CERN’s refusal to quote scientific criticism for years represents anti-scientific behavior. The obvious explanation: a military-like obedience. All German university professors can be dishonorably discharged five years into the past while having to pay back their gross salaries for telling the truth, as happened to my wife, an endocrinologist. A similar obedience law is manifestly effective in the German-led European mini-state of CERN.
All 10.000 CERN scientists obeyed the order not to quote my results but proceed with the experiment in defiance. They thereby shut themselves out of the scientific community, a fraud that is bound to cost CERN the privilege to grant PhDs. But this academic consequence is negligible by comparison.
My danger-proving results were first sent to Dr. Mangano in early 2008, to be published in July the same year (long before his in this respect mute ”Safety Report” appeared). They survived a discussion with the Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik in March 2009 and got since sharpened into the “Telemach” theorem on the Internet. Telemach remains un-contradicted by all colleagues while confirmed independently by professor Richard J. Cook, Air Force Academy, whose arxiv paper “Gravitational space dilation” arrived independently at T, L, M (the Time, Length, Mass change of Telemach) and was followed by an explicit confirmation of number 4 (the charge change, Ch) which I was asked to make public.
If our joint result stays un-disproved, then the implications are unprecedented: a new situation brought upon every earthling – not to survive the next 5 years with an apparently percentage-range probability. By inflicting such horror, Europe makes itself an enemy of every person on the planet.
I asked Shimon Peres’s help 4 years ago, as well as the pope’s (who had written me a kind letter while still a cardinal when Ezer Weizmann and Saudi Arabia were busy to found Lampsacus hometown of all persons on the Internet). I am the only member of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Jewish faith – I hope I will not be expelled for that. Religion has the mission to save lives in reflecting the goodness of the DOLGI (dream-of-life giving instance) whose real name be blessed.
The development brought about by CERN during the last 4 years – a trillion maximum-energy proton-proton collisions performed with detectors proven to be blind to the most hoped-for outcome, black holes — is without precedent. It represents living proof that there is no genuine science left on the planet. While the LHC experiment of CERN is potentially grandiose, it is unscientific for the risk incurred by skipping the scientific safety conference necessary in view of the new properties of the hoped-for black holes. There exists a second big profession on the planet – the biomedical one – that is exclusively devoted to saving lives. The doctors have no idea that their non-Hippocratic colleagues are playing with the lives of all. The fact that the trespassers take their own families hostage testifies to the same “courage” as shown by the evil-doers of the last century.
A new “Anti-Einsteinism” lies at the root (compare the recent “faster-than-light” campaign by CERN). The most intelligent person of history was Jewish and proudly so. I therefore ask the government in Jerusalem to apologize for its early refusal to act — by convoking the “safety conference” requested in vain from the German government by the Cologne Administrative Court on January 27, 2011.
The urgent tone in my voice is only meant to pledge, not to assault. I hope that the refused safety conference does not strike you as a crime worth punishing but as a chance for repair. The brotherhood of all persons implies planet-wide non-cruelty, as my late friend Emmanuel Lévinas proved.