Mars colonization — getting there is only a small part of the equation. The bigger problem is how to survive. Synthetic biology may be able to help.
Posted in cyborgs
Bactéria Cyborg
Pesquisadores do Departamento de Ciência e Engenharia Biosystems (D-BSSE) da ETH Zurich em Basileia criaram um ciborgue — uma criatura híbrida que é máquina e parte organismo vivo.
Bactérias em que o crescimento pode ser totalmente controlado automaticamente por um computador. A interface entre o computador e bactérias é baseada na luz vermelha e verde. A abordagem poderia ajudar a otimizar a produção biotecnológica de moléculas.
Concerns that artificial intelligence will pose a danger if it develops consciousness are misplaced, says Jim Davies.
The Mars lander touched down late on Wednesday night but was emitting no signal, ground controllers have announced. It was not known whether the craft was intact.
“The lander touched down, that is certain,” Thierry Blancquaert, manager of the European Space Agency’s “Schiaparelli” lander told AFP.
“Whether it landed intact, whether it hit a rock or a crater or whether it simply cannot communicate, that I don’t know.”
Posted in futurism
In Tokyo, you can park your bike in underground vaults, and retrieve it in just 8 seconds.
Posted in mobile phones
Posted in food, robotics/AI
The REAL danger of AI… wink
Robots (Emily Blunt, Mikey Day) meant to deliver food repeatedly malfunction during a presentation.
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