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A day in the life of an NSA Hacker.

In what Edward Snowden deems “not unprecedented,” hackers calling themselves the Shadow Brokers have collected NSA-created malware from a staging server run by the Equation Group, an internal hacking team. The Shadow Brokers published two chunks of data, one “open” chunk and another encrypted file containing the “best files” that they will sell for at least $1 million. Wikileaks has said they already own the “auction” files and will publish them in “due course.”

They’ve also released images of the file tree containing a script kiddie-like trove of exploits ostensibly created and used by the NSA as well as a page calling out cyber warriors and “Wealthy Elites.” The page also contains links to the two files, both encrypted. You can grab them using BitTorrent here.


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According to the statements of Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov, a Russian scientist, the soul does exist and he also has evidence pointing out that there is something beyond death. Hence, he photographed souls leaving the body and quantified chakras.

For more than millennia, the idea of the existence of the soul has been part of the human culture. Namely, a lot of people believe in the existence of the soul, but there are also those who claim that there is no such thing. Probably, one day, there will be a certain technology which can prove the existence or non-existence of the soul. Until then, we can only look at the effects of the soul.

Trying to prove the existence of the soul is very similar to the existence of gravity. That is, although you cannot directly see gravity, you know it exists because you either feel it or see its effects. In the nineties, Dr. Korotkov, professor at The St. Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Optics, and Mechanics in Russia, created a very interesting method.

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Nice paper on Neural Circuit structures.

Plasticity between neural connections plays a key role in our ability to process and store information. One of the fundamental questions on plasticity, is the extent to which local processes, affecting individual synapses, are responsible for large scale structures of neural connectivity. Here we focus on two types of structures: synfire chains and self connected assemblies. These structures are often proposed as forms of neural connectivity that can support brain functions such as memory and generation of motor activity. We show that an important plasticity mechanism, spike timing dependent plasticity, can lead to autonomous emergence of these large scale structures in the brain: in contrast to previous theoretical proposals, we show that the emergence can occur autonomously even if instructive signals are not fed into the neural network while its form is shaped by synaptic plasticity.

Citation: Ravid Tannenbaum N, Burak Y (2016) Shaping Neural Circuits by High Order Synaptic Interactions. PLoS Comput Biol 12: e1005056. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005056

Editor: Peter E. Latham, UCL, UNITED KINGDOM

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3D Printing for the skull.


Ceramics are a particularly interesting material in 3D printing, I think. When one thinks of ceramics, one typically thinks of china, pottery, coffee mugs, etc. The material is used in a much wider range of applications than most people realize, though, and the Ceramaker 3D printer has been demonstrating the versatility of ceramics while satisfying customers across multiple industries.

Developed by French company 3DCeram, the Ceramaker first caught our attention when it was displayed at Euromold last year. The printer utilizes pastes made from photopolymers combined with alumina, zirconia or hydroxypatite (HA), and 3DCeram is consistently working on developing new materials – they also offer custom formulations tailored to the needs of customers. Even without extra customization, though, the Ceramaker’s materials almost tailor themselves to a variety of applications in a number of industries.

For example, a ceramic paste made with alumina, aka aluminum oxide, is ideal for electronics thanks to its electrically insulating and conductive properties. It’s also hard and tough, making it a good abrasive or cutting tool. Zirconia, or zirconium dioxide, is a favorite of jewelers thanks to its high thermal stability and resistance to wear and chemicals, while hydroxypatite is similar to the substance of human bone, making it ideal for biocompatible implants.

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Wonder when someone will attempt to 3D Print Atlantis; or recreate the ancient Colossus of Rhodes.

Rio 2016 is a much-awaited event of people from all over the world that has already been happening in Brazil. On the other hand, the Summer Olympics that was held in Atlanta in 1996 has celebrated their 20th anniversary by creating a replica of Zeus using 3D printing technology. The statue of Zeus that was taken from Olympia is commonly used to represent the Olympics. As a matter of fact, it is also considered as a part of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.

The Use of 3D Printing in Reviving the Statue of Zeus in Olympia

The statue of Zeus can be seen in the heart of the Olympics that was founded in Olympia in 776 BC. The Olympic Games is known to be the most significant event that happened in Greece that brought Greeks together with their religious and cultural bond. They have organized the games in respect to Zeus who is the king of the gods and ruled Mount Olympus. The events happen every four years for more than thousands of years that takes five days. During this event, you will notice how they give it importance because of the peace that people experience despite the wars that they have to fight.

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WILLIAMSBURG, Va.: The Pentagon’s top weapons buyer, Frank Kendall, warned today that the US might hobble itself in future warfare by insisting on human control of thinking weapons if our adversaries just let their robots pull the trigger. Kendall even worries that Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work is being too optimistic when Work says humans and machines working together will beat robots without oversight.

These are unnerving ideas — and top Army leaders swiftly responded with concern that robots would shoot civilians if you take the human out of the loop. This is what Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Paul Selva calls the Terminator Conundrum: “When do we want to cross that line as humans? And who wants to cross it first? Those are really hard ethical questions.” They are also a fundamental question of combat effectiveness.

“Even in a more conventional conflict, we’re quite careful about not killing innocent civilians,” said Kendall. “I don’t expect our adversaries to all behave that way, and the advantage you have if you don’t worry about that as much, is you make decisions more quickly” — which can spell the difference between victory and defeat.

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Researchers have developed a wireless device small enough to be implanted in individual nerves, and capable of detecting the electrical activity of nerves and muscles deep within the body, according to DARPA, which funded the work.

The millimeter-scale sensor and external ultrasonic transceiver that powers the implant and communicates with it is called a “neural dust” system. The team, led by the University of California, Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, completed the first in vivo tests of this technology in rodents and reported them in the journal Neuron.

The sensor can be implanted into either a nerve or muscle, and consists of a piezoelectric crystal, a single custom transistor, and a pair of recording electrodes. The system reported both electroneurogram (ENG) recordings from the sciatic nerve and electromyographic (EMG) recordings from the gastrocnemius muscle, according to the journal article.

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Scientists have just found a way to make use of plasma, the fourth state of matter, to improve bone development. Using cold fusion, researchers were able to initiate increased bone growth.

It is a bit ironic that plasma is the least known state of matter, when in fact it is the most abundant in the universe. It is found in our Sun and all other stars, lightning, in our TVs, fluorescent light, and neon signs, and (purportedly) even in our favorite fictional weapon in the Star Wars universe, the lightsaber.

Plasma can be classified according to the degree of ionization, temperature, etc, but whatever form it may take, plasma has been used in various fields, such as in spacecraft propulsion, agriculture, and quite recently, in medicine.

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Recent findings indicating the possible discovery of a previously unknown subatomic particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature, according to a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters by theoretical physicists at the University of California, Irvine.

“If true, it’s revolutionary,” said Jonathan Feng, professor of physics & astronomy. “For decades, we’ve known of four fundamental forces: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe, with consequences for the unification of forces and dark matter.”

The UCI researchers came upon a mid-2015 study by experimental nuclear physicists at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences who were searching for “dark photons,” particles that would signify unseen dark matter, which physicists say makes up about 85 percent of the universe’s mass. The Hungarians’ work uncovered a radioactive decay anomaly that points to the existence of a light particle just 30 times heavier than an electron.

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