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Are you feeling confident about those robots and other AI machines and apps connected to the cloud environments self managing themselves?

The latest round of embarrassing federal data breaches struck the very agencies charged with protecting Americans, evidence one leading member of Congress believes is proof that throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve much unless there’s accountability to go with it.

Last week, the personal data of some 20,000 FBI employees and more than 9,000 Department of Homeland Security workers was released.

Days later, the story took on additional embarrassment when authorities arrested the perpetrator, a 16-year-old boy in Great Britain. The teen said he gained access to the information through weak security in the Department of Justice email system.

I remember seeing this two weeks ago about the Mattel’s View-master returns with VR capabilities. However, they keep adding more bells and whistles to it.

What’s unique, however, is the level of interactivity, plus there’s an augmented reality (AR) twist-when you lay out the compatible cards on a table and put the viewer on, related objects appear on top of them to let you know what kind of experience awaits. However, Mattel is now ready to tackle the market with a new product dubbed the View-Master Viewer DLX.

The View-Master Viewer DLX has a headphone connector and a focal adjustment to make the virtual reality experience more realistic and the visuals better. The latter feature is found on the Gear VR and will be useful for those who have less than flawless vision.

The upcoming View-Master Viewer DLX includes enhanced optical lenses with a focus wheel for adjusting sharpness. With numerous major tech giants already involved in VR, and with companies such as Oculus and HTC betting big on the VR market with high-end headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, industry experts expect years 2016–2017 to be a deciding period of time for the future of the VR market as a whole.

Interesting read mostly about the SV income divide. Bottom line, is that we need technology in many ways to save humanity. I know many are questioning that remark. However, since technology has been existence, many have gained through medical treatments, research, and accessibilities to connect with people like we never did in the past. The future of tech holds great promise as a tool to help researchers and medical teams to eliminate cancer, neurological diseases and disorders, enabling the blind to see and the paralyzed to walk. The good does outweigh the bad.

Editor’s note: Income equality — a hot-button political issue — is not going to improve; technology is about to make things much worse. It will, over the next decade, begin to disrupt almost every industry, wipe out millions of jobs, and make the rich even richer. Even though everyone will be able to live better and healthier lives and benefit from the technology advances, the widening gap will cause greater resentment and create a larger cauldron of dissent. This is something we need to be prepared for, writes former Triangle tech entrepreneur-turned-academic Vivek Wadhwa.

SAN FRANCISCO - There are very few issues that Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and Hillary Clinton all agree on. One of them is the growing problem of inequality in income and wealth. From the extreme left to the extreme right, everyone is angry about the one percent who have the majority of the wealth. There has always been an income and wealth gap, but the divide between average worker and the very wealthy has not been so great since the Roaring Twenties. This is fueling the rise of both the Tea Party and the socialists.

Income equality is not going to improve; technology is about to make things much worse. It will, over the next decade, begin to disrupt almost every industry, wipe out millions of jobs, and make the rich even richer. Even though everyone will be able to live better and healthier lives and benefit from the technology advances, the widening gap will cause greater resentment and create a larger cauldron of dissent. This is something we need to be prepared for.

I was waiting for this HIPAA’s new guidelines for mobile apps (focuses a lot on IAM); this is only the first wave. We will see more when more AI is launched.

Federal regulators have issued new guidance, including material to clarify for healthcare entities and software developers various scenarios where HIPAA regulations might apply to mobile health applications, including situations when patients use smartphones to collect or transmit personal health data.

See Also: 2015 Breach Preparedness and Response Study: The Results

Some privacy and security experts say the new mobile application guidance material from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights addresses a topic that is not only a current source of confusion for many covered entities and business associates, but also is likely to become increasingly complex as more consumers use smartphones and other devices to help manage chronic illnesses and other health issues.

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Very interesting.

The current cancer tests involve numerous blood tests or a biopsy in order to sequence a tumor. Among the cancers that the tests could detect is pancreatic, which to date lacks effective early screening capabilities.

“Down the road it might be possible to test for multiple cancers at the same time”, Professor Wong added.

Now scientists can only use blood tests to detect cancer if they have taken a biopsy and sequenced a tumour to discover which genetic signature to look for.

Good news and hope for Parkinson disease patients.

Erika Jucumin, a physician assistant at Neurology Associates in Ormond Beach, programs and monitors a deep brain stimulator for patients with Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and other neurological disorders.

As a result, Jacumin said she has seen many amazing turn-arounds in patients’ health. She spoke to The News-Journal about the device.

NAME: Erika Jacumin.

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I believe that AI holds a lot of promise and many great things; however, we have to correct some very critical issues 1st before compound a huge issue that we have today. And, that is Cyber Security and re-establish trust with our consumers and customers. Without these 2 being fully addressed; you will compound these two challenges with AI plus run the risk of having an IoT that most people will not wish to use due to hackers, bad data, etc. Not to mention lawsuits for Wi-Fi connected robotics that were hacked and injured or worse some innocent person.

I believe need to ensure priorities are in order before we make things worse.

Unexpected convergent consequences…this is what happens when eight different exponential technologies all explode onto the scene at once.

This post (the second of seven) is a look at artificial intelligence. Future posts will look at other tech areas.

This is one that truly depends on the targeted audience. I still believe that the 1st solely owned & operated female robotics company will make billions.

Beyond correct pronunciation, there is the even larger challenge of correctly placing human qualities like inflection and emotion into speech. Linguists call this “prosody,” the ability to add correct stress, intonation or sentiment to spoken language.

Today, even with all the progress, it is not possible to completely represent rich emotions in human speech via artificial intelligence. The first experimental-research results — gained from employing machinelearning algorithms and huge databases of human emotions embedded in speech — are just becoming available to speech scientists.

Synthesised speech is created in a variety of ways. The highest-quality techniques for natural-sounding speech begin with a human voice that is used to generate a database of parts and even subparts of speech spoken in many different ways. A human voice actor may spend from 10 hours to hundreds of hours, if not more, recording for each database.

Radiation works as a ‘tuning fork’ to control the spin of electrons.

Scientists have found a new way of moving information between quantum bits in a computer. They used a highly purified sample of silicon doped with bismuth atoms (left) before fitting a superconducting aluminium resonator to it (middle and right).…z40IRYjbXK
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“We need to start thinking very seriously—what will humans do when machines can do almost everything?” Vardi said. “We have to redefine the meaning of good life without work.”

And increase inequality.

Robots and artificial intelligence have long posed a threat to humans’ jobs, but a group of scientists on Sunday issued an especially dire warning about the impact of such machines.

Several academics told a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that further advances in automation could result in mass unemployment across a whole spectrum of industries, from transportation to sex work.