.

(31) Facilitate a heterogeneous group — in the midst of appalling interpersonal chemistry — towards the accomplishment of a common goal.

(32) Learn complex new skills and new ways to make corporate miracles crystallize.

(33) Typo the cartoon.

(34) Keystroke the drawing.

(35) Acculturate your brain to operate executions from the applied omniscience via the lenses and springs of systems methodology.

(36) Manage RISKS and BENEFITS in series and never in parallel.

(37) Remove accident causes prior to a loss, knowing that an accident is never a random stroke of fate, but an utter and thus purported instrument of ignorance of supine ignorance.

(38) Convert your viewpoint to a systems approach.

(39) Enable full-orbed and balanced stability of your thinkables and unthinkables.

(40) Attempt to know, early on, the end from the beginning.

(41) Identify driving forces to make better decisions, manage uncertainty, and profit from change.

(42) Declare the past, recover yesterday, analyze the present, enjoy today, and reinvent tomorrow (today’s ensuing 24 hours).

(43) Build your own FUTURE transcending your past.

(44) Contort your mindful, mindless executions — and those in the midst of ‘mindful’ and ‘mindless’ executions —, solely out of this world, and solely out of this universe, and solely out of this reality, but not just for the inexpensive, tangential, impious sake of intellectual stunts, but only so that the ‘life’ has not unfruitful ‘afterlife’ — so-called —, and also so that the ‘world’ has no ‘afterworld’ (as well as, in congruence with the present work, ‘after-universe’ and even ‘after-verse.’) — so-called —. Aren’t afterlife and afterworld dis-intermediated anyway? Now, you, and merely you, proceed and transcend yourself, by yourself and for yourself.

(45) If you really want to make an operational difference in your professional theater of operations, go and get a full immersion in the fringe. Right in there, under that tense and pressing dynamics, you’ll have the vantage flux of the mirage.

(46) Tantalize your tangential pre-cognition and cognition into ever-‬metamorphosing ‭your attentive and contemplative trans-meditation Zen.

(47) ‭De-realize, thus, de-focus from that taken-for-granted realities of the folly and the faulty, literally!

(48) ‬Mostly in-source your mind with long-unknown virtualities.

(49) Assure that there are not un-searched areas of risk, benefit and sustainable opportunity.

(59) Acculturate yourself and those in your crew and in the orbit of incumbent stakeholders with most actionable, applied omniscience. Remember culture without science and technology is beyond blind.

(60) Cultivate the highest manifestations of human intelligence: vision, discipline, passion and conscience.

(61) Achieve next-level breakthrough in productivity, innovation and leadership in the marketplace and society.

(62) Develop the internal power and moral authority to break out of those problems to become a significant force in solving them.

(63) Use your voice and deeds to superbly serve your organization’s purposes, functions and stakeholders.

(64) Magnify your current gifts, talents, skills and dexterities.

(65) Take a prior learning for Life, apply it to a new situation, learn from practical experience, and apply the new learning.

(66) Pervasively reason from effect to cause and from cause to effect.

(67) Envision shrewd yet calculated risks, from start to end, to turn downsides into upsides.

(68) “…Exponentialize the rushed and marshaled progression of your own all-rounded, perennial learning curves on the doubles, chiefly those directly concerned with engaging your diverse skills, dexterities, and talents to overcome — through fluid execution by mind preparedness — your theater of operations because of and by the increasingly threatening surroundings. Otherwise, the onset Technological Revolutions (compounded in a pervasive composite), as explained in «Futuretonium and Futureketing and White Swan», will give you the hardest time to you and yours. There is realistic and austere hope if we work the hardest and in the most scientific mode.

(69) Figure out exactly which genes and neurons coalesce to make synapses with.

(70) Wire up synapses and genes the soonest.

(71) Ask now more sophisticated questions to marshal upon.

(72) Don’t juts copy Nature but focus on copying Biology, Nature and the Omniverse.

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Update, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Update, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at


Added drug allows rapamycin to slow aging without risking diabetes…g-diabetes

‘Thermal Touch’ will turn any surface into an AR touch screen…uch-screen

Would you eat ‘eco-friendly’ meat created from stem cells?…stem-cells

DARPA Is Using Oculus Rift To Build The ‘Mega Man Battle Network’ Of Cyberwarfare…erwarfare/

Google engineers open gates to Quantum Computing Playground

The Push is On for In Vitro Meat from Stem Cells

“The nation is not as safe as it could and should be”

Bacteria species part of Curiosity baggage on Mars

Minecraft in space: why Nasa is embracing Kerbal Space Program…-minecraft

Must We Worry About Artificial Intelligence?…59597.html

14 Emerging Health Technologies That Will Change The World

Nature inspires drones of the future

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Update, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

The Navy’s Rail Gun technology hides a secret, that the Navy’s projectile accuracy has been substantially increased by about 45x.
But first some history.

The US government brought Prof Eric Laithwaite to help them build a rocket launcher based on linear motor principles. Today we call this the Rail Gun. In terms of its original objectives it was not a success, because astronauts could not survive the accelerations required to launch from a rail gun and cargo required a much longer rail gun than feasible with the then technologies.

The Navy succeeded with ship based rail guns as a means to shoot projectiles. Bloomberg TV has a good video on the Navy’s Rail Gun.…q9VzQ.html

Watching this video I realized that the secret to the Navy’s Rail Gun project was not the rail gun itself, but the substantially increased accuracy attained by the much higher muzzle velocity.

I present two important point. Using quick & dirty theoretical reasoning and real examples showing that the rail gun projectile has an increased accuracy of between 28x to 45x over conventional ship-based guns.

And the real possibility that the rail gun projectile traveling at Mach 7.4 has the ability to shoot down the X-51 traveling at Mach 5 at an altitude of 70,000ft.

PowerPoint is here

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Update, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at


It’s Robots You Don’t See That Will Dominate Our Future

The Future of Quantum Computing Could Depend on This Tricky Qubit

Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse, Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests

When You Buy Your Next Electric Vehicle It May Sport a Dual Carbon Battery

Dr. Henry Kissinger PhD. to journalist Charlie Rose, “…Out of 22 centuries, China has ruled during 20 centuries (2,000 years) …”

Scientists try 3-D printer to build human heart

Lab-on-a-chip Detects Cancer Early and On the Cheap…Cheap.aspx

Aerospace and engineering giant Lockheed Martin is on the cusp of closing a deal with the US government to create two new missile-warning satellites.…th-AM.aspx

IBM acquired the artificial intelligence company Cognea for its Watson system…on-system/

The End of the Swiss Bank Account as We Know It…we-know-it

How Credit Suisse got a stiffer penalty than UBS…5J20140520

Big fine ‘won’t do much damage’: Credit Suisse CEO

US senators say more needs to be done after Credit Suisse conviction…s-senators

DHS Reports that a U.S. Utility System was Hacked

George Soros sells all shares of Citigroup, Bank of America and JP Morgan. Is this a sign of trouble ahead for the banking and insurance industry?…jp-morgan/

DHS Secretary Stresses Importance of Preparedness Grant Programs…o.linkedin

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Update, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

The Huffington Post by Dominique Mosberge

Aliens almost definitely exist.

At least, that’s what two astronomers told Congress this week, as they appealed for continued funding to research life beyond Earth.

According to ABC News, Dan Werthimer, director of the SETI [search for extraterrestrial intelligence] Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, told the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Wednesday that the possibility of extraterrestrial microbial life is “close to 100 percent.”

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by Andy Greenberg","width":620,"height":413},{"url":"","width":111,"height":74},{"url":"","width":1920,"height":1280},{"url":"","width":1240,"height":826}]}" />

Someone out there likes anonymous money.

In only a month, the little-known bitcoin alternative known as Darkcoin has rocketed nearly tenfold in value — from around 75 cents a coin (44p) to almost seven dollars (£4). Its selling point: Darkcoin offers far greater anonymity than bitcoin, mixing up users’ transactions so that it’s incredibly difficult to trace a payment to a person. And though few have yet to accept that more-anonymous coin for actual goods and services, the promise of Darkcoin’s privacy features seems to have sparked a miniature boom. It’s one of the fastest growing among the wave of cryptocurrencies that’s followed bitcoin’s success, with the total value of its combined coins topping out at nearly $30 million (£18 million).

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White Swan Update by Andres Agostini, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at


Rice Isn’t The Only Staple At Risk from Rising Temperatures

PERES Tells You if the Meat You are About to Eat is OK

Physicist suggests some types of wormholes may stay open long enough to send a photon through

Scientists make deep-brain implants possible through wireless charging

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What Can Smart Machines Still Learn From People

Neuroscience’s Grand Question

Four Ways of Looking at Twitter

Text-mining offers clues to success

Predictive Analytics is Tailor-Made for M&A, says Deloitte FAS CEO David Williams…ign=buffer

Preparing For The Singularity — Does The Future Have A Future?…uture.aspx

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Facebook Will Soon Detect What You’re Watching and Listening To…tening-to/

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Why Google Must Now Also Rule the Physical World…-internet/

Darkcoin, the Shadowy Cousin of Bitcoin, Is Booming

CIA: In Future, We Won’t Derail Major International Public Health Efforts.

World’s smallest, fastest nanomotor

Bioethics Commission releases volume one response to the BRAIN Initiative…initiative

The biomechanics behind amazing ant strength

White Swan Update by Andres Agostini, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at