Baidu is a fixture of online life in China, but it wants to become a global power. Can one of the world’s leading artificial intelligence researchers help it challenge Silicon Valley’s biggest companies?
How will we interact with the intelligent machines of the future? If you’re asking Bryan Johnson, founder of startup Kernel, he’ll tell you those machines should be implanted inside our brains.
His team is working with top neuroscientists to build a tiny brain chip—also known as a neuroprosthetic —to help people with disease-related brain damage. In the long term, though, Johnson sees the product applicable to anyone who wants a bit of a brain boost.
Yes, some might flag this technology as yet another invention leading us toward a future where technology just helps the privileged get further in life.
Cientistas descobrem um segredo para a longevidade nos Latinos ’, com a esperança de retardar o envelhecimento para todos.
A pesquisa também ajuda a responder a perguntas sobre por que algumas pessoas morrem jovens, enquanto outros vivem até a velhice, e que doenças crônicas têm a ver com o envelhecimento.
Alterar a natureza da natureza.
Inovadores estão trabalhando em direção a um mundo no qual a matéria viva é totalmente programável por meio da biologia sintética onde as pessoas já não são apenas consumidores de tecnologia, mas os cidadãos de um mundo tecnológico.
Isto é o que eu explorei no episódio 3 das explorações, como a biologia sintética está mudando a natureza da Natureza.
Você é a biologia, eu sou a biologia, a Terra é a biologia — e tudo isso é cada vez mais programável. Com o poder de projetar e crescer o nosso futuro, que tipo de mundo que você vai ajudar a construir?
Por Bryan Johnson.
A team of Harvard Medical School scientists, which includes genetics professor George Church, have designed a bacterial genome that has been rewritten on a massive scale, with changes in more than 62,000 spots.
They haven’t used it to make living E. coli yet, but the findings, reported today in Science, mark progress towards genetically engineered bacteria that could make new materials without risk of exchanging genes with organisms in the wild.
“It‘s an important step forward for demonstrating the malleability of the genetic code and how entirely new types of biological functions and properties can be extracted from organisms through genomes that have been recoded,” Farren Isaacs of Yale University, who has worked with the team in the past, told Nature.
Open Bionics, Eidos-Montréal and Razer are working together to bring Deus Ex inspired augmentations to life.
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You might have heard the news: Our world could be a clever computer simulation that creates the impression of living in a real world. Elon Musk brought up this topic a few weeks ago. Truth be told — he is probably right. However, there is a very important point missing in this whole “real vs. fake” discussion: It actually makes no difference. But first…why might our world be a simulation?
Musk is nowhere near the first one to suggest our world might be fake. The idea reaches back to the ancient Greeks, though what we call a computer simulation, the ancient Greeks called a dream.
The first thing to realize is this: Our perception of reality is already separate from reality itself.