This is definitely something worth keeping an eye on!
A peek at the early days of the Quantum AI Lab: a partnership between NASA, Google, USRA, and a 512-qubit D-Wave Two quantum computer. Learn more at
A nice article from Kurzweil AI on a transhumanist & life extension bus tour. If you haven’t contributed, please do so! Anyone from any country can donate, and even $5 helps!–… and the Indiegogo campaign:…/immortality-bus-with…/x/6837406…
If you use Google’s new Photos app, Microsoft’s Cortana, or Skype’s new translation function, you’re using a form of AI on a daily basis. AI was first dreamed up in the 1950s, but has only recently become a practical reality — all thanks to software systems called neural networks. This is how they work.
Lifting the Veil on Pluto’s Atmosphere
Posted in space
Sophia Nasr is a science writer for Simulation Curriculum’s free Pluto Safari app. You might guess that a small and distant world almost 40 times farther from the sun than the Earth is from the sun would not have an atmosphere, but in the case of Pluto, you’d be wrong. In fact, Pluto is a complex world, particularly when it comes to weather patterns.
The Bitcoin price advance is curving upward above $300 and 1900 CNY. The advance is so persistent that the technical indicators in the intra-day charts have become somewhat meaningless due to compounding divergence. Technical analysis considers the likelihood of a surprise reversal, as opposed to non-stop advance. Read more
Scientists have been experimenting with brain-to-brain interfaces for years. Miguel Nicolelis, a neurobiologist at Duke University Medical Center, has created a “Brainet” or a network of interconnected brains with four rats. With electrodes implanted directly in the cortex rodents exchange information to create an organic computing device. Collectively, they were able to solve computational problems including image processing, storing and recalling information and even predicting precipitation.
Read the full story by Mona Lalwani at Engadget
The Leap is a short film from Karel van Bellingen that takes place decades from now, where interstellar travel has opened up access to a new world, but only for a select few who can afford the journey. This is a film that packs a lot in to just half an hour.
A patient’s set to undergo the world’s first head transplant. Here’s what’s involved. Read more:
A full Sunday feature on transhumanism (with mentions of Transhumanist Parties) in one of Germany’s largest papers (circulation 400,000):…/transhumanismus-bring-mir-den-kopf-von… and the English:…