China and now Russia. Looks like a cold war to me.
As concerns about the Kremlin’s involvement in cyber attacks against the West deepen, Moscow is taking aim at Microsoft, Oracle and IBM. Are these efforts symbolic or strategic?
Luv the map; however, missing a lot of info. Namely, many decades and contributors. QC officially recorded to start in 1960 with Stephen Wiesner discovery of a cryptographic tool. And, even modern day QC such as a QC Net has been in existence since late 90s with Los Alamos.
Still nice colored map for a limited view of 2014, 2015, and current. However, I don’t see the ORNL, Oxford, U. of Sydney, China, USC, MIT, etc. breakthroughs most importantly the scalable Quantum, syn. diamonds contribution to enable stable QC and QC Net.
From law enforcement to criminals, governments to insurgents, and activists to Facebook dabblers, many people have come to rely on encryption to protect their digital information and keep their communications secure. But the current forms of encryption could be obsolete the moment anyone succeeds in building a quantum computer. A what! Read on about the brave new world awaiting us.
Infographic by:
Talk about scalability!
In Brief:
Scientists have discovered that electrons cooled close to absolute zero slow down so much that they can be studied individually – allowing us to see the world in a whole new level of detail.
At those temperatures, electric current stops flowing. Instead, electrons trickle through a conductor like grains of sand in an hourglass, finally revealing their quantum state and allowing us to study them one at a time.
“Everything in Life is Vibration” → Albert Einstein.
The universal energy of frequency and vibration.
Everything Vibrates:
This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates — everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the universe — hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you — people, animals, plants, trees and so on. BUT you are not separated — you are in fact living in an ocean of energy — we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level — a level professor John Hagelin calls the unified field.
The Secret
A new time is upon us.
By Rebecca Boyle.
It’s like catching light in action. For the first time, physicists have measured changes in an atom to the level of zeptoseconds, or trillionths of a billionth of a second – the smallest division of time yet observed.
In this case, the speed demon was an electron escaping the bonds of its parent atom. When light strikes electrons, they get excited and can break free from their atoms. The photon’s energy is either entirely consumed by one electron or divided among several. This electron ejection is known as the photoelectric effect, and was described by Albert Einstein in 1905.
Maybe this is the secret ingredient to futurists.
By Paul Levy: The following is excerpted from from Paul Levy’s upcoming book, The Quantum Revelation: A Modern-Day Spiritual Treasure, and was originally published on Paul’s website Awaken the Dream …
The observer effect, the central pillar of quantum physics, reveals that the act of observation is not merely a passive reception of information, but rather, is a creative act that we are all—knowingly or unknowingly—participating in every moment of our lives. This process is tantamount to the same kind of dynamic creativity that we engage with in our night dreams. In a dream, the un-manifest potentialities (the wavefunction of dream possibilities) within the unconscious, depending upon the psyche of the dreamer, are actualized or “dreamed up” into specific appearances through and as the fabric of the dream.
Once synbio computing is fully matured then our tech dev work maybe done.
By Frances Van Scoy, West Virginia University.
The first computers cost millions of dollars and were locked inside rooms equipped with special electrical circuits and air conditioning. The only people who could use them had been trained to write programs in that specific computer’s language. Today, gesture-based interactions, using multitouch pads and touchscreens, and exploration of virtual 3D spaces allow us to interact with digital devices in ways very similar to how we interact with physical objects.
This newly immersive world not only is open to more people to experience; it also allows almost anyone to exercise their own creativity and innovative tendencies. No longer are these capabilities dependent on being a math whiz or a coding expert: Mozilla’s “A-Frame” is making the task of building complex virtual reality models much easier for programmers. And Google’s “Tilt Brush” software allows people to build and edit 3D worlds without any programming skills at all.
A collaborative effort involving Auburn University, Gen9 and Autodesk has developed a synthetic viral genome for bone cancer research and one which may prove revolutionary in the battle against cancer overall.
The sCAV2 virus, which is the longest functional virus created in oncology research, targets and destroys selected tumor cells while not impacting healthy cells, notes an announcement.
“This could change the way we fight cancer. It is that revolutionary,” states Dr. Bruce Smith, a professor in the department of pathobiology and director of the Auburn University Research Initiative in Cancer, in the announcement. “Our concept is taking personalized medicine to precision medicine. The technology to create a new virus by synthesizing it is a huge leap, but the ability to then make a customized virus tailored to the specific needs of each patient will be transformative.”