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Jan 11, 2016

DARPA Advance Breaks New Ground for Operating In Congested Electromagnetic Spectrum

Posted by in categories: computing, military

Competition for scarce electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is increasing, driven by a growing military and civilian demand for connected devices. As the spectrum becomes more congested, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need better tools for managing the EM environment and for avoiding interference from competing signals. One recent DARPA-funded advance, an exceptionally high-speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC), represents a major step forward. The ADC could help ensure the uninterrupted operation of spectrum-dependent military capabilities, including communications and radar, in contested EM environments. The advance was enabled by 32 nm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) semiconductor technologies available through DARPA’s ongoing partnership with GlobalFoundries, a manufacturer of highly-advanced semiconductor chips.

The EM spectrum, whose component energy waves include trillionth-of-a-meter-wavelength gamma rays to multi-kilometer-wavelength radio waves, is an inherently physical phenomenon. ADCs convert physical data—that is, analog data—on the spectrum into numbers that a digital computer can analyze and manipulate, an important capability for understanding and adapting to dynamic EM environments.

Today’s ADCs, however, only process data within a limited portion of the spectrum at a given time. As a result, they can temporarily overlook critical information about radar, jamming, communications, and other potentially problematic EM signals. DARPA’s Arrays at Commercial Timescales (ACT) program addressed this challenge by supporting the development of an ADC with a processing speed nearly ten times that of commercially available, state-of-the-art alternatives. By leveraging this increased speed, the resulting ADC can analyze data from across a much wider spectrum range, allowing DoD systems to better operate in congested spectrum bands and to more rapidly react to spectrum-based threats.

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Jan 11, 2016

Illumina Launches GRAIL, Focused on Blood-Based Cancer Screening

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Early detection by Grail (leveraging illumina’s gene sequencing technology) looks promising. This truly will be beneficial for early detection. And, I will be very interested in seeing how it benefits those who are genetically pre-disposed to cancer related gene mutations especially around Esaphogus, Glioblastoma, and Pancreatic cancers since these are often hard to detect in their earliest stages.

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Jan 11, 2016

Watch ISS Commander Chris Hadfield Cover David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’… In Space

Posted by in category: space

A seriously beautiful video marks the end of a seriously entertaining ISS expedition.

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Jan 11, 2016

Human organs for transplant are being grown inside sheep and pigs

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Human organs are being grown inside sheep and pigs in a bid to save the lives of those on organ donation waiting lists.

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Jan 11, 2016

We got as high as #1! Currently are #2. Get our Visions of the Future at

Posted by in categories: futurism, lifeboat


Other Lifeboat Foundation books include The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen — and What to Do and Prospects for Human Survival.

Get Visions of the Future!

Jan 11, 2016

The $100bn robotics opportunity

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Another interesting read on the forecasted growth of Robots leading up to 2026.

Printed Electronics World.

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Jan 11, 2016

Robots to replace personnel in the Russian army

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

And, no one should say “Never” when it comes to people replaced by robots in the military.

Not good for the Russian military people.

Science fiction movies are quickly becoming a reality on the modern battlefield, as robots gradually supplant people in certain aspects of Russian military operations. The full automation of the armed forces using artificial intelligence is still a long way off, but some key functions once entrusted only to humans have already been passed on to machines.

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Jan 11, 2016

Google Doodle Celebrates Alice Paul |

Posted by in categories: governance, human trajectories, law


“Alice Paul was the architect of some of the most outstanding political achievements on behalf of women in the 20th century. Born on January 11, 1885 to Quaker parents in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, Alice Paul dedicated her life to the single cause of securing equal rights for all women.”

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Jan 11, 2016

How to Teleport Info Out of a Black Hole

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology, quantum physics

Many folks often ask “What’s next for technology after Quantum?” Many suggests space, some folks suggest some sort of vNext technology or science that hasn’t been identified or fully discovered, etc. It truly is something that many of us have been asking ourselves for the past few years. However, there is still so much that still needs to be experimented with in ragards to Quantum; including teleporting information via Quantum from a black hole. And, what and how will this type of experiment improve our own usage of Quantum in the future.

The information that can be extracted from this hypothetical black hole is quantum information, meaning that instead of existing in either a 0 or 1 state, like a classical bit, the data collected would exist as a superposition of all potential states.

“We’ve demonstrated concretely that it is possible, in principle, to retrieve some quantum information from a black hole,” said study co-author Adam Jermyn, a doctoral candidate at the University of Cambridge in England. [The 9 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics]

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Jan 11, 2016

‘Teleportation’ Lecture attracts large crowd

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Very interesting. Teleporting and it’s potential use is really worth keeping a closer eye on especially with the progresses that we have seen so far with Quantum. Just 2 weeks ago, scientists were able to prove that one atom was able to co-exist in 2 locations during the same point of time.

Many members of the Stanford community came to an event called “Teleportation” last December. The event featured Tongcang Li, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy and assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University, who discussed his work in quantum superposition, or having an entity simultaneously exist in two locations.

The event was organized by Anna Chukaeva, a first year student at the Graduate School of Business, and Evgeny Duhovny, a local graphic artist and DJ. The two have begun organizing campus events in conjunction with ArtSoFFT, a local group (not affiliated with Stanford). Driven by a desire to popularize and spread a love of science, the group has begun organizing a series of events at Stanford featuring scientists discussing their work.

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