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Nov 5, 2015

Panera CEO Says Robots Will Replace Human Workers

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI

Using a touch-screen ordering station instead of speaking to a human while ordering a Panini at Panera is in the imminent future, reports Business Insider.

According to Panera founder and CEO Ron Shaich, a robot revolution will take over companies as labor prices increase and what he calls “digital utilization” goes up, according to the report.

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Nov 4, 2015

Dozens of people mistake robot for real woman — and they think she’s ‘sexy’

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Viewers are in awe of how lifelike the robot appears — and have even claimed to find her attractive.

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Nov 4, 2015

What an abomination!

Posted by in category: genetics

Japan has developed a new genetically mutated strawberries, and it’s BLUE

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Nov 4, 2015

Relativity v quantum mechanics – the battle for the universe

Posted by in category: quantum physics

Physicists have spent decades trying to reconcile two very different theories. But is a winner about to emerge – and transform our understanding of everything from time to gravity?

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Nov 4, 2015

Robot spiders could build giant webs in space

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

The SpiderFab manufacturing system would build huge structures in space using arachnid-like robots.

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Nov 4, 2015

Ghost in the Shell Arise — Trailer HD

Posted by in category: entertainment



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Nov 4, 2015

In This Trippy Short Film, a Man Meets Every Possible Future Version of Himself

Posted by in categories: futurism, time travel

In Therefore I Am, the McCoubrey brothers create a compelling time travel mystery in just six minutes. It leaves you with questions, BUT in a good way.

Therefore I Am tracks a conversation a man has with future versions of himself, each one arriving slightly earlier than the last, each one with slightly different instructions for how to get to that point. You can even trace the loops—each one leads to the next. And yet, not a single one seems to have successfully avoided the event they’re trying to stop.

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Nov 4, 2015

The Future of Work: Less than 10% of People Have Jobs

Posted by in categories: employment, futurism

In; The Future of Work: Less than 10% of People Have Jobs’ I have shared some articles and interviews where Steve talks about what may be a very real future of work.

Five hundred years from now, says venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson, less than 10 percent of people on the planet will be doing paid work. And next year?

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Nov 4, 2015

Using Heat-Seeking Bubbles To Destroy Cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

We have plenty of chemicals that can kill cancer cells, but they often hit healthy ones too. The search has therefore been on for a targeted approach, that delivers a fatal payload to tumours without harming surrounding tissue.

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Nov 4, 2015

Australian Researchers to 3D Print with Stem Cells for Cranial Reconstruction

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, neuroscience

The human brain is a fragile and powerful tool, and is also fully dependent on a sturdy skull to keep it secure and intact. Unfortunately for some, there is a need for cranial reconstruction on people who were either born with a skull-related deficiency or critically injured in the head area. 3D printing has shown itself to be a potential game-changer in this regard; we have already witnessed successful titanium mesh skull replacements for one Chinese farmer and even a three-year-old girl born with congenital hydrocephalus. Now, researchers out of Western Australia are developing a new advanced 3D printing method that involves reconstructing the human skull from stem cell cultures.


The project, which is taking place within the Royal Perth Hospital and is being funded by the State Government, will provide their patients with damaged or surgically removed skull fragments with a high-quality cranial reconstruction surgery. The 3D printed stem cell-based skull replacement can potentially increase the success rate and the post-surgical quality of life of patients who require this intensive surgery.

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