Discover how, with generative design, computers can “learn” a designer’s project goals and collaborate to create products never before possible.
Her computer, Karin Strauss says, contains her “digital attic”—a place where she stores that published math paper she wrote in high school, and computer science schoolwork from college.
She’d like to preserve the stuff “as long as I live, at least,” says Strauss, 37. But computers must be replaced every few years, and each time she must copy the information over, “which is a little bit of a headache.”
It would be much better, she says, if she could store it in DNA—the stuff our genes are made of.
A new blood treatment developed by researchers in Greece reportedly has the power to reverse menopause, enabling post-menopausal women to release eggs once again.
None of this has been peer-reviewed as yet, but if the results can be verified by others in the scientific community, the treatment might allow women to have offspring later in life.
It could also provide a treatment for those suffering from early menopause, a condition that affects roughly 1 percent of all women.
Will we live longer lives in the future? According to Ray Kurzweil, it’s only a matter of time until technology begins successfully tackling age-related disease—and life expectancy grows longer and longer. At some point, technology will annually add more than a year to our life expectancy—allowing us to indefinitely increase lifespans, and perhaps eventually live as long as we want.
“We will get to a point where our longevity, our remaining life expectancy is moving on away from us. The sands of time will run in rather than run out,” Kurzweil says.
How will this happen? We’re now learning to reprogram biology to cure disease and repair the body. This will accelerate in coming decades and be followed by the nanotechnology revolution.
A new story out on my time at the RNC from Orange County’s main paper. I’ll be at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Monday night and Tuesday day. Please join me and help spread #transhumanism! Some free Transhumanist Party t-shirts available (email me if you can make it: [email protected]) #ScienceCandidate #Election2016 #POTUS #TechVote
In Cleveland this week, I met the presidential candidate who’s looking farther into the future than any other.
I settled in at Chipotle’s with my chicken burrito and there he was, with two friends, sitting next to me.
After introductions, he got the conversation rolling by talking about the need to invest more in science and technology, paying for it by reducing defense spending.
To make sure he kept my attention, he moved quickly to his call for a Universal Basic Income. That’s a continuing government payment for everyone in the country, working or not.
Even though dark matter has not yet been found, scientists are confident it exists as its effects can be seen in the rotation of galaxies and the bending of light as it makes its way through the universe.
The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark matter experiment has found no traces of dark matter.
YOO — Timeline
Posted in innovation
(A computer simulation of a black hole. NASA, ESA, and D. Coe, J. Anderson, and R. van der Marel (STScI))
In case you haven’t heard, there is a very, very big problem with the universe: About 80% of all of the stuff inside it is missing.
Astronomers call this material “dark matter.” They know it’s out there because its huge mass tugs on and shapes galaxies, but no one has ever detected the material itself. Aside from exerting a gravitational pull, dark matter doesn’t seem to interact with stars, planets, dust, atoms, subatomic particles, or any other “normal” matter as we know it. It’s essentially invisible.
Um microrobô com controlo remoto que parece e se move como uma bactéria.
Ao contrário dos robôs convencionais, estes microroboô são suaves, flexíveis,. Elas são feitas de um hidrogel biocompatível e nanopartículas magnéticas e sem motor. Estas nanopartículas têm duas funções. Eles dão aos microrobôs sua forma durante o processo de fabricação, e torná-los mover-se e nadar quando um campo magnético é aplicado.