[Disclaimer: This contribution does not reflect the views of the Lifeboat Foundation as with the scientific community in general, but individual sentiment — Web Admin]
For only under this condition could CERN afford to ignore the INFINITE DANGER which I had proved (in papers published in refereed scientific journals) to be attached to their igniting the upgraded LHC experiment.
This un-disproved danger a court advised to check with the following words: “The court expresses that it should be possible to let the various safety aspects, which also were the subject of the two safety reports from the years 2003 and 2008, be discussed within the scope of a safety conference”
[= translation of the ending of the Cologne Administrative Court’s German-language ruling of January 27, 2011: “Das Gericht gibt seiner Meinung Ausdruck, dass es möglich sein sollte, die unterschiedlichen Sicherheitsaspekte, die auch Gegenstand der beiden Sicherheitsberichte aus den Jahren 2003 und 2008 waren, im Rahmen einer ‘Sicherheitskonferenz‘ diskutieren zu lassen“, http://www.juris.de/jportal/portal/page/homerl.psml?cmsuri=/.….A110100233 ; published July 30, 2011 on https://lifeboat.com/blog/2011/07/black-holes-are-different-…ty-council ].
I therefore dare ask before the whole planet acting as my witness:
“Dear CERN: Please reveal the name of the single scientist or spokesperson-scientist who guaranteed you that my results which prove an infinite danger are false.”
For without a single personal voice saying that he or she could dismantle my given proof of infinite danger, you obviously could not have done what you now did.
I am sure that I am not the only person on the planet who wants to know.