The future is here. Why not embrace it. Screw weed, crack or an others that may fry your neurons. Out think out preform others who rot thier brains. No offense to those who do those things.
The technique involves embedding different levels of solid and liquid in order to customize the elasticity. Adding more liquid makes the material softer and more elastic. This technique allows the printer to exactly customize the elasticity of the print, and even of different areas within the print.
These programmable materials can help reduce wear and tear on moving parts by damping shocks and reducing vibrations. They can also help make robots easier to control by making movements more precise. This method could even have other applications such as in shock-absorbing running shoes and headgear.
Source: MIT News
Xconomy National —
Drugs that use molecular scissors to snip out or replace defective genes. Altered mosquitoes meant to sabotage entire disease-carrying populations. Both are potential uses of genome editing, which thanks to the CRISPR-Cas9 system has spread throughout the world’s biology labs and is now on the doorstep of the outside world. But with its first applications could also come unintended consequences for human health and the environment. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency—a famed military R&D group—wants to finance safety measures for the new gene-editing age.
The idea for the funding program, called Safe Genes, is to get out ahead of problems that could bring the field to a screeching halt. “We should couple innovation with biosecurity,” DARPA program manager Renee Wegrzyn, said Tuesday at the SynBioBeta conference in South San Francisco. “We need new safety measures that don’t slow us down. You have brakes in your car so that you can go fast but can stop when you need to.”
Modernize Your Data Center’s DNA
Posted in security
As security threats are more sophisticated today than in the past, modern data centers are becoming increasingly vulnerable. Micro-segmentation is your answer to protect your data center against these sophisticated threats. Read this trend brief to see how it builds security into the DNA of the data center for a cost-effective, future-proof way to protect what matters.
The Internet of Things so widely predicted as the Next Big Thing in computing is full of promise but presents a correspondingly large vulnerability to cyber attacks, said Arati Prabhakar, director of DARPA, at the 2016 GeekWire Summit in Seattle today.
IoT offers “a huge value, but then with every advance comes more attack surface,” said Prabhakar during an interview with Alan Boyle, GeekWire’s aerospace and science editor. “Provably secure embedded systems is part of the answer.”
A Chinese man has been sentenced to three years in a U.S. prison for conspiring to steal high-tech U.S. corn seeds with the intention of transporting them to China, the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday.
Mo Hailong, 46, pleaded guilty in January in federal court in Iowa to conspiring to steal patented corn seeds from DuPont Pioneer and Monsanto Co. Mo was employed as director of the international business of the Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co Ltd.
(Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Mohammad Zargham)
China will soon get its first suspension railway, joining Japan and Germany as the third country on earth to develop the technology.
China’s 1st #skytrain, a #lithium -battery powered train suspended from railway line, finished test run in Chengdu
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) September 30, 2016
As I have continued for over a year to repeat that for any company or government entity to not include QC in their 5+ yrs future state roadmap is truly enabling their company or government to be easy pickings for hackers.
Quantum scientist Michele Mosca will discuss security in the coming quantum age during a live Webcast tonight at 7 P.M.