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Jun 20, 2011

Dear Jerusalem – Wake up!

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

I herewith ask the Hebrew University to withdraw the honorary doctorate given yesterday to the German minister of science because this minister is responsible for the worst threat to the survival of Israel.

She refuses the scientific safety conference asked for by a Cologne court, the only aim of which is the assessment of the mentioned danger: just to have a look.

Not looking is the worst human sin. A father who does not look when a lion comes close to his child is no father. Please, dear fellow Jewish people, start taking seriously the scientific proof of danger of the LHC experiment that Dr. Walter Wagner and I have given.

Prof. Otto E. Rossler, chaos researcher, University of Tubingen (For J.O.R.)

Jun 18, 2011

Five Fateful Coincidences

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

- Black holes do not evaporate.

- Black holes are uncharged.

- Black holes cannot eat neutron stars from within.

- Black holes grow exponentially inside earth.

Continue reading “Five Fateful Coincidences” »

Jun 13, 2011

Dear Dr. Hawking

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

Dear Dr. Hawking:

Excuse the public letter.

Europe does not object that it is betting the planet on the existence of Hawking radiation.

Hawking radiation got disproved implicitly by Kuypers in 2005 and explicitly in my “gothic-R theorem” of 2007 and my “Telemach theorem” of 2010. The pertinent paper which is on goes un-rejected for months by the Albert-Einstein Institute to which it was submitted.

Continue reading “Dear Dr. Hawking” »

Jun 11, 2011

Why the LHC won’t destroy the Earth

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

I just posted this story on Universe Today — which is a science-based moderated blog (i.e. any pet theories and psuedoscience nonsense are cut out).

The story offers a quick precise of why there is zero danger of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) destroying the Earth, but also a (hopefully) interesting discourse on cosmic rays.

This is the kind of interesting science we might see on this blog if it was moderated Eric!

Steve Nerlich (Member of the Board)

Jun 10, 2011


Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

CERN does not object that all 4 pillars of its safety reports (Hawking evaporation, chargedness of black holes, neutron stars as guinea pigs, long duration of earth being eaten inside out) have been disproved scientifically.

Nevertheless it continues in full view of the eyes of the world. No one can understand this – and that it should have eluded all media.

Jun 6, 2011

With no other Jewish person speaking up, I am authorized to say in the name of Jacob: “The ‘Lord’ Orders CERN to Stop until Proven Innocuous”

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

I have got to explain.

I am a stupid scientist who found a new result in general relativity. When I showed it to a specialist 4 years ago, he said it has repercussions on the LHC. I did not know what LHC means (the large proton – a form of hadron — collisions experiment at CERN). In trying to defuse his apparent joke, I found that all other safety arguments fizzle, each for an independent reason. In this way the merely hypothesized danger proved real. However, with no specialist working in all pertinent subfields, it is hard to convince a CERN scientist that the colleague working in the next field lacks the liberating information that he himself admits not to have. The independent new Tubingen results are: in general relativity — that there is no Hawking radiation and there are no charged black holes; in quantum mechanics — that neutron stars are immune to invading black holes; in chaos theory — that ultraslow black holes grow exponentially inside earth. The uncanny coincidence amounts to a trap posed by nature to humankind with its on-going attempt to create miniature black holes at CERN.

My central theorem, Telemach, complements Einstein’s time-slowing effect of gravity (T) by an equally strong length-increasing (L), mass decreasing (M) and charge-decreasing (Ch) effect. Telemach meets with no public resistance from the part of the specialists who had criticized my previous more sophisticated gothic-R theorem (Hermann Nicolai, Gerhard Huisken, Gerard ‘t Hooft and Rolf Heuer). The planet’s public media do not dare interview the mentioned colleagues. And the recent official request made by a Cologne court to convoke a scientific safety conference goes unreported.

The persecution of my family by the state which culminated in the expulsion from our inherited house ten years ago may contribute to the planet-wide shrugging-off of what I say.

I learned that I am Jewish only after my young son had been killed at age 7, from my Semitist father who told me that this religion does not hold the sins of the fathers against the sons. He died soon thereafter 20 years ago. I know I am not worthy to solicit the support of Israel. But I feel a duty to make good on the sin of my father who participated translating newspapers as a less courageous dissident colleague of Kurt Gerstein’s in Tubingen. It is a strange twist of fate that I am forced by a chain of independent scientific results, which if broken at one point ceases to hold water, to act as a warner of Israel. I ask Jacob’s forgiveness for my being given the role of speaking up on his behalf by a streak of non-coincidental looking twists in the laws of nature. (For J.O.R.)

Jun 5, 2011

Our History Shapes the Future

Posted by in categories: counterterrorism, futurism, geopolitics, human trajectories, military, nanotechnology, philosophy, policy, space


American history teachers praise the educational value of Billy Joel’s 1980s song ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’. His song is a homage to the 40 years of historical headlines since his birth in 1949.

Which of Joel’s headlines will be considered the most important a millennium from now?

This column discusses five of the most important, and tries to make the case that three of them will become irrelevant, while one will be remembered for as long as the human race exists (one is uncertain). The five contenders are:

Continue reading “Our History Shapes the Future” »

Jun 2, 2011

Press Release:

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

“Who can prove that my Telemach theorem is false?” (See .)

The paper shows that masses, meter sticks and charges suffer a change by Einstein’s gravitational clock-slowdown factor.

The charge non-conservation is the most baffling. It was found independently by György Darvas of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (See

Black holes suddenly have new properties (no Hawking radiation, no charge) and urmeter and urkilogram disappear. The theoretical foundations of the currently running LHC experiment are gone. The request for a scientific safety conference made by the Cologne Administrative Court can no longer be ignored.

Continue reading “Press Release:” »

May 28, 2011


Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

All secret services of the planet know about my warnings against CERN.

Prof. Otto E. Rossler, University of Tubingen, Germany (For J.O.R., 052811)

P.S. The following paper submitted to CERN and the Albert-Einstein-Institut got removed from the Internet:

Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Has Three Further Implications Besides Affecting Time: T-L-M-Ch Theorem (“Telemach”)

Continue reading “OSAMA BIN CERN” »

May 23, 2011

Self-critical Assessment of My Armageddon-preventing Results – to be Read Before the American Congress

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

Moderate climate critic Richard A. Muller emphasized before the American Congress that a fair presentation of any warning-type scientific results presupposes a fair treatment of the stance of the skeptical majority. I therefore herewith present my Armageddon scenario (of 8 percent within perhaps 5 years) to the American Congress in the requisite, maximally vulnerable manner; in 4 points.

Point # 1 – lack of publication in refereed journals –

Correct. My seminal paper of 2007 remains unprinted – even though it was accepted for publication by a refereed journal. The reason: the journal got closed down. Although it was re-opened recently under its old name, its scope was reduced so as to no longer cover theoretical physics. The journal’s name: “Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.”

Point # 2 – alleged falsity of my first major result –

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