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Scientist have created tiny supercapacitators that can be embedded directly on a microchip, a game-changer that promises smaller, more powerful devices.

As the semiconductor industry begins to adjust to a new roadmap, research on microchips is being focused less on Moore’s Law (the arithmetic increase through time in the power of microchips) but instead on incremental changes related to the developing Internet of Things, such as increasing RAM or integrating gyroscopes or GPS sensors.

An important part of these changes include building more efficient energy storage devices to power these additional sensors. This development of high-performance batteries would go a long way to enable long-lived sensors and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. The problem, however, is that miniaturized energy storage devices are not only difficult to produce but they often fail to function well with other electronics.

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A new way to view the motherland of the Vikings.

All acrophobiacs aside, you shouldn’t go through life without taking in Norway’s fjords from the new spectacular platform that’s opening up to the public this summer. The platform itself is nestled right above a cliff, thousands of feet from the ground. If you’re looking for incredible views of the fjord- and forest-covered countryside, add this to your tourist attraction bucket list.

Code—a Norwegian architecture firm that won a competition to design this platform—added walkways running alongside and underneath the actual podium, which is located at Utsikten (one of the country main tourist routes).

Erika Owen is the Audience Engagement Editor at Travel + Leisure. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @erikaraeowen.

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The person in the article is not very smart. 1st you never offer a tempting challenge to a hacker in public forum. I have known too many and followed to many since the 80’s. 2nd, house burgulars are not even close to the calibur of hackers.

I own a 2013 Nissan LEAF SV with telematics functions known as CARWINGS. CARWINGS connected to my car via an app also called NissanConnect EV that was hacked by Troy Hunt and came into to the news this week. Nissan issued two different statements about the hack and eventually shut off the app completely.

LEAF owners are concerned that because the app was easy to-hack with the LEAF’s VIN number that access could be used for malicious use.

The LEAF’s VIN number can be clearly seen through the windshield.

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Headphones that stimulate the release of dopamine in your brain and reportedly make you feel high as hell have been invented by Florida-based tech company, Nervana, and are set to go on sale as early as next month.

The headphones will pump music into your ears as normal, but at the same time, an integrated device will deliver a low-power electrical signal through your ear canal to stimulate the Vagus nerve — a nerve that runs from the brainstem to the abdomen and plays a role in the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centres.

“I felt the electricity go into my arm, and everything was tingling there, but the best moment for me was afterwards when I finished and stood up,” journalist Amanda Gutterman writes for Futurism.

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The most recent Liz talk. According to her in this vid her first test results of telomere length are next month.

Liz Parrish, the Founder and CEO of BioViva Sciences USA Inc, is best known for recently becoming the first person to be treated with gene therapy to reverse aging.

BioViva is committed to extending healthy lifespans using gene therapy. Liz is known as “the woman who wants to genetically engineer you.” She is a humanitarian, entrepreneur and innovator and a leading voice for genetic cures.

This talk, “Gene therapy to save the world”, was co-hosted by Oxford Transhumanism and Emerging Technologies (OxTET) and Oxford University Scientific Society. It was held at IEB building, Department of Engineering Science, Oxford, on Feb 23rd 2016.

For more details about the event, see

Reminder to everyone who loves hearing about what NextGen Technologies that US Government has been working on: March 11th, US IARPA is hosting a conference on “Odin” (detection technologies to ensure biometric security systems can detect when someone is attempting to disguise their biometric identity.)

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity plans to hold a conference related to a biometric presentation attack detection programme called Odin.

The conference, to be held on 11 March in Washington, will be to provide information on Odin and the research problems the program aims to address, the agency noted.

The goal of the Odin programme is to develop biometric presentation attack detection technologies to ensure biometric security systems can detect when someone is attempting to disguise their biometric identity.

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At the end of last year, Davide Sher predicted that 2016 would see metal 3D printing move from a technology capable of producing small batches to a fully-automated method for serial manufacturing. Davide cited a number of machines in development that herald the age of serial metal 3D printing, but he may have left one system out: the Hyproline platform.

TNO Hyproline PrintValley metal 3D printer

The Hyproline is the result of an EU additive manufacturing initiative began in 2012 to create a high-performance production line for small series metal parts. After several years, the group of industry partners involved, including researcher organization TNO and Swedish metal printer manufacturer Höganäs, have finalized the Hyproline system. The machine uses a similar platform as TNO’s PrintValley, which involves a conveyor belt mechanism to pass multiple build plates beneath a print head. The result is an automated assembly line that can produce a variety of custom parts at high speed.

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I love high capacity things. So when Samsung announced it’s producing 256 GB flash storage that can be used in mobile devices, I swooned. The memory is two times faster than the previous generation of Universal Flash Storage (UFS) memory, meaning that phones will not only have greater storage capacities, but also breeze reading and writing operations.

Nonetheless, there are probably still a lot of you thinking this isn’t a huge deal. You might say that the most popular Android phones already support microSD expandable memory, or that Android 6.0 Marshmallow supports adoptive memory, making it easier for your phone to read and write to expandable storage. But that would be missing the point.

Expandable storage has always been a bandage on a much greater problem plaguing Android phones: the cost of high capacity flash memory was too high and the size was too bulky to include in older smartphones. Plus, expandable memory has never performed nearly as well as internal UFS memory. Although Android 6.0 Marshmallow supports a new adoptive memory feature that basically treats external memory as internal memory, neither of Android’s two biggest vendors, LG or Samsung, support the feature in their new smartphones.

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Not just Apple. 2016 could prove to be a year of acquisitions leading into 2017. With investors pulling back and some great start ups around; could prove a great year for M&A in tech.

Apple is giving strong hints that it sees the current landscape as a buyer’s market for technology companies.

“In times when equity values are falling there’s great opportunity to” purchase companies, Apple CEO Tim Cook said at the company’s annual shareholder’s meeting, held in Cupertino, California on Friday.

He’s looking for “great technology and great people.”

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