Heck of a cheerleader. First Amendment Aspirin?
Aubrey and Kurzweil.
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It’s an exciting time to be an elderly mouse. Researchers believe that by removing senescent cells (cells with a persistent damage response), which naturally accumulate with age, senior rodents can regrow hair, run faster, and improve organ function. This strategy may bring us one step closer to the “fountain of youth,” but it’s important to be cautious and not hype, says researcher of aging Peter de Keizer of the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands. In an Opinion published December 29 in Trends in Molecule Medicine, he discusses the milestones the field still needs to hit before translation in humans is ready for discussion.
#aging #crowdfundthecure
121 people including me have already sent their gifts to CellAge project, what about you? wink
Hello everyone! There are some great news, today CellAge campaign successfully reached amazing $6 000! This makes 15% of the goal, and we are very grateful to 121 brave people who decided to support the development of a universal test system to target senescent cells!
If you have not yet supported the campaign with a donation, here is a reminder that the best New Year gift for scientists is funding to launch another longevity study! bigsmile
#crowdfundthecure for #aging
Interesting position.
Anonymous by request.
“The human energy field exists as an array of oscillating energy points that have a layered structure and a definite symmetry and these properties fulfill the definition of a normal crystal in material form” – Marc Vogel.
The human body is a universe onto itself; a vast, intricate system of incredible sensitivity and detail. It has been the subject of wonder, philosophy and scientific study for centuries, yet its most elemental design is still shrouded in mystery. What is the relation of biological life to the Cosmos – to the fabric of space and time itself? Is our body the “earthen machine” of Descartes; an “automaton” of discrete mechanical function? Are we really locked in an endless struggle against the ticking clock of thermodynamic entropy – of increasing disorder – as is the view of contemporary physics? The fractal-holographic model sheds new light on these questions; a unified description of the Cosmos reveals its true relation to Man, a relationship so entangled, so intimate that the two cannot be viewed apart…
Luv this; definitely a great role model to young girls everywhere.
This was the first of two spacewalks astronauts will perform this month to finalize the replacement of 12 old nickel-hydrogen batteries six with new lithium-ion batteries.
Kimbrough is wearing the suit bearing red stripes marked as EV1 member 1, but Whitson is wearing the suit with no stripes, marked EV2, member 2.
NASA is sending an African-American astronaut to the International Space Station for the first time. Built by Swales Aerospace Inc., it is the staple of NASA’s space tool arsenal.
Although I do luv online retail; my concern is will we wake up to a day with an online hangover where mid- and small-size towns/ cities no longer have the bricks-and-mortars to visit. I just hope we don’t go too overboard like we have on other things.
In the ongoing battle between traditional brick and mortar retail and online commerce, online retail has been killing it.
While Amazon is clearly the biggest beneficiary of this trend, there are many other companies benefiting as well.
But despite the tremendous growth opportunity, traditional retail ETFs have very little exposure to online retailers.
Interesting approach.
Families who rely on food stamps may not be left out of the future of grocery shopping after all.
The pilot, which will run for two years, will launch on Shop.safeway.com in August.
The other retailers include Amazon, testing the program in New York, New Jersey and Maryland; Safeway, testing it in Maryland, Oregon and Washington; delivery service FreshDirect, testing in New York; and other regional and local grocers testing the program in New York and other East Coast states. As with the core program, SNAP participants will be able to use their benefits only to purchase eligible items online, not to pay for service or delivery charges. “Allowing consumers to use their SNAP benefits in the same way you would also use a credit or debit card to purchase groceries will lead to lower prices and greater options for consumers in every corner of this city and state”, said Diaz “I want to thank Congressman Maloney and our NY delegation, our partners in business and the health and hunger advocates who understood the need for this pilot program and joined our efforts to bring this important new program to NY”. “With the SNAP Pilot, we look forward to bringing the online purchasing option to SNAP clients and positively impacting all the communities that we serve”.