Scientists now have a pill to control the Hulk size tempers.
AN ANGER pill that could even calm down ‘The Incredible Hulk’ may be on the horizon after scientists identified the rage centre of the brain.
Scientists now have a pill to control the Hulk size tempers.
AN ANGER pill that could even calm down ‘The Incredible Hulk’ may be on the horizon after scientists identified the rage centre of the brain.
I do know that a certain form of Glioblastoma does run in families; however, 3 sisters and all so young is a tragedy.
BONITA SPRINGS, Florida — A Florida family is remembering another child whose life was taken too soon.
Ten-year-old Isabella Mading died on Saturday, February 6th after her year-long battle with a rare form of brain cancer — the same disease that killed her older brother in 2010 and her older sister 2013.
Very interesting read for my AI friends working on nuero patterns & cognitive thinking as well as my Neurologist friends.
UConn researchers find that what happens inside the human brain when reading is the same, no matter what the language or script.
Hmmm; sounds like he needs to read one of my postings on congitive thinking.
Sex, drugs, God, and a hit TV show. Are there any limits to the techno-optimism of television’s favorite “wonder junkie”?
Unity Biotechnology today announced that it is developing medicines to treat and eliminate age-related diseases and increase healthspan, or the amount of time an individual lives in good health.
BrewLife on behalf of Unity Biotechnology.
For the first time, scientists have shown that mitochondria — the “powerhouses” of cells — are crucial for aging, after finding that removing mitochondria from human cells reduced levels of markers for cellular aging, triggering a process of rejuvenation.
More info:
This week, Kathy Niakan, a biologist working at the Francis Crick Institute in London received the green light from the UK’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to use genome editing technique CRISPR/Cas9 on human embryos.
Niakan hopes to answer important questions about how healthy human embryos develop from a single cell to around 250 cells, in the first seven days after fertilization.
By removing certain genes during this early development phase using CRISPR/Cas9, Niakan and her team hope to understand what causes miscarriages and infertility, and in the future, possibly improve the effectiveness of in-vitro fertilization and provide better treatments for infertility.
Since Albert Einstein first predicted their existence a century ago, physicists have been on the hunt for gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime. That hunt is now over. Gravitational waves exist, and we’ve found them.
That’s according to researchers at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), who have been holed up for weeks, working round-the-clock to confirm that the very first direct detection of gravitational waves is the real deal. False signals have been detected before, and even though the rumors first reported by Gizmodo have been flying for a month, the LIGO team wanted to be absolutely certain before making an official announcement.
That announcement has just come. Gravitational waves were observed on September 14th, 2015, at 5:51 am ET by both of the LIGO detectors, located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington. The source? A supermassive black hole collision that took place 1.3 billion years ago. When it occurred, about three times the mass of the sun was converted to energy in a fraction of a second.
Posted in physics
Science has finally confirmed that Einstein was right — gravitational waves DO exist:
Enough said; hope folks are paying attention when re-creating those “Cognitive Thinking” skills in AI; otherwise, they miss the boat with almost 60% of the world’s population.
NEW YORK: Male and female behavioural differences correlate with their different brain networks, say researchers, including one of Indian origin.
Structural differences in the brain may relate to male and female behaviour differences such as men being more likely to be better at learning and performing a single task at hand and women being more likely to exhibit superior memory and social cognition skills, the study said.
“Our results suggest a synchrony between sex-related differences in the brain network and behaviour,” said senior study author Ragini Verma, associate professor at Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania in the US.