A newly developed vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus being trialled in Guinea is “highly effective,” the World Health Organization said Friday.
The genetic material from two parents combines to form a child. Can we throw a third set of genes into the mix?
Cryonics Institute
Posted in life extension, singularity
RIP = “Return If Possible” is an excellent meme for Singularity, Cryonics & Longevity enthusiasts. [NB: phrase/acronym attributed to India’s former President, late Dr.A P J Abdul Kalam;- (15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015)].
Astronomers said Thursday they had found a planetary system with three super-Earths orbiting a bright, dwarf star — one of them likely a volcanic world of molten rock. The four-planet system had been hiding out in the M-shaped, northern hemisphere constellation Cassiopeia, “just” 21 light years from Earth, a team reported in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. Super-Earths have a mass higher than Earth’s but are lighter than gas giants like Neptune, Saturn or Jupiter. They can be made of gas, rock, or both.
Posted in futurism | 1 Comment on #DrAPJAbdulKalam
“The idea of rationality is a shared construct between AI and economics. When we frame questions in AI, we say: what are the objectives, what should be optimized and what do we know about the world we’re in? The AI/economics interface has become quite fertile because there is a shared language of utility, probability, and reasoning about others.”
More than a thousand prominent thinkers and leading AI and robotics researchers have signed an open letter calling for a ban on “offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control.”
SolarCity is expanding its services to small and medium-sized businesses. This move allows local businesses to save money with renewable energy. Going solar.
It will be the first country in the world to have universal Internet coverage.
Google has teamed up with the Sri Lankan government to deliver broadband Internet to every region of the island nation, making it the first country in the world to have universal Internet coverage. The initiative is part of Google’s Project Loon, which aims to provide cheap or free Wi-Fi to people in remote rural areas around the world via a fleet of huge helium-filled balloons floating way up in the stratosphere.