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Nice; however, would like to see intelligent shopping bags. Bags that are reusable and the digital fabric enables the screening & paying each item using this technology in this article as the item is placed in the bag. If you’re like me; I hate going to stores and malls; and only go to accomplish a pre-defined list of items and “you’re in then out” no wasting of time. So, having a bag that quickly captures the item and processes payment as your loading your bag is ideal.

The old checkout process is out and the new is in, via new apps that have the potential to transform the retail industry.

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Originally published on EV Obsession.

While it’s now widely realized that Google has been putting substantial amounts of its money into the development of autonomous driving technology over the last few years, it’s probably far less widely known that the Chinese equivalent of Google — Baidu, the top search engine company in China — has begun to do so as well.

Late last week, the company announced that it had formed a new self-driving vehicle team to be based in Silicon Valley — right in the same general “neighborhood” as Google, interestingly. The new team will be focused on the research, development, and real-world testing of autonomous technologies, according to a new press release.

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New requirement if you’re a Smartphone device provider and trying to sell in India.

Starting next year, all mobile phones sold across India must include a panic button, local news outlets are reporting. In addition, by 2018, all cell phones need to come with a built-in GPS chip, so a person in trouble can be more easily found.

“Technology is solely meant to make human life better and what better than using it for the security of women,” communications and IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in a statement, according to The Economic Times. “I have taken a decision that from January 1, 2017, no cell phone can be sold without a provision for panic button and from January 1, 2018, mobile sets should have in-built GPS.”

According to the Times, those with feature phones can press keys 5 and 9 to alert local law enforcement to an emergency under the new policy. On smartphones, vendors will be required to display an “emergency” button. Smartphone makers can also build in a feature that alerts law enforcement once the on/off button is pressed three times in succession.

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Smell what you view.

Practically every product I’ve ever reviewed has had to pass some kind of smell test.

But none more so than Cyrano, a new cylindrical shaped three-inch tall consumer electronics gadget that is being marketed as a “digital scent speaker.” I’ve been sniffing around it for a few days. It is now available in limited quantities on preorder.

What exactly is a digital scent speaker? Think glorified high tech equivalent of an air freshener or candle, only you can more easily switch fragrances or quickly turn smells on or off. And the company behind Cyrano, Cambridge, MA.-based Vapor Communications, has more ambitious aspirations for the product—for use in storytelling, gaming and most importantly, health and wellness.

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If you’re in Buffalo NY today; smile because you’re on Google Camera today.

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Make sure you’re on your best behavior today. The Google Street View team is in town, and they’re not in the Buffalo Niagara region to take pictures of your street.

Google is using the same technology they use to take images of streets and bringing it inside local businesses and establishments. Businesses and establishments that participate will be included in Google’s new Virtual Business and Area Guide.

Multiple packages were offered being offered, starting at $199.

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Here is a concept: imagine you’re consumer & you can’t justify the expense of a 3D printer; however, once in a blue moon you need to make an object for business or for personal reasons. Would it be nice is there was an online 3D Print Service that you could send your design into and have the product or prototype built, and the item drone to your office or front door. And, all you pay is a monthly service fee for the entire service including drone shipping for a given area range. With this type of technology, I believe it can be done and interactively online as well.

What is OnShape?

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Anyone ready to visit Mars for your next vacation in 2018?

Volvo’s driverless car will take on the roads of London. Looking for the latest headlines in small business, innovation and tech? While some tech companies suffered last quarter, Facebook announced a surge in users and revenue. In a series of tweets yesterday, Elon Musk announced plans to land an unmanned craft on Mars by 2018. Volvo will test its driverless car in London’s heavy traffic to collect data and make improvements, according to The Christian Science Monitor.

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Don’t kill the messanger; I’m just sharing.

Yesterday Trump acknowledged the power of technology to help the USA in his future plans.

In a major foreign policy speech, yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said the U.S. needs to make better use of “3D printing, artificial intelligence, and cyberwarfare.”

“We need to think smarter about areas where our technological superiority – and nobody comes close – gives us an edge,” he explained. “This includes 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and cyber-warfare.”

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