By Rhiannon Williams — The Telegraph
From a technological perspective, the rise and development of 3D printing and its capabilities will play an undeniable part in our future lives. But how does the process work?
By Rhiannon Williams — The Telegraph
From a technological perspective, the rise and development of 3D printing and its capabilities will play an undeniable part in our future lives. But how does the process work?
Google engineering director Ray Kurzweil is, undoubtedly, one of the most accomplished men of our time. The relentless inventor — whose credits include the flatbed scanner, optical character resolution and speech-to-text- systems — is also a bestselling author, a successful entrepreneur, and an artificial intelligence pioneer.
His current title at Google, then, always seemed a little puzzling to me — after all, wasn’t he the sort of guy to set his sights on something a little higher than juicing sales of online advertisements at the world’s biggest Web search engine?
FEBRUARY 14/2014 LIST OF UPDATES. By Mr. Andres Agostini at The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At
Reinventing Social Media: Deep Learning, Predictive Marketing, And Image Recognition Will Change Everything…_inn_feb14
EU Rules Mean That ‘Children Can’t Get Life-Saving Cancer Drugs’…mg00000067
Virgin Atlantic Is Using Google Glass for Faster Check-Ins…s_for.html
Here’s What California’s Historic Drought Will Do To The Economy…z2t3NVIAyL
Digital Currency Woes: Second Bitcoin Exchange Halts Withdrawals…als-n27776
The GMAT: An exam with greater profit margins than Apple…ign=buffer
DIA Director Lt. Gen Michael Flynn on Current and Future Worldwide Threats Testimony Before the Senate Armed Services Committee…testi.aspx
Many Promising Embryonic Stem Cell Therapies Ensnared In Legal Loophole…l-loophole
Why Robot Trucks Could Be Headed To Afghanistan (And Everywhere Else)…where-else
Salvadoran Newspaper Sends Drone To Cover Presidential Election…l-election
Interactive Infographic: The Search For Other Earths…her-earths
Possible Link Found Between Bacterium And Multiple Sclerosis…-sclerosis
Now In Japan: Giant Cyborg Cockroaches
A Motorcycle Helmet For The Digital World
A Mind-Controlled Robotic Hand With A Sense Of Touch
Common Goal Partnering: An Exciting New Model For Cloud Service Providers
‘Brazil Is Not A Civilized Country’ Says The Country’s Most Controversial News Anchor…ws-anchor/
Inside Google’s Mysterious Ethics Board…sform-tech
Looking To Amazon, BuildDirect Raises $30M To Take On Home Improvement Giants…sform-tech
Don’t Believe The Innovation Cliché: Think Outside The Box But Stay Inside It…nking-risk
Former NSA Security Architect Pushes Email Encryption For The Masses…nking-risk
Google’s Market Cap Hits $400 Billion for First Time
NASA Wants to 3D Print Equipment in Space
The Felino cB7 is a Racers Dream, Will it Transition from Track to Road?…-Road.aspx
The Naval Postgraduate School Focuses on Systems Engineering…ering.aspx
Al Qaeda is “morphing,” not on the run, intel chiefs say…hiefs-say/
The New World’s Most Powerful Laser Can Destroy Any Planet Humans Want
The New World’s Most Powerful Laser Can Destroy Any Planet Humans Want
Entrepreneurship at MIT
Future of Manufacturing
Strategies for Sustainable Business…usiness/55
Leading Change in Complex Organizations…zations/22
QUOTATION(S): “…All the notions we thought solid, all the values of civilized life, all that made for stability in international relations, all that made for regularity in the economy … in a word, all that tended happily to limit the uncertainty of the morrow, all that gave nations and individuals some confidence in the morrow … all this seems badly compromised. I have consulted all augurs I could find, of every species, and I have heard only vague words, contradictory prophecies, curiously feeble assurances. Never has humanity combined so much power with so much disorder, so much anxiety with so many playthings, so much knowledge with so much uncertainty…”
CITATION(S): “…There is nothing so big nor so crazy that one out of a million technological societies may not feel itself driven to do, provided it is physically possible…” AND “…That instability [between stasis and dynamism], or our awareness of it, heightened by the fluidity of contemporary life: by the ease with which ideas and messages, goods and people, cross borders; by technologies that seek to surpass the quickness of the human mind and overcome the constraints of the human body; by the ‘universal solvents’ of commerce and popular culture; by the dissolution or reformation of established institutions, particularly large corporations, and the rise of new ones; by the synthesis of East and West, of ancient and modern ─ by the combination and recombination of seemingly every artifact of human culture. Ours is a magnificently creative era. But the creativity produces change, and that change attracts enemies, philosophical as well as self-interested… With some exceptions, the enemies of the future aim their attacks not at creativity itself but at the dynamical processes through which it is carried. In our post ─ Cold War era, for instance, free markets are recognized as powerful forces for social cultural, and technological change ─ liberating in the eyes of some, threatening to others. The same is true for markets in ideas: for free speech and worldwide communication; for what John Stuart Mill called ‘experiments in living’; for scientific research, artistic expression, and technological innovation. All of these processes are shaping an unknown, and unknowable, future. Some people look at such diverse, decentralized, choice-driven systems and rejoice, even when they don’t like particular choices. Other recoil. In pursuit of stability and control, they seek to eliminate or curb these unruly, too-creative forces … Stasists and dynamists are thus divided not just by simple, short-term policy issues but by fundamental disagreements about the way the world works. They clash over the nature of progress and over its desirability: Does it require a plan to reach a specified goal? Or is it an unbounded process of exploration and discovery? Does the quest for improvement express destructive, nihilistic discontent, or the highest human qualities? Does progress depend on puritanical repression or a playful spirit? … Stasists and dynamists disagree about the limits and use of knowledge. Stasists demand that knowledge be articulated and easily shared. Dynamists, by contrast, appreciate dispersed, often tacit knowledge. They recognize the limits of human minds even as they celebrate learning … Those conflicts lead to very different beliefs about good institutions and rules: Stasists seek specifics to govern each new situation and keep things under control. Dynamicists want to limit universal rulemaking to broadly applicable and rarely changed principles, within which people can create and test countless combinations. Stasists want their detailed ruled to apply to everyone; dynamists prefer competing, nested rule sets … Such disagreements have political ramifications that go much deeper than the short-term business of campaigns and legislation. They affect our governing assumptions about how political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural systems work; what those systems should value; and what they mean .… These are not the comfortable old Cold War divisions of hawks and doves, egalitarians and individualists, left and right. Nor are they the one-dimensional labels of technophile and technophobe, optimist and pessimist, or libertarian and stasist that pundits sometimes grab to replace the old categories. They contain elements of those simpler classifications, but they are much richer, encompassing more aspects of life ─ more aspects of the emergent, complex future…”
NEWEST, PRACTICAL PRINCIPAL (TENETS) TO SEIZE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SUCCESS: (7) Reverse-engineering a gene and a bacterium or, better yet, the lucrative genome. (8) Guillotine the over-weighted status quo. (9) Learn how to add up ─ in your own brainy mind ─ colors, dimensions, aromas, encryptions, enigmas, phenomena, geometrical and amorphous in-motion shapes, methods, techniques, codes, written lines, symbols, contexts, locus, venues, semantic terms, magnitudes, longitudes, processes, tweets, “…knowledge-laden…” hunches and omniscient bliss, so forth. (10) Project your wisdom’s wealth onto communities of timeless-connected wikis.
BOOK(S): The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future by Bruce Bueno De Mesquita. ISBN-13: 978–0812979770
Mr. Andres Agostini
Risk-Management Futurist
and Success Consultant
FEBRUARY 13/2014 LIST OF UPDATES. By Mr. Andres Agostini at The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At
Is your boss watching you? Surveillance device tracks employees’ movements in the office, sends details of conversations and even times their toilet breaks…oilet.html
New software lets you mark places as off-limits for wearable camera gadgets like Google Glass.
Seeing as a Service. Forget Augmented Reality. What About Diminished Reality?
Elon Musk plans to colonise Mars
Africa: the sun rises on the next exploration hot spot…-hot-spot/
NSA failed to detect Snowden’s unsophisticated insider attack…der-attack
Inside Intel: Pay for Performance Questioned…uestioned/
Trustworthy Computing
4 Benefits of Sales Gamification
Rotavirus Vaccines — Balancing Intussusception Risks and Health Benefits
Technology Vision 2014: Become a Digital Disruptor
The sun’s violent insides revealed: Iris probe takes a detailed look beneath the star’s surface…z2t1w6yxeD
How Startups Can Tap Into Google’s Secret Sauce: OKRs
Statement for the Record — Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community…um=twitter
Special Operations Command Wants X-Prize to Develop ‘Iron Man’ Suit…ek.twitter
Has America lost its ability to dream big?…dream-big/
Google on NSA: We Need Rules, Transparency and Oversight
New Processor to Bring High-End Features to Cheap Smartphones
NASA, Deloitte To Bring Space-Age Risk Management To Oil And Gas Industry…vpPzIWGiHc
Google-Backed Asteroid Mining Venture Attracts Billionaires…stors.html
Tech Investor to Entrepreneurs: A Harvard Degree Is a Liability
Raytheon receives $31 million Maverick missile contract from South Korea
What Cold War CIA Interrogators Learned from the Nazis…nazis.html
Would Bill Gates Artificially Prolong His Life? His Surprising (And Inspiring) Answer…mg00000046
How Bill Gates Radically Transformed His Public Speaking And Communication Skills…ium=social
How to Get Investors to Move Faster
The Myth of Similar Successful Qualities
Unconventional Energy and U.S. National Security: A Conversation on Energy and Security
5 Attributes to Look for in High-Performing Employees
PayPal President’s credit card hacked for shopping spree…d/5367979/
Let One Good Thing Lead To Another…st-small_1
Innovating at Scale: Building Trust…st-small_3
Corporate Social Responsibility’s New Role in the Middle East
Moving from novice techie to Subject Matter Expert
How To Get Your Employees to Think Strategically…oyees.html
Is The Corporate Website Dead?
New advance in 3-D printing and tissue engineering technology
HHS to fund development of drug for bioterrorism, antimicrobial-resistant infections…infections
Scientists identify gene linking brain structure to intelligence
Three things Bill Gates wishes he could have done 20 years ago…years-ago/
QUOTATION(S): “…People are always [and wrongfully] assuming that everything that is going to be invented must have been invented already. But it hasn’t…” AND “…The problem is never how to get new innovative thoughts into your mind, BUT HOW TO GET OLD ONES OUT …”
CITATION(S): “…We live in strange times, in case you have not noticed. Here we are with our home computers and other high-tech appliances, living what we regard as a normal life … The world we are living in ─ a world that couples Homo sapiens with fast-paced hypertechnology ─ is strange to us because sometimes it feels like what it is, a transient dream .… We are dreaming a strange, waking dream; an inevitably brief interlude sandwiched between the long age of low-tech humanity on the one hand, and the age of human beings transcended on the other. We are living in the latter days of humanity; cybertechnologies will quickly replace us. Just inches of time away exists a speedy reality bearing down on us that we may sense, but do not show on our faces .… While one may be made uncomfortable by the thought of a truly strange 21st century, there is around us an impending sense of arrival ─ a strangeness in the air, an uneasiness, a feeling that deep down, things are starting to change in swift, fundamental ways too fuzzy to put a finger on. More than just the onset of the third millennium, it is the quiet before the storm. The products of technology are becoming more curious ─ a little too smart, a little too fast. It’s downright unsettling. And, hey, people aren’t dumb. They know that we have just begun to build smart dumb machines; soon it will be dumb smart machines. Where will it stop? If we continue to build machines smarter than the last ones, and then one that is smarter than that and so on ─ well, you do not have to be a particle physicist to see that the machines cannot keep getting smarter and smarter, yet forever remain dumber than us. Garry ‘John Henry’ Kasparov, chess Grand Master, lost a championship game to a machine for the first time in history this year. Perhaps someday, we’ll hear the battle cry of humanity rallying in desperation: ‘Remember Deep Blue’…”
NEWEST, PRACTICAL PRINCIPAL (TENETS) TO SEIZE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SUCCESS: (1) Picture mentally, radiantly. (2) Draw outside the canvas. (3) Color outside the vectors. (4) Sketch sinuously. (5) Far-sight beyond the mind’s intangible exoskeleton.
BOOK(S): The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr. ISBN-13: 978–0393339758
Mr. Andres Agostini
Risk-Management Futurist
and Success Consultant
Figure 25.5 of “Gravitation” – the famous bible of general relativity written in 1973 by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler – shows on page 667 two curves as a function of time, both describing an astronaut in-falling from a stationary outer point onto a black hole. The two time curves at first coincide horizontally on the left. Then the upper one decays essentially exponentially reaching the horizontal x-axis of the horizon only asymptotically after infinite time. The lower curve, after initially coinciding, deviates downwards gently to after picking up speed (in a curve like the frontal part of a shoe’s profile) reach the horizon after 15 days already.
The lower curve is the proper time experienced by an astronaut falling onto a solar-mass black hole – the time it takes on the wristwatch to reach the horizon in free fall from a fixed outer position. The upper curve shows how this same in-falling process looks to an outside observer: infinitely elongated.
I am drawing your attention to this Figure in a famous book co-authored by my late friend John Wheeler because this figure – I claim – illustrates an error made by the whole physics community over many decades – notwithstanding the fact that the Figure is flawless.
The error consists in the reader’s believing that the short in-falling time experienced by the astronaut – lower curve – was “more real” because the maximally slowed-down appearance of the same process watched from the outside – upper curve – was caused by the growing and eventually infinite redshift that applies. This is the common belief in gravitation physics up to this day. Nevertheless this is a misunderstanding. How can I be sure?
My trick to convince you that the upper curve is the more real one lies in assuming that an ideal “trampoline” had been placed on the horizon – so that the motion of the in-falling astronaut is exactly time-inverted such that she is sent back up again without loss of kinetic energy. This ideal device can be assumed to be present without one’s making a formal mistake. The astronaut then automatically returns after another 15 days of her proper time. The pertinent curve – second shoe – is a mirror image of the first, touching it with its own tip at the level of the horizon to go up symmetrically to the right in order to hit the original height after 30 days of total travelling time of the astronaut. Such a second “dashed shoe” can be entered legally into the figure of Misner, Thorne and Wheeler.
Now the clinching question: Where, after these 30 days of travel experienced by the astronaut, lies the reappearance point of the astronaut on the time axis of the stationary outer observer (assuming he still occupies the same position as taken when the astronaut was released into free fall)?
My claim: The return occurs, not at 30 days of outer time as the newly added dashed curve suggests, but rather at “twice infinity” in outer time. The second dashed line – the one valid from the outside – is a mirror image of the full infinitely long upper curve added on to it on the right at t = infinity. This finishes the example.
If you are a high-school student: would you, please, ask your teacher about her or his opinion? I predict you will be told the following: The events on the wristwatch of the astronaut are only “optically elongated” such that what takes place in a short time for the astronaut looks vastly – eventually infinitely – stretched-out on the time scale of the outside world. But nonetheless “this does not add up to ‘twice infinity’ since no textbook says so and the question is too simple and important to have been overlooked over almost a century.” So the optical stretching must somehow be made up for again when the astronaut is racing back overtaking her own formerly sent-out light signals.
Can you make up your mind yourself?: Will the astronaut find a double infinity of outer time to have passed when she re-arrives (as I say), or can she hug the crew she left 30 days before? Bets are invited.
I thank my students for their skepticism which opened-up my eyes to the general interest of the question.
By Sam Maggs — Geekosystem
Not content with only building gigantic horror-bots that will one day rule your city with a literal iron fist, DARPA has teamed up with the Pentagon to get a little smaller - implantable-brain-robot smaller. Hopefully, this new project will help treat memory loss in soldiers injured in combat (and not turn them into weird DARPA-slavebots).
Though Medtronic Inc. (MDT) has already created robot brain implants to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s, not much work has gone into using these robots to restore memories lost in traumatic injuries. DARPA is using funding from President Obama’s BRAIN Initiative to develop implantable probes that could apply this same Medtronic science to memory loss.
FEBRUARY 12/2014 LIST OF UPDATES. By Mr. Andres Agostini at The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At
X-ray imaging protein molecules at atomic resolution using a graphene cage…phene-cage
Wearable ‘neurocam’ records scenes when it detects user interest…r-interest
Searching space dust for minute quantities of life’s ingredients…ngredients
For landmine detection, Bogota designers think with their feet (1:52)…annel=4000
DHS takes new approach to troubled TECS modernization…z2svhTZcHz
Scientists develop potential new drug treatment to tackle viruses
Nanotechnology researchers control artificial nanomotors inside living cells…gy+News%29
Humans Teaching Machine Learning
Pentagon vexed by inability to solve ethics lapses…03302.html
New programming language removes human error from privacy equation
Caltech: secrets of the world’s number one university…ullarticle
Optogenetic toolkit goes multicolor. New light-sensitive proteins allow scientists to study how multiple sets of neurons interact with each other
Why Do Nerds Become Successful CEOs?…sful-ceos/
The government drone is on its way: UAE plans to use biometric quadcopters for ID card delivery…-delivery/
Alibaba offers to buy digital mapping company AutoNavi…vrit=59213
H7N9 vaccine proves effective on lab mice
Reinventing Social Media: Deep Learning, Predictive Marketing, And Image Recognition Will Change Everything…2014-2
World’s First Entanglement-Enhanced Microscope…ce=twitter
Conserved nuclear envelope protein uses a shuttle service to travel between job sites
From Gadgets To Galaxies: Conference Reports…um=twitter
Zero-sum politics…umpolitics
Striking Photos Go Deep Inside the European Space Program…-id-139871
Tech innovation vs. the surveillance state: How it’s playing out in Washington…ashington/
CHART OF THE DAY: Europe’s Share Of Global Profits Is At A 28-Year Low
Bitcoin Bug Prompts Pricing Freefall…-main-link
Administration weighs drone strike against American citizen…ng-with-al
We’re about to get a new composites manufacturing robot, engineers tell
We’re about to get a new composites manufacturing robot, engineers tell @MarkWarner.
— NASA Langley Research Center (@NASA_Langley) February 10, 2014
Design and strategy in organic synthesis…oux-merner
10 things not to buy in 2014…nk=sfmw_sm
Worried sick: What’s up with today’s rampant anxiety?…AL-twitter
Why Traffic To These Google Alternatives Is Soaring…um=twitter
How We Created a Network of STEM Teachers…clp-edweek
An Austrian Artist Has Completely Reinvented The Door
Dyson’s vision for future robots
Terrific Tech: 10 Futuristic Advances in Robotics
3D-printed hip implant lets teenager walk again
3D-printed pizza – a quick and easy meal for astronauts?
The Year Man Becomes Immortal,31813,2048601,00.html
Do You Trust Internet-Connected Appliances Enough To Let Them Run Your Home?…your-home/
US Lead in Science And Technology Shrinking
New Blood Pressure Tracking Device Works with Smartphone
Gizmos & Gadgets: New Blood Pressure Tracking Device Works with Smartphone
New Journal Article Sheds Light on Past Earth Warming Events
Headlines: New Journal Article Sheds Light on Past Earth Warming Events
“More than 93 percent of the warming of the planet since 1970 is found in the ocean”
Headlines: “More than 93 percent of the warming of the planet since 1970 is found in the ocean”
U.S. Agencies Take Significant Step Toward Wirelessly Connecting Vehicles To One Another…e-another/
5 most incredible discoveries of the week…s/5312059/
‘Natural cities’ emerge from location-based social media…ial-media/
The real promise of big data: It’s changing the whole way humans will solve problems…-problems/
Text, Chat, Profit: Tencent Launches Investing on WeChat…on-wechat/
The CEO’s Perfect Storm: Demographics, Data, and Devices Change Everything…everything
Is Amazon entering the mobile payment war?–
Digital health partnership marries clinical and sensor data for more proactive senior care
Digital health partnership marries clinical and sensor data for more proactive senior care
Chips Break Sales Record in 2013
QUOTATION(S): “…We won’t just experience 100 years of progress in the twenty-first century ─ it will be more like 20,000 years of progress…”
CITATION(S): “…If it seems like your world has been topsy-turvy over the past few years … Consider what’s coming. Your genetic code will be imprinted on and ID card … For better and worse. Medicines will be tailored to your genes and will help prevent specific diseases for which you may be at risk. (But … your insurance company and your prospective employer may also find out that you are genetically disposed to, say, heart disease, or breast cancer, or Alzheimer’s.)…” AND “…The lesson of the last three decades is that nobody can drive to the future on cruise control…”
BOOK(S): Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now by Douglas Rushkoff. ISBN-13: 978–1591844761
Mr. Andres Agostini
Risk-Management Futurist
and Success Consultant
Startup Bitcoin Kinetics, which aims to create hardware that can allow vending machines to accept bitcoin, is offering 10 billion shares of common stock on the website Cryptostocks. This isn’t your typical IPO—Cryptostocks, where Bitcoin Kinetics will be “listed,” describes itself as both a crowd funding platform and a place to “buy shares… and earn dividends.” It’s not clear what the legal status of Cryptostocks is, since it’s not licensed or registered as an exchange. One commenter called Cryptostocks “another of the play-pretend Bitcoin financial exchanges.” (We reached out to Cryptostocks for comment, and will update this when we hear back from them.)
By Zach Schonfeld — Newsweek
Spurred by a host of recent converts to the peer-to-peer digital currency, Newsweek has become the first magazine to accept Bitcoin PR pitches. The digital currency’s visibility in popular retailers remains modest, but its presence in our email inboxes has frankly never been higher.
If the volume of recent press releases is any indication, Newsweek will be shortly accompanied by the first Indian e-Commerce store, Swiss dentist, HFT service provider, and public university to embrace the currency form.
We were talking recently with an executive in the adtech startup scene and got onto the subject of Bitcoin, and how much money was pouring into — and coming out of — the online cryptocurrency in the San Francisco and Silicon Valley area.
This source told us that he had heard about a guy who had made more than $200,000 from trading Bitcoin, and had used it to charter a rocket into space.
Wait, what?
Turns out, it’s true.
Read more