By studying bears’ months-long lethargy, scientists may have stumbled on a way to prevent astronauts’ bone loss.
Art and photography often dovetail nicely, to the point of being indistinct at times. But rarely does photography achieve the sort of free-flowing, brush-like effects that Matt Molloy imbues his incredible Time Stack photographs with. “My time stack series is a lot like a digital version of what the impressionist painters where trying to achieve in the 19th-century,” says Matt.
A cybernetic engineer creates a very special child robot ★Join us on Facebook ► ★ Sci-Fi Fan? Don’t miss THIS ➨ http:/…
“We lack ‘true agency’ on the Internet. That is to say, all of the data we create online and all of the operations we execute are handled for us by centralized servers, most of which sit in massive data centers operated by corporations and government institutions. We depend on these servers for everything.”
DARPA is an agency that takes high risks in pursuit of great rewards. This video is a celebration of risk. Thank you to all of the teams that participated in…