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Dec 27, 2023

Neanderthal DNA used to grow a ‘mini-brain’

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

A team of scientists in Basel believes this will open up new lines of research.

Dec 27, 2023

How to Use OpenAI’s ChatGPT to Create Your Own Custom GPT

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

I created an experimental chatbot with 50 of my WIRED articles. Try it out for yourself.

Dec 27, 2023

Gold mine of kilonova explosions forged by neutron stars crashing together

Posted by in category: space

Scientists have seen what happens during the violent events that forge the gold on your finger in detail for the first time.

Dec 27, 2023

Tesla Drivers Worst Study Intentionally Disinformation; Q4 Prediction Revealed

Posted by in category: futurism

According to a widely distributed study covered by all the majors, Tesla drivers are way at the top of the list of the worst drivers on earth. Brian White has gone super deep to uncover whether there is any truth in this story and why it might have been written at all.

Dec 27, 2023

Breaking temporal barriers: Zman-seq’s journey into cellular dynamics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

Scientists introduce Zman-seq, a method revolutionizing our understanding of dynamic cellular changes in the human body over time. Read more about this groundbreaking study.

In a recent study published in Cell, scientists led by Prof. Ido Amit at the Weizmann Institute of Science have introduced Zman-seq. This revolutionary method breaks through the temporal barriers of cellular analysis.

Continue reading “Breaking temporal barriers: Zman-seq’s journey into cellular dynamics” »

Dec 27, 2023

Japan lifts operational ban on world’s biggest nuclear plant

Posted by in category: nuclear energy

TOKYO, Dec 27 (Reuters) — Japan’s nuclear power regulator on Wednesday lifted an operational ban imposed on Tokyo Electric Power’s (9501.T) Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant two years ago, allowing it to work towards gaining local permission to restart.

Tepco has been eager to bring the world’s largest atomic power plant back online to slash operating costs, but a resumption still needs consent from the local governments of Niigata prefecture, Kashiwazaki city and Kariwa village, where it is located.

When that might happen is unknown.

Dec 27, 2023

Tesla Giga Shanghai to release 2024 Model Y refresh

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

Tesla Giga Shanghai plans to release 2024 Model Y refresh as competition heats up in China.

People familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that Gigafactory Shanghai is already preparing to produce the 2024 refresh Model Y. Mass production on the new Model Y is expected to start by mid-2024.

The new Model Y units will be produced in the new phase of Gigafactory Shanghai. Production in the second phase of Tesla China’s factory will be suspended during New Year’s for upgrades. More updates to the Model Y assembly line will be made after the holidays.

Dec 27, 2023

6 Exciting Space Missions Set to Launch in 2024

Posted by in categories: mapping, space

NASA has recently invested in a class of small, low-cost planetary missions called SIMPLEx, which stands for Small, Innovative Missions for PLanetary Exploration. These missions save costs by tagging along on other launches as what is called a rideshare, or secondary payload.

One example is the Lunar Trailblazer. Like VIPER, Lunar Trailblazer will look for water on the moon.

But while VIPER will land on the Moon’s surface, studying a specific area near the south pole in detail, Lunar Trailblazer will orbit the moon, measuring the temperature of the surface and mapping out the locations of water molecules across the globe.

Dec 27, 2023

I test AI for a living and these are the 5 most amazing AI tools of the year

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

This will go down as the year of AI.

Dec 27, 2023

Cholesterol-lowering Therapy may Hinder Aggressive Type of Colorectal Tumor

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Hard-to-detect colorectal pre-cancerous lesions known as serrated polyps, and the aggressive tumors that develop from them, depend heavily on the ramped-up production of cholesterol, according to a preclinical study from researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. The finding points to the possibility of using cholesterol-lowering drugs to prevent or treat such tumors.

In the study, published Oct. 13 in Nature Communications, the researchers analyzed mice that develop serrated polyps and tumors, detailing the chain of molecular events in these tissues that leads to increased cholesterol production.

They confirmed their findings in analyses of human serrated polyps and tumors, and showed in mouse models that replicate the human cancer that blocking cholesterol production prevented the progression of these types of intestinal tumors.