Watch how these fire ants stick together to avoid drowning.
Posted in futurism
Imagine a future where there is no need to cut down a tree and and reshape that raw material into a chair or table. Instead, we could grow our furniture by custom-engineering moss or mushrooms. Perhaps glowing bacteria will light our cities, and we’ll be able to bring back extinct species, or wipe out Lyme disease—or maybe even terraform Mars. Synthetic biology could help us accomplish all that, and more.
That’s the message of the latest video in a new mini-documentary Web series called Explorations, focusing on potentially transformative areas of scientific research: genomics, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, transportation, space exploration, and synthetic biology. It’s a passion project of entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, founder of OS Fund and the payments processing company Braintree.
Posted in government, robotics/AI, science, transhumanism | 1 Comment on I stopped by the NYC office today and chatted with veteran science writer John Horgan live on their Facebook page about transhumanism and my campaign
This article is hilarious! If Google ever becomes obsolete it will do so because a new tech player with new technology took over. Too say the world will collapse or panic will happen is not reality. Anyone who remembers DEC/ Digital Corporation, WANG, etc. will tell you that a tech company often becomes obsolete when the masses / users drop the company’s tech for another competitor; and this process typically takes a few years of decline when it happens.
In this time of the internet when we have a vast amount of information available that we can easily Google to find out. This search engine has proven itself to be the most efficient tool for the entire humanity. But imagine what will happen if Google becomes obsolete or shuts down entirely at some point in the future.
Considering all the vast ranges of functionalities Google can perform, I believe the aftermath will be devastating. In fact, Google did shut down once, for a few minutes and the whole world turned upside-down.
No more searches on Google
Another major leap for science & maybe for mankind (depends on the mission)?.
The U.S. is set to launch an unmaned submarine hunting ship in 2018.
Hackers fighting hackers; wonder what will happen in another20 years when super humans start to become more and more introduced into the mainstream, in this space. Stating dark web hackers will not have access to BMI and other enhancing technologies is not reality either.
The final round of DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge pits computers against one another as human programmers watch the future of cybersecurity unfold.
The ultimate test of wits in computer security occurs through open competition on the global Capture the Flag (CTF) tournament circuit. In CTF contests, experts reverse engineer software, probe its weaknesses, search for deeply hidden flaws, and create securely patched replacements.
On August 4, 2016, DARPA will hold the Cyber Grand Challenge, the world’s first all-computer CTF tournament. It will take place live on stage co-located with the DEF CON conference in Las Vegas. The public is invited to attend and observe as automated systems take the first steps towards a defensible, connected future.
Learn more about the Cyber Grand Challenge at: