The Cherenkov Telescope Array, which India has invested in, will improve upon the data from Indian instruments like MACE and HAGAR.
Nanotweezers to Handle DNA
Posted in biotech/medical
Manipulating DNA with tweezers is now possible, using technology developed at a cutting-edge French-Japanese laboratory (LIMMS). The researchers designed silicon nanotweezers capable of grabbing and analyzing cells or molecular fibers. This microscopic instrument has already been used in Lille to test the resistance of DNA to irradiation.
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Rupture- iTunes
Posted in genetics
RUPTURE follows Renee Morgan (Noomi Rapace), a single mom, who is deathly terrified of spiders. While in route to meet up with a friend, she is violently abducted by a group of strangers. After enduring intense yet strange questioning and examinations, some about her fear of spiders, Renee soon discovers that she is now the subject of an underground experiment. Her captors explain to her that she has a genetic abnormality that can potentially allow her to “rupture” and reveal her alien nature. Renee must find a way to escape before it is too late.
BRUSSELS NATO plans to spend 3 billion euros ($3.24 billion) to upgrade its satellite and computer technology over the next three years as the Western military alliance adapts to new threats, a senior official said.
Seeking to deter hackers, and other threats including Iranian missiles, the investments underscore NATO’s recognition that conflicts are increasingly fought on computer networks as well as in the air, on land and at sea.
A senior official at the NATO Communications and Information Agency said the plans include a 1.7-billion-euro investment in satellite communications to better support troops and ships deployed across the alliance, as well as aiding the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones.
“Now, Xiao said, he imagines a future where kids don’t have to depend on their parents to drive them around, for instance, and can instead summon a self-driving ride.”
Read more (video in post is from 2016; access 2017 video via link)
The fear that automation in the form of robots or artificial intelligence is going to destroy jobs is widespread. But it can be difficult to gauge just how serious to take the threat. Different reports offer different estimations of how many jobs will be lost, while politicians and economists argue that technology creates as many jobs as it destroys, maintaining an equilibrium in employment over the long run.
But is this really true? A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research aims to add some solid numbers to the debate, looking at the historical effects of robots on employment in the US. Economists Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo studied the US labor market between 1990 and 2007, looking at employment rates in different areas and industries while controlling for the influence of factors like increased imports from China and the offshoring of jobs.
Confronting A.I.
Joe Rogan Experience.
Episode #938
Joe Rogan and Lawrence Krauss
Joe worried about artificial intelligence in the future.
Intelligent Machines
AI, quantum computing will accelerate materials discovery.
IBM’s Watson is already at work developing novel polymers.
- by.
James Temple