Interest in Nootropics has grown exponentially over recent years within the health conscious communities and is still a trend moving upwards as I write this. Nootropics are essentially smart drugs that can be bought over the counter or online at retail prices below $50. The majority of Nootropics are cognitive enhancers, that is they are…
“These are long-term trends that began decades ago, says David Autor, an MIT economist who has studied ‘job polarization’—the disappearance of middle-skill jobs even as demand increases for low-paying manual work on the one hand and highly skilled work on the other. This ‘hollowing out’ of the middle of the workforce, he says, ‘has been going on for a while.’ Nevertheless, the recession of 2007–2009 may have sped up the destruction of many relatively well-paid jobs requiring repetitive tasks that can be automated.”
I’m helping to announce a public transhumanist and life extension rally and gathering this Saturday, June 27th at Sue Bierman Park in San Francisco (we’ll be meeting at Justin Herman Plaza in the Sue Bierman park). It’ll start at 2PM sharp and go for a few hours. Maria Konovalenko, myself, and others will be giving short speeches and talking to the public about transhumanism and the importance of longevity research. There is a notable TV channel with a large film crew that is… scheduled to film the event (I just met with them all this evening). Please wear orange or black (Transhumanist Party colors), and there will be a limited amount of free t-shirts and bumper stickers available. Check out the event page and please join us! This is an excellent opportunity to put transhumanism on TV. Thanks!
Thanks to inexpensive printed solar cells, 1.3 billion people currently without electricity may be able to plug in for the first time.
A mother and a daughter in an apartment, listening to the women crying on the floors above and…
Are you the kind of person who spends a lot of time pondering when machine learning will finally give us humans a run for our money? Or exactly how the technology behind a pulse simulator works? We had a feeling you might be. So what other questions or ideas about the future of technology keep you up at night? This is your chance to have them answered/discussed by two leaders in the field of future tech: Brain Games host and futurist Jason Silva and Matt Grob, CTO of Qualcomm and holder of more than 70 patents relating to wireless communication and cell technology.
“Dark fantasies, however, distract attention from more urgent questions. How will AI affect employment, especially higher-paying work? When will robot writers and artists alter the way humans consume creative content? Who will be held accountable for accidents when humans are no longer in the decision or action loop? Instead of ‘wolf’ criers of the Musk sort, humans need a serious discussion about new norms and practices that will shape and govern AI.” Read more
This is a rewritten story I’m publishing for the first time on The Huffington Post. It’s part of my goal to get other communities involved with supporting transhumanism:
The Pentagon is working on technology that will allow it to engineer a new organism within a day of it being found in the wild.