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A invenção é uma alternativa aos painéis fotovoltaicos tradicionais, que são grandes e pesados.


As empresas italianas Area Industrie Ceramiche e REM desenvolveram a Tegola Solare, uma telha cer mica com células fotovoltaicas integradas. É uma alternativa sustentável que não atrapalha a estética original das telhas, como acontece muitas vezes com os painéis fotovoltaicos tradicionais, que são grandes e pesados.

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The concept is known as a “parallel universe,” and is a facet of the astronomical theory of the multiverse. There actually is quite a bit of evidence out there for a multiverse. First, it is useful to understand how our universe is believed to have come to be.

Around 13.7 billion years ago, simply speaking, everything we know of in the cosmos was an infinitesimal singularity. Then, according to the Big Bang theory, some unknown trigger caused it to expand and inflate in three-dimensional space. As the immense energy of this initial expansion cooled, light began to shine through. Eventually, the small particles began to form into the larger pieces of matter we know today, such as galaxies, stars and planets.

One big question with this theory is: are we the only universe out there. With our current technology, we are limited to observations within this universe because the universe is curved and we are inside the fishbowl, unable to see the outside of it (if there is an outside.)

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Scientists are now one step closer to neutralizing HIV.

In a study conducted at Vanderbilt University and published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers isolated antibodies with a loop-like structure that binds tightly to HIV and disables it. Unlike traditional vaccines, which jump-start an immune response by exposing the patient to a pathogen, this newly discovered method could work even in people who have not previously been exposed to by the virus.

Using computer modeling, the researchers identified the amino acid sequences that bound most tightly to HIV and re-engineered them in an optimal sequence that simulated vaccination.

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‘Zero-energy’ buildings — which generate as much power as they consume — are now much closer after a team at Australia’s University of New South Wales achieved the world’s highest efficiency using flexible solar cells that are non-toxic and cheap to make.

Until now, the promise of ‘zero-energy’ buildings been held back by two hurdles: the cost of the thin-film solar cells (used in façades, roofs and windows), and the fact they’re made from scarce, and highly toxic, materials.

That’s about to change: the UNSW team, led by Dr Xiaojing Hao of the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics at the UNSW School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, have achieved the world’s highest efficiency rating for a full-sized thin-film solar cell using a competing thin-film technology, known as CZTS.

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Nice; however, would like to see intelligent shopping bags. Bags that are reusable and the digital fabric enables the screening & paying each item using this technology in this article as the item is placed in the bag. If you’re like me; I hate going to stores and malls; and only go to accomplish a pre-defined list of items and “you’re in then out” no wasting of time. So, having a bag that quickly captures the item and processes payment as your loading your bag is ideal.

The old checkout process is out and the new is in, via new apps that have the potential to transform the retail industry.

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