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Too funny; 2 days ago the article was that Musk feared the future of Singularity and Cyborgs; now he believes that we should become cyborgs. Musk needs to make his mind up; however, I am beginning to wonder about him.

Related: Elon Musk thinks we’re basically living in the Matrix, and we should be glad about it

This week, in a conversation at Recode’s annual Code Conference, Musk shared a tentative idea for something called “neural laces,” which he imagines could mitigate the risk of humanity becoming something of a pet to superintelligence.

“The solution that seems maybe the best one is to have an AI layer,” he said. “So think, if you have your limbic system, your cortex, and then a digital layer — sort of a third layer, above the cortex — that could work well and symbiotically with you. Just as your cortex works symbiotically with your limbic system, this digital layer would work symbiotically with the rest of you.”

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Interesting twist; wonder how many tax dollars paid for the experts?

There is a bitter truth for economists, as well as professionals in other areas. Non-experts are typically better at forecasting future trends than experts.

It has been argued that economists should be historians rather than meteorologists and many years before the recent economic crash, John Kenneth Galbraith, the late Harvard economist, joked: “The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.”

Justin Wolfers, an economist, wrote last Friday in the New York Times on the May US jobs report which showed job creation falling to a net 38,000 in the month:

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Good for him.

A new company launched Monday by former NASA chief Dan Goldin aims to deliver a major boost to the field of neural computing.

KnuEdge’s debut comes after 10 years in stealth; formerly it was called Intellisis. Now, along with its launch, it’s introducing two products focused on neural computing: KnuVerse, software that focuses on military-grade voice recognition and authentication, and KnuPath, a processor designed to offer a new architecture for neural computing.

“While at NASA I became fascinated with biology,” said Goldin in an interview last week. “When the time came to leave NASA, I decided the future of technology would be in machine intelligence, and I felt a major thrust had to come from inspiration from the mammalian brain.”

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Interesting concept; my only concern is to individuals with nuero diseases or prone through genetics to have neuro diseases. For Dystonia patients/ victims who have copper compounds in their systems can potentially develop a form of secondary dystonia which can be terminal. Also, my years in the labs at ORNL taught us a lot about heavy metal exposures (including copper compounds); so I am a bit taken back by this article.

A new study is further burnishing copper’s reputation as an essential nutrient for human physiology. A research team led by a scientist at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that copper plays a key role in metabolizing fat.

Long prized as a malleable, conductive metal used in cookware, electronics, jewelry and plumbing, has been gaining increasing attention over the past decade for its role in certain biological functions. It has been known that copper is needed to form red blood cells, absorb iron, develop connective tissue and support the immune system.

The new findings, to appear in the July print issue of Nature Chemical Biology but published online today, establishes for the first time copper’s role in .

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I believe that we have been at a tipping point for a while with the public being able to maintain their tolerance levels of paying high prices for healthcare across the globe. This article highlights this well.

Foundations like PhG, medical institutes and companies such as InnVentis and Insilico Medicine have been taking this challenge on by developing treatments and technologies such as InnVentis precision medicine technologies, Insilico’s.

Anti-aging research and treatments all used to improve the success rates and costs of treatment of diseases such as cancer. The sooner that we can bring many of these new nextgen treatments into the mainstream the better.

BTW- not to mention the benefits that other areas of technology will gain from the bio research and findings from these nextgen medical companies and foundations.

By Deena Beasley.

CHICAGO (Reuters) — Americans pay the highest prices in the world for cancer drugs, but the treatments are least affordable in lower income countries, according to the results of a new study released on Monday.

Change is coming; will you be ready?
I remember many decades ago when folks were trying to learn a new OS that changed businesses, governments/ educational institutions, and households around the world. That OS was called Windows; and hearing the stories as well as watching people try to use a PC and a mouse was interesting then.

Now, the world will again go through a large scale metamorphosis again when more and more QC is evolved and made available over the next 5 to 7 years in the technology mainstream. Change is often necessary and often can be good as well.

You might ask yourself, “What is quantum computing, and how do I get involved?”

Before we begin to explain quantum computing, a brief glimpse of the past is essential to understand how quantum computing came to be.

From our very first laptop to the laptops we have today, it is clear that technology is exponentially advancing faster than our expectations. Phones and computers get thinner and faster, but why? Thanks to the effects of Moore’s Law, which states that the number of transistors in a dense circuit will double approximately every two years, the amount of “stuff” needed to be put on a board is more densely packed.

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Change is coming; and Microsoft will be there.

With funding from Microsoft, a Purdue research team known as ‘Station Q Purdue’ will research potential methods of quantum computing.

“In order to see if these ideas that (Microsoft) has are realistic, whether they can be experimentally verified and then put to use, (Microsoft) has teamed up with certain experimentalists around the world,” said professor Michael Manfra, the director of Station Q Purdue.

Microsoft’s quantum computing research is done under their own Microsoft Station Q. Station Q Purdue is part of the network of other Station Q research teams that Microsoft has established internationally to study potential methods of quantum computing.

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As Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Co. (HPE) Discover 2016 opens tomorrow in the Venetian/Palazzo in Las Vegas, the big question hanging over it is: Quo Vadis HPE? Last month the company surprised the industry with the announcement that it would spin off its huge consulting division, the second time in a year it has split itself in half. What is left is the core hardware division of HPE stripped of almost everything extraneous. It is still one of the largest vendors in the industry, with an aging business with huge revenues but shrinking margins facing major competition from every side. It is also a company with huge potential. This conference will be the forum for HPE to unveil its plans for the future.

theCUBE will be at Discover 2016 starting tomorrow, for three days of wall-to-wall interviews with key executives from HPE, its partners and customers. Watch streaming coverage live and find out what is happening behind the headlines with the probing interviews conducted by the industry experts from SiliconANGLE Media, led by co-CEOs John Furrier and David Vellante. And if you have your own questions, you can post them on the #HPEDiscover CrowdChat that will run parallel to the conference. Furrier in particular monitors CrowdChat and will use questions people post there. If you are at the conference you can watch the replays later to pick up things you missed and get more depth on the trends.

The two spin-offs have left HPE in a strong position financially. It has rid itself of nearly all its debt and is still throwing off huge amounts of cash from its hardware business. However, the IT infrastructure market is changing radically under pricing pressure from the big cloud providers with their hyperscale data centers. In the last 18 months we have seen IBM sell its entire x86-based business to Lenovo Group Ltd. and Dell Inc. announce that it will purchase EMC, both clear responses to this margin pressure. While the hardware market is growing with the new, high-volume computing environments such as social media, Intel-powered servers in particular are rapidly becoming commoditized. One way or another, HPE needs to transform. Intel Inside will not be enough to sustain it as it is today.

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The opportunity for intellectual freedom is what drew Anna Ijjas to the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science. As an associate research scholar, Ijjas studies basic questions about the universe’s origin and future. “PCTS provided an environment that encouraged me to question established paradigms and pursue unexplored possibilities,” said Ijjas, who is Princeton’s John A. Wheeler Postdoctoral Fellow in cosmology and astroparticle physics. “Independence and creativity are real values at the center.”

Those values were on display at a conference in May to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the center, which trains early-career researchers and provides a place where theoretical scientists — defined as those who use mathematics to study the natural world — can tackle the biggest questions in science, from the search for dark matter to global climate simulations to theories of quantum gravity.

“The range of topics presented at the PCTS@ten conference demonstrates that we’ve reached the goal we set 10 years ago, which is to develop a new breed of theorists with a much broader view of science than they would normally get from typical postdoctoral training,” said Paul Steinhardt, Princeton’s Albert Einstein Professor in Science and the center’s director since 2007.

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