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The movie is grandiose and beautifully done. Especially the young girl at the outset is an incredibly strong real-life personality. The movie brings together the issue of planetary survival – under the onslaught of a never explained progressive lethal scourge – with the redeeming power of black holes used as a vehicle to reach a distant twin earth to be colonized by a select few.

The scenario is ingenious because the two topics – planetary survival and black holes – are intertwined on our own planet as well. The movie therefore functions much like a nightly dream which reshuffles some elements of the daylight reality to enable the sleep to go on while still remaining decipherable after waking up. The current terrestrial situation is not at all unrelated – with black holes figuring decisively in it as well.

In this optically and acoustically overwhelming immersion, for the first time in history the basic effect which a black hole exerts on its vicinity is made palpable. The viewer becomes an eyewitness to the emotional ordeal gone through by the protagonist (a trained jet pilot originally) when he suddenly realizes what it means that he and his buddy are by a technical problem forced to stay for a few more minutes fairly deep down in the gravitational funnel of a giant black hole: That this means that decades will pass by on the outside during those very minutes – so his young daughter whom he so much longs to see again will afterwards be older than he is now. And indeed, when he returns at the end of the movie, she is lying on her death bed in old age, with all her descendants assembled around her.

The movie thereby makes “gravitational time dilation” a palpable experience on the viewer’s own body and mind. And it does the same thing to the specialists’ minds, so I am sure. Textbook knowledge can never replace being made an eyewitness in person. You are now able to realize yourself what happens if you get even closer to the surface (or “horizon” as my friend Wolfgang Rindler named it) of a black hole. The answer is that you will in the limit of going down to the horizon itself be faced with an infinitely old universe on your return.

The movie in a less vivid way also employs a “wormhole” at one point – using an Einstein-Rosen bridge between a black hole and a white hole glued together at the waist – in order reach a very far-away sister earth. However, this is a forgivable dramaturgic effect. In reality, the bridge is unfortunately closed unless putting up with a twice-infinite traveling time as far as the outside world is concerned is made part of the mission.

When you have watched the movie and do now read this, you will have difficulty believing me that this intuitive time-delaying effect, witnessed when you saw the captain cringe under the sacrifice of losing years of simultaneity with his beloved daughter, happens to be strangely unknown to the specialists of the trade. My task is now to explain this second paradox which is not a physical one.

I almost feel tempted to act like my friend John Wheeler did when a journalist pressed him to explain why he no longer believed in the many-worlds theory of his pupil Hugh Everett, replying: “Please, Mr. X, spare me the task of explaining because I then might suffer a relapse.” But in earnest: No one can explain this historical blind spot of the scientific community. Or to stress the positive side: No one can explain how Kip Thorne, the movie’s scientific adviser and former pupil of Wheeler’s, could possibly conceive of the mentioned scene with the father’s deep sorrow, for it is so maximally hard to go against the grain of a whole learned community – even if what is at stake as here is as maximally uncontroversial and simple as the “immortal scene” witnessed by us.

So that scene is uncontroversial? Absolutely, but totally unknown. The explanation is a historical one. No other field in science is as difficult as black hole theory is in the famous formalism of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Only nerds survive: They eventually can swim freely but have by then lost contact to the shore. Nothing is wrong with their elegant swimming suits – the mathematical “transformations” used to get farther out with a solution. Only the connection to the shore got severed. These transformations are allowed mathematically but not physically. So it could happen that the viewers and the movie makers alike would get decoupled from the specialists in effect – not for their being less but for their being more knowledgeable for once. The scene with the slowed bodily clocks is common knowledge on paper in principle but not at all in the hearts. It indeed is no one’s fault that the two hemispheres in the heads of the scientific community were never forced together before. This makes the scene and the movie unique.

But why does this point make the whole movie vitally important? This has to do with our own planet. Humankind is doing everything it can to produce miniature black holes down on earth. This was attempted for three years already, and the plan is to after a year’s pause for reconstruction continue at twice the power in a few weeks’ time from now. Yet the experimenters hereby forgot the fact that nothing can get-in into a black hole in finite outer time. This follows from the scene in the movie by assuming the astronauts to have plunged deeper and deeper. And the experimenters forgot, too, that nothing can get out from the horizon in finite outer time. Black holes are never even finished in finite universe time since everything gets infinitely slowed-down – “frozen” – in their vicinity as we witnessed with the minutes that corresponded to years when one was still quite far outside. Since the horizon does not even form in finite outer time, the commonly accepted “life insurance” against mini black holes produced down on earth – the famous “Hawking evaporation” – is only an elegant mathematical formula that has no substance physically speaking. So it does not prevent – as everyone in the community unfortunately believes it does – that a first successfully produced mini black hole will get stuck inside earth to grow there exponentially. Presently, Ebola is doing the same thing on the surface of the earth as everyone has learned. Yet even here, no one appears to fully understand what “exponential growth” means: that it may soon be too late to save a whole capital or country or continent. Remember the disbelieving king in the fable who underestimated the number of rice grains on his checkerboard when every next field contains twice as many? 2 to the 64 is big. But 64 is not the end in reality. This growth law is what makes for a genuine scourge whereever it applies. The earth would be shrunk to 2 cm after a silent period of only a few years, by a mini black hole got stuck inside, no one denies.

This is the atmosphere into which the science-fiction movie INTERSTELLAR got released on our real earth. The European Nuclear Research organization which tries to produce the minis has so far decided not to renew their 6 years old Safety Report ahead of restarting at twice the power in a few weeks’ time from now. Once INTERSTELLAR has turned a whole planet into specialists in understanding gravitational time dilation by using their own guts and hearts, however, earth’s citizens can no longer be denied the right to be offered a renewed safety report. Thus after a fictional movie gave away the decisive secret of black holes, a whole planet now has a brighter future if the present report or its gist is taken up by the media. I believe that one reader will make this happen.

CERN could then attempt to stem the tide by getting the movie off the screen to have the dangerous scene removed. More effective would be to stop advertising the movie. But I am dreaming: Why should anyone believe me? It is the young people who have watched the movie. Each viewer has suddenly come close to Einstein’s heart. Conversely, Einstein is maximally pleased – so I can dare say from what I learned from John Wheeler about him – regarding the fact that the time-slowing scene gives the planet an enhanced chance for survival by getting the 6 years old safety report renewed as an inalienable birth right. So I simply stop after saying that Johnny Wheeler would be proud of Kip Thorne for his opening-up the eyes of a whole planet with a movie! And after not forgetting to remind the young actress from the movie’s beginning to, please, remain as strong as you are!

For J.O.R.

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 22, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


BBC NEWS: Robots face new test of creative abilities. A US professor is proposing a new way to test whether artificial intelligence (AI) is on a par with that of humans.

FINANCIAL TIMES: Google break-up plan emerges from Brussels. The European parliament is poised to call for a break-up of Google, in one of the most brazen assaults so far on the technology group’s power.

THE ECONOMIST: Is Germany’s economy getting too weak to pull Europe out of its crisis?

WALL STREET JOURNAL: When Can We Expect Truly Autonomous Vehicles?

FINANCIAL TIMES: Surgeons embrace 3D printed implants to save NHS time and cash. From complex reconstructive facial surgery to dentures and hip implants, surgeons across the UK are using 3D printing to improve treatments and save time and money for the National Health Service.

FORBES: Is the US Stock Market Unhealthy?

FORBES: Businesses Don’t Move To The Cloud: DATA Does

GIGAOM: The Future of Artificial Intelligence

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Amazon and Google Change Places on Going Green. Google recently explained its pullback on sustainability while Amazon has just announced a “long-term commitment” to achieve 100 percent renewable energy use.…ing-green/

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: How brain cells persuade other cells to do ‘the wave’

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: How neurons multitask

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Georgia Tech professor proposes another alternative to the Turing test. The Lovelace 2.0 Test of Artificial Creativity and Intelligence assesses a computer’s capacity for human-level intelligence by its ability to create, rather than to converse or deceive

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: China and ‘one or two others’ can shut US electric grids and other critical infrastructure, says NSA director

THE ECONOMIST: VLADIMIR PUTIN is not short of problems, many of his own creation. There is the carnage in eastern Ukraine, where he is continuing to stir things up. There are his fraught relations with the West, with even Germany turning against him now. There is an Islamist insurgency on his borders and at home there is grumbling among the growing numbers who doubt the wisdom of his Ukraine policy. But one problem could yet eclipse all these: Russia’s wounded economy could fall into a crisis.

THE WIRE: It’s Totally Normal That Joe Biden’s Son (Hunter Biden) Works for a Ukrainian Energy Company

BBC NEWS: Ukraine crisis: Joe Biden warns Russia faces ‘isolation’

Phys.Org: Engineering team increases power efficiency for future computer processors

Phys.Org: Multiphysics invisibility cloak manipulates both electric current and heat

The Week Magazine: How quantum computing could change everything. It could revolutionize encryption — and help us peer even deeper into the underlying fabric of reality…everything

WIRED: New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time

NEW SCIENTIST: What’s behind snowmageddon that hit the US this week?

BLOOMBERG: Top U.S. diplomat under FBI investigation after conversation involving Pakistani official:


TIME: Hong Kong Protest Sites Slammed By ‘Largest Cyberattack Ever’

COMPUTERWORLD: Google to build quantum-computing processors. Google has partnered with scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara to build new processors for use in quantum computing systems.

CIO MAGAZINE: Intel planning thumb-sized PCs for next year

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: 3D Printed Human Liver Tissue Now Commercially Available by Organovo


White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)



FUTURISM UPDATE (November 21, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


CleanTechnica: Biomimicry Run Amok: New Micro Air Vehicles Can Swarm Like Bees

FINANCIAL TIMES: Space junk or Russian satellite killer? It is a tale that could have come from the cold war. A mysterious object launched by the Russian military is being tracked by western space agencies, stoking fears over the revival of a defunct Kremlin project to destroy satellites.…z3JdykV8Dw

TECH CRUNCH: Eric Schmidt’s Farm2050 Collective Will Back Agriculture Tech To Feed Earth’s Growing Population

CIO MAGAZINE: Brace yourselves, Singularity is inevitable: Andrew McAfee. Medium-skilled wages are slipping, says MIT research scientist. It’s not too hard to see a world where humans struggle to stay relevant as machines far outpace their intelligence and capabilities. This is what Andrew McAfee, research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of The Second Machine Age, discussed at the Gartner Symposium on the Gold Coast.

TECH CRUNCH: Eric Schmidt’s Farm2050 Collective Will Back Agriculture Tech To Feed Earth’s Growing Population

Washington Post: HP’s bold plan to become the first mainstream 3D printing company

Reuters: Russia warned the United States on Thursday against supplying arms to Ukrainian forces fighting pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, hours before U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden was due to arrive in Kiev.

Engadget: JFK Airport has a drone problem


Manufacturing Business Technology: Will Robots Replace Humans? American manufacturing has had great success in automating factories with robots and computers in the last 50 years, and computers are now eliminating many service jobs. This has caused a lot of speculation about how far artificial intelligence can be developed. Universities and scientists also add to the excitement by promoting artificial intelligence with futuristic potentials as they try to get their share of federal grant money. The big question that often arises is, when will computers be able to emulate humans and become self aware and intelligent? Facial recognition software to aid Calgary police in future investigations. 1st police agency in Canada to use the software, say Calgary officials

NEW YORK TIMES: In Argentina’s Debt Case, No Winners, but a Lot of Losers.

FORTUNE: Google’s Larry Page: The most ambitious CEO in the universe

ENGINEERING: 3D Printed Micro-Actuators Could Delever the Medicine of the Future


White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)



Quoted: “Bitcoin technology offers a fundamentally different approach to vote collection with its decentralized and automated secure protocol. It solves the problems of both paper ballot and electronic voting machines, enabling a cost effective, efficient, open system that is easily audited by both individual voters and the entire community. Bitcoin technology can enable a system where every voter can verify that their vote was counted, see votes for different candidates/issues cast in real time, and be sure that there is no fraud or manipulation by election workers.”

Read the article here »…aacc8412c7


woman thinking in from of password graphic

Passwords are a pain. We choose simple words that are easy to remember, but equally easy for hackers to guess.

Yet we still forget them. And they also get stolen with alarming frequency.

The reported theft of 1.2 billion email passwords by Russian hackers earlier this month was just the latest in a long string of major password security breaches that have led some people to wonder if the use of passwords should be abandoned.

But what are the alternatives?

Read more

Quoted: “The Factom team suggested that its proposal could be leveraged to execute some of the crypto 2.0 functionalities that are beginning to take shape on the market today. These include creating trustless audit chains, property title chains, record keeping for sensitive personal, medical and corporate materials, and public accountability mechanisms.

During the AMA, the Factom president was asked how the technology could be leveraged to shape the average person’s daily life.”

Kirby responded:

“Factom creates permanent records that can’t be changed later. In a Factom world, there’s no more robo-signing scandals. In a Factom world, there are no more missing voting records. In a Factom world, you know where every dollar of government money was spent. Basically, the whole world is made up of record keeping and, as a consumer, you’re at the mercy of the fragmented systems that run these records.”

» Read the article here »…r-bitcoin/

» Visit Factom here »

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 20, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: The Cognitive Usefulness of the Internet of Things

ZDNet: Internet of things: Poised to be a security headache? Nearly 95 percent of enterprises are at least concerned about the security of the Internet of things. Here’s a look at a potential security model.

CNNMoney: FAA can regulate drones

CBS News: NTSB ruling rattles America’s fledgling drone industry

Wall Street Journal: GE Ventures Flies Into the Drone Business With Airware Investment

The Guardian: Putin gives envoy cool welcome after declaring US ‘wants to subjugate’ Russia. The Russian president says little to John Tefft but declares the country ‘ready for practical cooperation with our American partners’

The Independent: Is Russia flying a satellite killer around space? Unidentified Russian satellite prompts space weapon worries

Yahoo! Maktoob News: Oil falls below $86 as oversupply, global economy worries weigh

Washington Post: Japan recession, Europe stagnation cast pall over global economic outlook

FINANCIAL TIMES: France warns EU investment fund will flop without ‘real money

THE ECONOMIST: A bid to put encrypted data into a kind of time capsule gets a kick-start

New York Times: French Nuclear Giant Areva Says Future Is Uncertain, Prompting a Sell-Off

Forbes: Here’s The Future Of Podcasting

THE DIPLOMAT: India Needs to Join Asia’s Emerging ‘Chinese Order’

MIT Technology Review: An Artificial Adhesive Outgrips the Gecko. Gecko-inspired adhesives can help humans climb and may provide a better grip for robotic arms in factories and in space.…the-gecko/

GIZMAG: Mobile phones could be charged using sound. Four years ago, we first heard about how Korean scientists had proposed using sound to charge mobile phones. They explained that it could be done via a piezoelectric effect, in which zinc oxide nanowires converted sound-caused vibrations into…more

THE DAILY SIGNAL: Why Does Washington Want to Hide Science Data From the Public?

Reuters: Ukraine rules out direct talks with separatists

The Guardian: Bird flu: Ukraine bans poultry imports from UK, Germany and Netherlands. Ukraine’s state veterinary inspectorate says ban will be valid until international watchdog says countries are free from virus

FORBES: What Does Genworth’s Bad News Mean for the Future of Long-Term Care Insurance?

Huffington Post: Three Causes Behind Mexico’s Crisis of Corruption and Impunity

Wall Street Journal: Bank of Mexico Lowers Growth Estimates

Al Jazeera America: Mexico is teetering on the edge of the abyss. Peña Nieto’s government deflects attention as corruption and rampant violence threaten to destabilize the country

SPACE NEWS: British Company Announces Crowdfunded Lunar Mission

SPACE NEWS: China’s Deceptively Weak Anti-Satellite Capabilities

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: The Future of the Cities? Underground cities are the future of business

CNBC: The future of energy: You may be walking on it. Energy “harvesting”—where incidental energy like radio waves, heat and vibrations are harnessed for power—is not a new concept, but the technology to support the idea is getting better. Just as today the kinetic force of a swinging arm can power a wristwatch, some technologists are betting that in the future pedestrians’ footsteps can light a city.

POPULAR SCIENCE: The Future Of Antibiotics May Come From A Horse’s Behind

Financial Times: Atul Gawande’s Reith lectures on the future of medicine. “Why Do Doctors Fail”

Russia and India Report: The future of aerospace technology is now. Federated Satellite Systems, a radical breakthrough developed by researchers at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and partner institutions abroad, is a revolution equal to what Uber/ Yandex Taxi and Zipcar have done for the taxi and personal transportation industries.

Voice of America: Mysterious Russian Space Object May Be Anti-Satellite Warfare Technology

Russia Beyond the Headline: Laser warfare: Sci-fi fantasy or future reality?

“…The key message is that the only constant is change, and the rate of change is increasing … Technology is transforming every single industry …”

BBC News: Mexico crime and violence in numbers

New York Times: Researchers Announce Advance in Image-Recognition Software. Two groups of scientists, working independently, have created artificial intelligence software capable of recognizing and describing the content of photographs and videos with far greater accuracy than ever before, sometimes even mimicking human levels of understanding

Tech Times: Google Photo Recognition Goes Beyond Objects


White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)



By — Gizmag

Thanks to zinc oxide nanorods, phones may someday be able to recharge using the sounds aro...

Four years ago, we first heard about how Korean scientists had proposed using sound to charge mobile phones. They explained that it could be done via a piezoelectric effect, in which zinc oxide nanowires converted sound-caused vibrations into electricity. At the time, the researchers couldn’t generate enough of a current to actually charge a phone. Now, however, scientists from Nokia and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have succeeded in doing so.

Like the Korean team, the Nokia/QMUL researchers utilized zinc oxide, in the form of a sheet of tiny nanorods. As is the case with other piezoelectric materials, zinc oxide produces an electrical current when subjected to mechanical stress. The nanorods will actually bend in response to sound waves, creating that stress in the process.

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