It’s found in Omega Centauri, the remains of a cannibalized galaxy.
Researchers at the Technion – Israel Institute of technology in Haifa have shown that boosting a person’s mental state could help them recover from a heart attack.
The researchers focused on the reward system – a network in the brain that is activated when a person is motivated or in a positive emotional state – in order to ascertain its impact on recovery from a heart attack, formally known as an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
They found that activating this system in mice led to better clinical outcomes and reduced scarring of the heart tissue. And while the science behind the link between the brain and the heart is still undefined, the Technion said the study raises hopes of improved treatment for heart disease.
Slowfast-llava: a strong training-free baseline for video large language models.
Mingze Xu, Mingfei Gao, Zhe Gan, Hong-You Chen, Zhengfeng Lai, Haiming Gang, Kai Kang, Afshin Dehghan Apple 2024
- SlowFast-LLaVA (SF-LLaVA), a training-free video large…
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A 13-year-old boy named Oran Knowlson has become the world’s first patient to test out a brain stimulation implant to treat severe epilepsy.
Knowlson was sometimes having hundreds of seizures per day before the device was fitted. His family has stated that he’s already seeing positive changes compared to his condition before implanting the device.
This plant that could survive the harsh conditions on Mars, which could help future human missions to explore and terraform the red planet.
They called it the God particle – a particle so ’goddamn’ elusive, it took nearly 40 years and a $4.75 billion machine to detect, all in the hopes of closing one chapter in physics and opening a new one.
Yet for all its promise, it’s possible the Higgs boson might not be the window to a new age of science.
On including previously neglected corrections to data-driven models of the Higgs boson’s creation, physicists from the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Max-Planck Institute for Physics, and the RWTH Aachen University in Germany have failed to find evidence of ‘hidden’ laws lurking in the particle’s shadow.
Major study backed by OpenAI’s Sam Altman shows unconditional cash has benefits that have nothing to do with AI.
One of the largest-ever studies on basic income in the US suggests it can benefit people with low incomes, even if AI doesn’t steal anyone’s job.
A project supported by OpenAI’s founder tested the impact of monthly $1,000 payments to low-income individuals. It found increased flexibility and autonomy for recipients.
An exciting overview of progress made by the startup Tome Biosciences towards clinical application of the PASTE technology, a way of using CRISPR and integrases (or ligases) to programmably insert very long DNA sequences into the human genome.
Each year, Nature Biotechnology highlights companies that have received sizeable early-stage funding in the previous year. Tome Biosciences inserts large DNA sequences into precise genomic locations, overcoming limitations of base and prime editing.
ICYMI, Nobel Laureate Kip Thorne (BS ’62) reached across history, physics, and astronomy to highlight characters and discoveries that changed humanity’s understanding of space and time.
His talk was the 100th in Caltech Astro’s Stargazing Lecture Series.