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As you well know, bullets are designed to kill people. So far, so bad, but the metallic compounds in them also tend to leach into the environment and kill off plants and wildlife too.

At training facilities the world over, the US Army uses live ammunition to gear up their soldiers for combat. These bullets just remain in the wild, and do their damage. Deciding that enough is enough, officials are now asking for proposals to design biodegradable bullets that shall harm the environment no more.

Not only that, but they are hoping that the bullets will contain seeds, specialized for each local environment, so that they will ultimately “grow environmentally beneficial plants that eliminate ammunition debris and contaminants.”

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HOUSTON, Jan. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Made In Space and Axiom Space today, announce an agreement to be users and providers of one another’s capabilities to manufacture products in space. Made In Space is the only company to produce 3D printed products in Space and Axiom Space is the leading developer of the world’s first privately-owned commercial space station. This collaboration signifies Made In Space’s exciting transition from research phase, to manufacturing for commercial customers.

The companies have been working out the logistical elements of in-space manufacturing, outfitting the in-space factory with equipment, utilities, power, and thermal management to answer customers’ growing demand. In parallel to the manufacturing element, the companies are working together to plan the delivery of completed products to Earth, ensuring their quality during flight and upon arrival.

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The big bang poses a big question: if it was indeed the cataclysm that blasted our universe into existence 13.7 billion years ago, what sparked it? Three researchers at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo propose that the big bang could be the three-dimensional “mirage” of a collapsing star in a universe profoundly different than our own.

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It seems more likely what you remove is more important than what you add with old blood.

The evidence is increasingly suggesting that dilution of pro-aging signals is why we are seeing rejuvenation when blood is exchanged between young and old animals. Forget transfusions the next step is to filter our own blood to promote health as we age.

#aging #crowdfundthecure

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We are at the cusp of a stem cell revolution.

Understanding and harnessing these unique cells may unlock breakthroughs in longevity and therapeutic solutions to all kinds of chronic diseases and regenerative opportunities.

Last month, I took a trip down to the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City with Dr. Bob Hariri (co-Founder of Human Longevity Inc.) to get stem cell injections in my knee and shoulder as an alternative to reconstructive surgery.

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The limitless applications of 3D data visualization will enable a more efficient approach to many of life’s problems. Each day, developers exploring this technology are finding new ways to solve these problems in mixed reality; 3D modeling, easier house management, spinal surgery, and forest fire management are just a few recent examples of ways 3D data visualization can benefit us all.

The military, on the other hand, has quite a different set of problems to manage.

From a logistics standpoint, there are a lot of moving parts in the military to consider such as personnel, deployment, training, resources, and supply lines, to name just a few things that have to be managed constantly. Here we are talking big-picture ideas that could utilize 3D data visualization from a top-down view. If we scale down to real-time operations for individual missions, there’s recon, intel, tracking, and response, and this list could keep going.

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I was able to demonstrate the Bebionic and its components while also hooking one of the students up to our small hand so they could get a taste of what it’s like to Bebionic. I also had the chance to demonstrate and speak on the importance of fitting patients with an ETD such as my Motion Control, Inc. from Fillauer to accompany the Bebion…ic hand.

We got to talk about the basic components of a myoelectric prosthesis as well as some of the advanced systems such as the Coapt Direct Control and Morph system from Infinite Biomedical Technologies, LLC. With all of the major advances in upper limb prosthetics in recent times it’s great to be part of this technology.

A big thanks to Wendy the program director and faculty for having me visit your program and for making me feel welcome. You have an amazing facility. I will be looking forward to revisiting the program this fall. Steeper Group Steeper USA.

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China plans to develop a prototype exascale computer by the end of the year, state media said on Tuesday, as it seeks to win a global race to be the first to build a machine capable of a billion, billion calculations per second.

If successful, the achievement would cement its place as a leading power in the world of supercomputing.

The Asian giant built the world’s fastest supercomputer, the Sunway TaihuLight machine, in June last year, which was twice as fast as the previous number one.

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China will launch a satellite this year to gather electromagnetic data which may be used in monitoring and forecasting earthquakes.

According to China’s earthquake administrative agencies on Tuesday, the satellite will be launched in the latter half of this year, Xinhua news agency reported.

Movements of the Earth’s crust generate electromagnetic radiation which can be observed from space.

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