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* * * Winner the VFX Japan Award 2013.
* * * Winner of the Special Jury Prize, Asian Film Festival Dallas.

Love Like Aliens 3D animated short produced in Tokyo, Japan.

Created by entertainment industry veteran and filmmaker Rashad Haughton, six and half minute animated short brings to life the iconic works of legendary artist and gynoid creator Sorayama Hajime in a way never before seen in film.

In a future not too far from now, humanity has advanced to a point where the line between Homo Sapiens and Androids have blurred completely. This has occurred so that the species could survive. Technology has allowed humans to travel into deep space to colonize other planets and galaxies deep in the universe because Earth has become uninhabitable. One of the many unfortunate results of this robotic Darwinism is that human behavior and consciousness has also changed over the years. Much of what makes one human — love, family, intimacy etc., have all become things of the past. Almost legend…


The Science Council of Japan will make clear its position on military-linked research — possibly overturning a decades-long ban — by early next year, the academic group said Friday.

A committee of 15 academics from fields ranging from physics, political science to law held its first meeting to discuss whether to revise statements released by the council in 1950 and 1967 stating that the group will “never engage in military research.”

Over the next several months, the committee will hold five or six sessions to discuss how they should assess changes in the security and technology environment, how to define dual-use research, how studies tied to national security would impact academic transparency and how inflows of defense-related funding would alter the overall nature of research.

We are a long way from a cure, but new research is giving us better tools and insights in our war against HIV, and we may soon be able to implement a viable vaccine.

Imagine a seasonal jab of antibodies that could neutralize HIV. Such an injection could prove to be next best alternative to an HIV vaccine, which has proven elusive to date.

American and German researchers have demonstrated that by injecting macaques with neutralising antibodies, they successfully shielded the monkeys from HIV infection for as long as six months.

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It would seem that no one’s immune from the effects imposed by our increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence and robotics — not even doctors. As research from Indiana University has revealed, a new computer program is doing a better job than doctors when it comes to both diagnosing and treating health conditions — and by a significant margin.

The system, which uses decision making processes similar to the Jeopardy-bot, Watson, was recently given the task of analyzing and predicting the health outcomes of 500 real individuals. After plugging in the relevant data — which mostly had to do with clinical depression and chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes — researchers Kris Hauser and Casey Bennett compared the outcomes to the simulated treatment prescriptions.

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The craving to explore beyond our solar system grows sturdier every day. This proves true for the understanding of wormholes and time travel as well. In order to satisfy our thirst for the unknown, NASA will research unknown physics revolutionizing exploration of space. We first have to advance our understanding of space-time, the quantum vacuum, gravity and other physical phenomena. This info will help NASA send robots on interstellar space missions. Precisely 15 areas will be studied comprising human exploration, landing systems, nanotechnology and robots.

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A small clinical trial of 10 patients with early Alzheimer’s disease has shown that the memory loss and cognitive impairment caused by the disease can be reversed.

Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles found a new treatment that could potentially reverse memory loss and cognitive impairment among patients with early Alzheimer’s disease.

In a small clinical trial, 10 individuals underwent a treatment called “metabolic enhancement for neurodegeneration,” or MEND. The treatment is based on 36 different factors, including changes in diet, exercise, and sleeping habits. It also includes the integration of certain drugs, vitamins, and brain stimulation therapy to a patient’s regular routine.

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