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Great article; and does an excellent job in explaining how traditional QC operates in an analog or non-analog/ digital state; and Lee introduces us to a third pseudo-hybrid state sometimes referred to as adiabatic quantum computer. I must admit Chris Lee’s 1st remark “There are many different schemes for making quantum computers work (most of them evil).” threw me for a loop and then quickly understood it’s part of his humor which is certainly a way to capture the reader’s attention quickly.

BTW — This is one of the best write ups and POVs on QC that I have read so far.

Digital quantum network cleans up analog noise, allows quantum computation.

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In most organizations, innovation is treated as a fairly linear process of research, development, demonstration and deployment, with each step acting as its own silo, But at Google, everything works as a tightly coupled feedback loop, with researchers and product teams working hand in hand to not only create new products, but also to identify fruitful research areas for further study.

“Getting close to data and the real needs of users gives you the opportunity to innovate further,“ Corrado told me. He and his team work actively with not only product groups, but also fellow Googlers working on 20% projects. Rather than a group of mad scientists working on Frankenstein monsters deep in the bowels of the organization, they are active collaborators.

That’s how Google Brain filters throughout Google’s innovation ecosystem. TensorFlow provides access to basic machine learning tools, which open up new possibilities for Google’s engineers, who then reach out to the scientists within Google Brain to create new products and features. That creates a rich problem set that helps draw top notch researchers to Google who, in turn, create even more exciting new technology.

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Wow — if Mrs. Winchester (of famed Winchester Mystery House in SF) had lived today; she could have had her dream infinity house.

Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars has done something with a large 3D printer that few have probably ever attempted. He took a concrete structure and turned it into a Mobius strip, or “Landscape House,” so the building literally has no ends.

There are currently no practical reasons for this structure to be made, which is probably why nobody has jumped at the chance to build it. Other than being artistic, having such an odd form would serve almost no purpose and prove to be problematic as a home. Moving furniture or any appliances into the structure would prove to be an obstacle, even for the fully-abled. It would likely end up being a playground for children at a science museum or an exhibit at a university.

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I am glad that the lady pilots of WWII finally won their right recently to be recognized and accepted after all these 60+ years to be buried at Arlington Cemetery. As a civilian female pilot; I truly respect these women that opened up doors for me and others so that we had a chance.

BTW — to clarify I am not flying for the airlines; just for fun and a passion of mine.

A group of female pilots from WWII can again be buried on the U.S. military’s most hallowed ground.

On Tuesday, the Senate unanimously approved legislation to allow Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, to be laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.

“For men, it would be tough. It’s tough for girls, too,” an apparent radio voice from the WWII said.

Wow and just in time for China’s Quantum Satellite launch next month.

News about this “extreme” decision has drawn ire from many Singaporeans who have criticised the government’s decision on social media.

But, in a surprise move, the Singaporean government has resorted to limiting the Internet access for government work stations for over a year for security reasons. The system of “No internet” for public servants should be more clear-cut, experts say.

He added: “As public servants, we have a duty and responsibility to protect the Government and citizens’ information and data”.

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Maybe Musk is building this for himself to take on those killer robots smile

*Or maybe not. We’re not sure. Nobody knows.

Although Barack Obama joked before that DARPA and the Pentagon were working on an Iron Man suit, a recent tweet by billionaire genius Elon Musk has thrown more fuel on the fire.

Musk was recently spotted in the Pentagon by CNN, prompting everyone to wonder exactly what he was doing there and why he was there. Sure enough, Musk replied on Twitter that it was “something about a flying metal suit.”

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